National Junk Food Day falls on July 21st each year, giving you the perfect excuse to indulge in all your favorite guilty pleasures guilt-free. From crispy fries to decadent chocolates, this day celebrates all things deliciously unhealthy. So mark your calendars and get ready to treat yourself on this delectable occasion!

national junk food day

When is National Junk Food Day?

Wondering when you can indulge guilt-free in all your favorite junk foods? Well, mark your calendars because National Junk Food Day falls on July 21st every year. It’s the perfect excuse to set aside your health-conscious habits for a day and immerse yourself in a world of deliciously sinful treats.

On this special day, you have the green light to munch on all the chips, candies, burgers, and ice cream your heart desires without feeling an ounce of remorse. Whether you’re a fan of salty snacks or have a sweet tooth that just won’t quit, National Junk Food Day is your chance to revel in the joy of indulgence.

History of National Junk Food Day

National Junk Food Day, celebrated on July 21st in the United States, emerged from the cultural landscape of modern American society, intertwining with the nation’s evolving relationship with food, indulgence, and leisure. Its origins can be traced back to the late 20th century, a period marked by the rise of convenience foods, fast-food culture, and an increasing emphasis on instant gratification.

The holiday’s genesis is somewhat obscure, lacking a clear-cut founder or institutional origin. However, its establishment reflects a broader societal fascination with indulgent, often unhealthy, snack foods. Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, the proliferation of processed snacks, sugary treats, and savory delights became emblematic of American consumer culture. Brands like Doritos, Twinkies, and Oreos became household names, synonymous with guilty pleasures and nostalgic cravings.

The cultural significance of National Junk Food Day lies in its celebration of these culinary guilty pleasures, serving as a day of unabashed indulgence and culinary nostalgia. It transcends socioeconomic boundaries, appealing to people from all walks of life who revel in the simple pleasure of indulging in their favorite guilty pleasures, whether it’s a bag of potato chips, a candy bar, or a slice of pizza.

Over the years, National Junk Food Day has evolved from a localized observance to a widely recognized event, thanks in part to the proliferation of social media and the internet, which have amplified its reach and visibility. Today, it is celebrated across the country, with individuals, communities, and businesses embracing the opportunity to indulge in their favorite junk foods guilt-free.


How to Celebrate National Junk Food Day

Ready to indulge in some guilty pleasures? Celebrate National Junk Food Day by treating yourself to your favorite snacks and sweets. Whether you’re an individual looking to enjoy a cheat day or a business wanting to offer special promotions, there are endless ways to join in on the fun!

How Individuals Can Celebrate National Junk Food Day

Looking to make the most of National Junk Food Day? Here are five fun ways to celebrate the occasion. Get ready to indulge in some delicious treats and enjoy a day dedicated to all things sweet and savory! Get inspired with these creative ideas for celebrating this tasty holiday.

  • Host a Junk Food Potluck: Invite friends and family to bring their favorite junk foods to share, creating a buffet of indulgent delights.
  • Create a DIY Junk Food Bar: Set up a station with various snack foods, toppings, and condiments, allowing guests to customize their ultimate junk food creations.
  • Organize a Junk Food Taste Test: Blindfold participants and have them taste different brands or varieties of a specific junk food item, guessing which is which for a playful competition.
  • Host a Movie Marathon with Junk Food Themes: Select a lineup of classic movies or TV shows featuring iconic junk food scenes, and indulge in matching snacks throughout the marathon.
  • Get Creative with Junk Food Crafts: Use candy, chips, and other snacks to create edible art or DIY crafts, like building structures or designing jewelry.

How Businesses Can Celebrate National Junk Food Day

As a business owner, you’re probably wondering how to make National Junk Food Day a hit for your company. Get ready to engage your employees and attract customers with these five innovative ways to celebrate the occasion. From themed promotions to office snack bars, you’ll find actionable strategies to infuse some fun and holiday spirit into your business operations.

  • Host a Junk Food Buffet for Employees: Treat your staff to a catered buffet featuring a variety of popular junk foods, creating a fun and indulgent atmosphere in the workplace.
  • Offer Special Discounts or Promotions: Create limited-time offers or discounts on popular junk food items, enticing customers to indulge in their favorite treats while boosting sales and foot traffic.
  • Collaborate with Local Food Trucks or Vendors: Partner with food trucks or local vendors specializing in junk food or comfort food, hosting a pop-up event outside your business to attract customers and generate buzz.
  • Launch a Social Media Contest: Encourage customers to share photos or videos of themselves enjoying their favorite junk foods, offering prizes or discounts for the most creative or indulgent posts.
  • Create Themed Menu Items or Specials: Develop unique menu items or specials inspired by classic junk food flavors, giving customers a new and exciting way to indulge in their favorite guilty pleasures.

Social Media Post Ideas for National Junk Food Day

Looking to spice up your social media feed for National Junk Food Day? Get ready for some mouthwatering content with these Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on National Junk Food Day and Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on National Junk Food Day. From sharing your favorite guilty pleasure snacks to hosting a virtual junk food party, there are plenty of creative ways to engage your audience and celebrate this delicious holiday!

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on National Junk Food Day

Ready to spice up your social media feed for National Junk Food Day? Here are five fun ways to engage your followers and celebrate all things indulgent. Get ready to make mouths water with enticing food photos, share your favorite junk food recipes, host a poll to find out everyone’s top guilty pleasure snack, run a giveaway for a chance to win a sweet treat, and don’t forget to use popular food hashtags to reach a wider audience!

  • Share Your Favorite Junk Food Memories: Post nostalgic stories or photos reminiscing about your favorite junk food experiences growing up, sparking conversation and connection with your followers.
  • Create a Poll for Top Junk Food Picks: Use interactive features like polls to engage your audience, asking them to vote on their favorite junk food snacks or treats.
  • Host a Junk Food Recipe Swap: Encourage followers to share their favorite junk food-inspired recipes, from homemade versions of classic snacks to creative twists on indulgent treats.
  • Participate in a Junk Food Challenge: Join or create a challenge where participants share photos or videos of themselves trying new or unusual junk food combinations, daring each other to indulge in the name of fun.
  • Give a Behind-the-Scenes Look: Take your followers behind the scenes of your National Junk Food Day celebrations, sharing glimpses of your favorite snacks, treats, and indulgent moments.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on National Junk Food Day

Looking to spice up your business’s social media presence on National Junk Food Day? Check out these 5 ways to create engaging and fun posts that will have your followers craving more. From sharing favorite junk food recipes to hosting a poll on the best guilty pleasure snack, there are plenty of creative ideas to showcase your brand’s personality and connect with your audience. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join in the tasty celebrations and boost your online engagement!

  • Host a Junk Food Giveaway: Run a social media contest where followers can enter to win a gift basket filled with popular junk food snacks, encouraging engagement and brand visibility.
  • Share Junk Food Facts and Trivia: Post interesting facts, trivia, or fun facts about junk food history, ingredients, or cultural significance, sparking curiosity and conversation among your audience.
  • Create Mouthwatering Visual Content: Share high-quality photos or videos of your most indulgent junk food offerings, enticing followers with delicious visuals that showcase your products in their best light.
  • Offer Exclusive Social Media Discounts: Provide special discount codes or promotions exclusively for your social media followers, giving them extra incentive to indulge in your offerings on National Junk Food Day.
  • Partner with Influencers or Food Bloggers: Collaborate with influencers or food bloggers in your niche to create sponsored content or reviews featuring your junk food products, reaching new audiences and generating buzz around your brand.

Want to create social media content 10X faster? Start your free 7-day trial of the Social Media Content Club and say goodbye to social media stress.

Hashtags to Use During National Junk Food Day

You’re ready to spice up your social media posts for National Junk Food Day! Get inspired by using these catchy hashtags to engage your audience and showcase your love for all things indulgent. From #TreatYoSelf to #SnackAttack, these hashtags will add a fun and festive touch to your online celebrations.

  • #SnackAttack
  • #TreatYoSelf
  • #IndulgeInJunk
  • #CravingCraze
  • #MunchiesMadness
  • #JunkFoodFrenzy
  • #SatisfyYourCravings
  • #GuiltyPleasures
  • #ChipsAndDipsDay
  • #SweetToothSatisfied

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in July, visit

Let’s explore some exciting holidays related to National Junk Food Day! From National French Fry Day to International Chocolate Day, these celebrations offer more delicious reasons to indulge in your favorite treats. Keep an eye out for National Ice Cream Day and International Hamburger Day as well, for even more tasty festivities to enjoy throughout the year.

  • International Chocolate Day: Celebrated on September 13th, this holiday honors the beloved cocoa bean in all its delicious forms, from bars to truffles.
  • National Pizza Day: Observed on February 9th, this holiday pays homage to one of the world’s favorite comfort foods, with celebrations often featuring pizza-themed events and promotions.
  • National Ice Cream Day: Held on the third Sunday of July, this holiday delights ice cream lovers with special deals and events celebrating the creamy treat.
  • International Hamburger Day: Celebrated on May 28th, this holiday honors the iconic hamburger, with enthusiasts enjoying everything from classic cheeseburgers to gourmet creations.
  • National Potato Chip Day: Held on March 14th, this holiday celebrates the crispy, salty snack that has become a staple of snack time around the world.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for National Junk Food Day

Looking ahead, let’s plan for future National Junk Food Day celebrations. You can mark your calendars and start preparing for the fun food festivities in the coming years. Get ready to indulge in delicious treats on the specific dates mentioned in the table below!

2024July 21stSunday
2025July 21stMonday
2026July 21stTuesday
2027July 21stWednesday
2028July 21stFriday
2029July 21stSaturday

Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering about some common queries related to National Junk Food Day? Here are a few FAQs that can help clear things up for you. Check out the following questions and answers to get a better understanding of this fun and delicious holiday.

What is National Junk Food Day?

National Junk Food Day, celebrated on July 21st, is a fun holiday dedicated to indulging in your favorite guilty pleasures, from chips and candy to fast food favorites.

How did National Junk Food Day originate?

The exact origins of National Junk Food Day are unclear, but it likely emerged from the cultural fascination with indulgent snack foods in modern American society.

Why celebrate National Junk Food Day?

National Junk Food Day provides an opportunity to indulge in nostalgic treats, bond with friends and family over shared culinary pleasures, and embrace the joy of guilty indulgence without judgment.


In summary, National Junk Food Day celebrates the joy of indulgence, nostalgia, and culinary guilty pleasures in modern American culture. From its humble origins to its widespread recognition today, this holiday embodies our collective fascination with snack foods and the simple pleasures they bring. Whether you’re hosting a potluck with friends, indulging in a DIY junk food bar, or simply sharing your favorite treats on social media, National Junk Food Day offers a chance to savor the flavors of our favorite guilty pleasures and create lasting memories. So why not join in the celebration? Indulge your cravings, embrace the nostalgia, and explore the world of junk food with gusto on July 21st and beyond!

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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