NATIONAL S’MORES DAY – August 10, 2024

National S’mores Day falls on August 10th every year, giving you a perfect excuse to indulge in this delicious campfire treat. This day celebrates the gooey goodness of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, making it a fun occasion to connect with your customers and boost your business. So, get ready to ignite some sweet memories and tasty sales on National S’mores Day!

national s’mores day

When is National S’mores Day?

Wondering when you can indulge in the gooey goodness of s’mores on National S’mores Day? Well, mark your calendars because National S’mores Day falls on August 10th every year. It’s the perfect excuse to gather around a campfire, or even a backyard fire pit, and enjoy the classic combination of toasted marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers.

Whether you’re a fan of the traditional s’more or like to get creative with different chocolate flavors or cookie variations, National S’mores Day is all about celebrating this beloved treat. It’s a day to embrace the sticky fingers and the satisfying crunch of that first bite into a freshly made s’more.

So, on August 10th, make sure you have all your s’more ingredients ready to go. Whether you’re planning a camping trip with friends, a cozy night in with family, or a backyard BBQ, s’mores are a must-have addition to your day. And don’t forget to share the joy of s’mores with others – it’s a treat that always brings smiles and good times.

Now that you know when National S’mores Day is, get ready to enjoy a day filled with sweetness, nostalgia, and the simple pleasure of a well-made s’more.

History of National S’mores Day

National S’mores Day is celebrated annually on August 10th, honoring a beloved campfire treat that has become a quintessential part of American culture. The term “s’more” is a contraction of “some more,” and it perfectly captures the irresistible nature of this dessert, typically made by sandwiching roasted marshmallows and a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers.

The exact origins of the s’more are somewhat murky, but the first recorded recipe can be found in the 1927 publication “Tramping and Trailing with the Girl Scouts.” This guidebook for camping and outdoor activities includes a recipe for “Some More,” indicating that the treat was already popular among Girl Scouts at the time. The recipe’s inclusion in this guide suggests that s’mores were enjoyed by young campers and their leaders, spreading the dessert’s popularity across the United States through the Girl Scout movement.

National S’mores Day was likely established to celebrate the enduring popularity of this treat and to provide a fun, family-friendly event during the summer. Although the precise origins of National S’mores Day are not well-documented, the day has been promoted and celebrated by various food companies, camping organizations, and families nationwide. The date of August 10th was likely chosen to coincide with the height of the summer camping season, when s’mores are most commonly enjoyed around a campfire.

While there are no specific key figures directly associated with the establishment of National S’mores Day, the Girl Scouts of the USA play a crucial role in the history and popularization of the s’more. The organization’s 1927 recipe helped cement the s’more as a staple of American camping culture.


How to Celebrate National S’mores Day

Looking to celebrate National S’mores Day? You can enjoy this sweet treat at a backyard bonfire or even try out some creative s’mores recipes. If you’re a business owner, consider hosting a s’mores-themed event or offering special s’mores treats to your customers as a fun way to join in on the celebration.

How Individuals Can Celebrate National S’mores Day

Looking to celebrate National S’mores Day? Here are five fun ways to make the most of the occasion. Get ready to spice up your day with exciting s’mores-themed activities!

  • Host a S’mores Bar Party: Set up a DIY s’mores station with various types of chocolate, flavored marshmallows, and different kinds of crackers or cookies for a fun and interactive party experience.
  • Create Gourmet S’mores: Experiment with gourmet ingredients such as artisanal chocolates, specialty marshmallows, and homemade graham crackers to elevate the traditional s’mores recipe.
  • Organize a Virtual S’mores-Making Session: Connect with friends and family via video chat to make s’mores together, sharing the experience and enjoying each other’s company even from a distance.
  • Plan a S’mores-Themed Movie Night: Combine the joy of making s’mores with a cozy movie night, featuring films that evoke nostalgia and outdoor adventure, perfect for a relaxing evening.
  • Participate in a Community S’mores Event: Check local listings for community events celebrating National S’mores Day, such as park gatherings or campground activities, to join others in the festivities.

How Businesses Can Celebrate National S’mores Day

Looking to make your business stand out on National S’mores Day? Get ready to spice things up with these five innovative ways to celebrate. Engage your employees, attract customers, and infuse your operations with the holiday spirit by following these actionable strategies. It’s time to get creative and showcase your love for s’mores in a way that will leave a lasting impression on everyone!

  • Host a S’mores-Themed Employee Event: Organize a s’mores-making event at the workplace, providing all the ingredients and setting up a safe roasting station. This can serve as a fun team-building activity and boost employee morale.
  • Offer S’mores Specials: Create special s’mores-themed products or menu items for the day. For example, a bakery could sell s’mores cupcakes or a coffee shop could feature a s’mores-flavored latte.
  • Launch a Social Media Campaign: Engage customers with a s’mores-themed social media contest or giveaway. Encourage them to share their best s’mores creations using a specific hashtag for a chance to win a prize.
  • Collaborate with Local Businesses: Partner with other local businesses to create a s’mores-themed event or promotion. For example, a local chocolate shop could provide chocolate, while a bakery supplies graham crackers and marshmallows.
  • Organize a Charity Event: Host a s’mores-making event with proceeds going to a local charity. This not only celebrates the day but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to community involvement and social responsibility.

Social Media Post Ideas for National S’mores Day

Want to spice up your social media feed for National S’mores Day? Here are some creative post ideas for both individuals and businesses to celebrate this delicious holiday in style. Get ready to engage your audience with mouth-watering photos, nostalgic campfire stories, and interactive polls that will leave everyone craving s’more!

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on National S’mores Day

When celebrating National S’mores Day, you can elevate your social media game with engaging posts. Share your favorite s’mores recipe for a delicious twist. Encourage followers to share their s’mores creations for a fun and interactive experience.

  • Share Personal S’mores Creations: Post photos or videos of your unique s’mores recipes, showcasing creative combinations and inviting followers to share their own variations.
  • Host a S’mores Challenge: Create a challenge for your followers to make the most inventive or delicious s’mores. Encourage them to post their entries with a specific hashtag and offer a small prize for the best creation.
  • Post a S’mores Tutorial: Share a step-by-step tutorial on how to make the perfect s’more, including tips on marshmallow roasting and suggestions for ingredient variations.
  • Highlight S’mores Memories: Post nostalgic photos or stories about past s’mores-making experiences, whether from childhood camping trips or recent gatherings, and ask followers to share their favorite s’mores memories.
  • Promote S’mores-Themed Events: Use your social media platforms to promote any local or virtual s’mores-related events happening on National S’mores Day, encouraging your followers to participate and spread the word.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on National S’mores Day

Looking to spice up your business’s social media presence on National S’mores Day? Here are five creative ideas to engage your audience and celebrate the occasion in a fun and memorable way. From sharing mouth-watering s’mores recipes to hosting a virtual campfire event, these suggestions will help you connect with your customers and showcase your brand’s personality. Get ready to ignite excitement and boost your online engagement with these innovative social media post ideas!

  • S’mores Recipe Contest: Encourage followers to share their unique s’mores recipes for a chance to win a prize.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Show behind-the-scenes footage of your team making and enjoying s’mores.
  • S’mores Trivia: Engage followers with fun s’mores trivia questions throughout the day.
  • User-Generated Content: Share customer photos enjoying s’mores and tag them.
  • Limited-Time Offer: Create a special discount code for s’mores-related products.

Want to create social media content 10X faster? Start your free 7-day trial of the Social Media Content Club and say goodbye to social media stress.

Hashtags to Use During National S’mores Day

You can enhance your social media posts for National S’mores Day by incorporating catchy hashtags. These tags can help your content reach a wider audience and create engagement. Get ready to spark interest and excitement with these suggested hashtags!

  • #NationalSmoresDay
  • #Smores
  • #SmoresDay
  • #CampfireTreats
  • #SmoresLove
  • #SmoresCreations
  • #SmoresRecipes
  • #SmoresChallenge
  • #SummerTreats
  • #SmoresMemories

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in August, visit

You know, it’s not just about National S’mores Day – there are other holidays that can add some sweetness to your calendar too. From National Ice Cream Day to National Chocolate Day, there are plenty of delicious celebrations to indulge in. So, why limit the fun to just one day?

  • National Chocolate Day: Celebrated on October 28th, this holiday honors the versatile and beloved treat, celebrating all things chocolate and encouraging indulgence in various chocolate delights.
  • National Graham Cracker Day: Observed on July 5th, this day pays homage to the key ingredient in s’mores, highlighting the history and versatility of graham crackers in various recipes.
  • National Marshmallow Day: Celebrated on August 30th, this holiday recognizes the fluffy confection that is a staple in s’mores, encouraging people to enjoy marshmallows in various forms and recipes.
  • National Camping Day: Observed on June 29th, this day celebrates the joy of camping and outdoor adventures, activities closely associated with making and enjoying s’mores by the campfire.
  • National Dessert Day: Celebrated on October 14th, this holiday encourages people to indulge in their favorite desserts, including s’mores, and explore new sweet treats.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for National S’mores Day

Let’s look ahead to the future dates for National S’mores Day! You can plan your celebrations with a handy table showcasing the dates from 2024 onwards. This table will include the year, month, day, and day of the week for each National S’mores Day moving forward.

2024August 10Saturday
2025August 10Sunday
2026August 10Monday
2027August 10Tuesday
2028August 10Thursday
2029August 10Friday

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about National S’mores Day? Here are some common questions and their answers to help you understand this sweet celebration better. Check out the following FAQs for insights into making the most of this delicious holiday!

What are some creative ways to incorporate s’mores into my business celebration?

Consider hosting a s’mores-making station for customers, creating a special s’mores-inspired menu item, or even organizing a s’mores-themed contest or giveaway.

How can I promote my National S’mores Day event to attract more customers?

Utilize social media platforms to create buzz, collaborate with influencers for wider reach, and consider partnering with local businesses for cross-promotion.

Are there any fun facts or trivia about s’mores that I can share with my customers on National S’mores Day?

Share the history of s’mores, interesting variations of the classic treat, or even host a trivia game with s’mores-related questions to engage and entertain your customers.


National S’mores Day, celebrated on August 10th, pays tribute to the delightful campfire treat that has woven itself into the fabric of American culture. From its origins in the Girl Scouts’ 1927 guidebook to its widespread celebration today, s’mores symbolize the joys of outdoor living and the warmth of communal gatherings. Whether through hosting s’mores-themed parties, creating gourmet variations, or engaging in social media challenges, individuals and businesses alike can embrace this holiday to foster connections and create lasting memories. As we honor the simple yet profound pleasure of s’mores, we are reminded of the enduring power of shared experiences. Celebrate National S’mores Day by indulging in creative s’mores recipes, participating in local events, or reminiscing about your favorite s’mores moments, and continue to explore the rich traditions and evolving significance of this beloved holiday.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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