International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8 every year. This special day is dedicated to honoring our feline friends and raising awareness about cat welfare. Let’s explore some fun ways to celebrate International Cat Day and show our furry companions some extra love!

international cat day

When is International Cat Day?

Wondering when to awaken your inner feline fanatic and celebrate our beloved furry friends worldwide? International Cat Day falls on August 8th every year, marking a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating the quirky, graceful, and sometimes aloof companions that bring joy to our lives. This special day provides a purr-fect opportunity to shower your whiskered pals with extra love, treats, and perhaps a new toy or two.

Whether you’re a seasoned cat enthusiast or a newbie to the world of cat adoration, International Cat Day is a chance to join a global community in celebrating these mysterious and delightful creatures. From playful kittens to wise old cats, each one brings a unique charm and personality that captures our hearts and keeps us entertained with their antics.

History of International Cat Day

International Cat Day, observed annually on August 8th, celebrates one of humanity’s oldest and most beloved animal companions: the cat. The origins of this feline-focused holiday are somewhat elusive, but its emergence can be attributed to the global fascination and admiration for cats throughout history. Cats have been revered and revered in various cultures worldwide, often associated with traits such as mystery, independence, and grace. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred and were worshipped as embodiments of the goddess Bastet, protector of home and family. Their presence was believed to bring good fortune and protection from evil spirits. Over time, cats became symbolically linked to concepts of luck, wisdom, and guardianship in many societies.

The establishment of International Cat Day reflects a modern resurgence of interest in celebrating cats and promoting their welfare. With the rise of social media and digital culture, cats have become internet sensations, captivating audiences with their antics, personalities, and photogenic appeal. International Cat Day serves as a platform for cat lovers worldwide to share their adoration for felines, raise awareness about cat-related issues, and advocate for the welfare of stray and abandoned cats.

The symbolism of cats in folklore and mythology continues to resonate in contemporary culture, influencing art, literature, and popular media. From the enigmatic allure of literary cats like Lewis Carroll’s Cheshire Cat to the iconic stature of cultural icons such as Hello Kitty, cats hold a special place in our collective imagination. On International Cat Day, people celebrate their furry companions by pampering them with treats, toys, and affectionate gestures. Social media platforms are flooded with adorable cat photos, videos, and memes, showcasing the playful and endearing nature of these beloved pets.


How to Celebrate International Cat Day

Want to make the most of International Cat Day? For individuals, consider pampering your feline friend with extra treats and playtime. Businesses can join the celebration by hosting cat-themed promotions or donating to local animal shelters.

How Individuals Can Celebrate International Cat Day

Get ready to make this International Cat Day unforgettable! Celebrate by organizing a cat-themed movie night with friends, or perhaps create a DIY cat toy for your feline friend. You can also visit a local animal shelter and spend some quality time with the cats waiting for their forever homes.

  • Host a Cat Costume Contest: Invite fellow cat enthusiasts to dress up their feline friends in creative costumes and share photos or videos on social media. Award prizes for the most creative, funniest, or cutest costumes, encouraging participation and community engagement.
  • Create a DIY Cat Toy Workshop: Organize a workshop to make homemade cat toys using simple materials like cardboard, feathers, and bells. Share tutorials and tips for crafting interactive toys that stimulate cats’ natural instincts and provide hours of entertainment.
  • Support a Local Cat Rescue or Shelter: Donate supplies, volunteer your time, or foster a cat in need from a local rescue or shelter. Participate in adoption events or fundraisers, raising awareness about the importance of pet adoption and responsible ownership.
  • Organize a Virtual Cat Film Festival: Host a virtual film festival showcasing cat-themed movies, short films, and documentaries. Invite friends and family to join online screenings, share their favorite cat-related stories, and vote for their top picks.
  • Create a Cat-themed Art Exhibition: Showcase your artistic talents or collaborate with local artists to create an exhibition featuring cat-inspired artwork, paintings, sculptures, or photographs. Host an opening reception or online gallery to share your love for cats with the community.

How Businesses Can Celebrate International Cat Day

Want to make International Cat Day a hit at your business? Get ready to paws for a moment and check out these five innovative ways to celebrate. From hosting a feline-themed contest to creating special cat-inspired products, there are plenty of purrfect ideas to engage your team and customers this International Cat Day!

  • Feline-Friendly Office Day: Allow employees to bring their cats to work for a special “Feline-Friendly Office Day,” creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere while promoting employee well-being and productivity.
  • Cat-themed Product Launch: Introduce a limited-edition line of cat-themed products or merchandise, such as cat-shaped office supplies, cat-inspired fashion accessories, or cat-themed snacks, to attract customers and generate excitement around International Cat Day.
  • Virtual Cat Adoption Event: Partner with local animal shelters or rescue organizations to host a virtual cat adoption event, featuring profiles and videos of adoptable cats on your company’s website or social media platforms. Encourage employees and customers to participate by sharing adoption success stories and donating to support shelter efforts.
  • Cat Café Pop-Up: Collaborate with a local cat café or pet-friendly venue to host a “Cat Café Pop-Up” at your business location, offering customers the opportunity to enjoy coffee or snacks while interacting with adoptable cats. This unique experience can attract foot traffic, increase customer engagement, and support cat adoption efforts.
  • Cat Photo Contest: Launch a cat photo contest on social media, inviting customers and followers to share photos of their cats using a specific hashtag. Offer prizes for the most creative, adorable, or humorous cat photos, encouraging participation and building community around the love of cats.

Social Media Post Ideas for International Cat Day

Looking for some fun ways to celebrate International Cat Day on social media? Here are some creative post ideas for both individuals and businesses to share their love for felines! Get ready to pounce on these purrfect suggestions to engage with your audience and spread the meowgical vibes on this special day. Let’s make this International Cat Day a paw-some celebration online!

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on International Cat Day

Want to show your love for cats on International Cat Day? Here are five simple ways to create engaging social media posts to celebrate these furry friends. From sharing cute cat memes to showcasing your own cat’s photos, these ideas will surely make your feed purr-fectly delightful. Get ready to spread the feline love and capture the hearts of cat enthusiasts everywhere!

  • Share Cat Adoption Stories: Post stories or photos of cats that have been adopted from shelters or rescue organizations, highlighting the importance of pet adoption and encouraging others to consider adopting a cat.
  • Create a Cat Photo Collage: Compile a collage of your favorite cat photos, showcasing the unique personalities and antics of your feline companions. Share it on social media with a heartfelt caption expressing your love for cats.
  • Support Cat Welfare Organizations: Share posts from cat welfare organizations or shelters, raising awareness about their work and encouraging followers to donate, volunteer, or adopt a cat in need.
  • Share Educational Content: Post informative content about cat care, behavior, and health tips to educate and empower fellow cat owners. Topics could include grooming techniques, nutrition advice, or common cat myths debunked.
  • Host a Virtual Cat Q&A Session: Organize a live Q&A session on social media where followers can ask questions about cats, from behavior problems to grooming tips. Share your knowledge and expertise as a cat owner or invite a guest expert to participate.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on International Cat Day

Are you looking for ways to engage with your audience on International Cat Day? Consider these 5 creative social media post ideas tailored for businesses. From sharing behind-the-scenes cat photos to running cat-themed contests, these strategies can help boost your online presence and connect with your followers. Don’t forget to add a touch of humor and charm to make your posts stand out!

  • Share Funny Cat Memes: Entertain your followers with hilarious cat memes.
  • Run a Cat Photo Contest: Encourage users to share adorable cat pictures for a chance to win.
  • Highlight Cat Adoption Stories: Promote cat adoption by sharing heartwarming success stories.
  • Offer Cat-Themed Discounts: Create special discounts on cat-related products.
  • Host a Virtual Cat Costume Contest: Engage your audience with a fun costume contest for cats.

Want to create social media content 10X faster? Start your free 7-day trial of the Social Media Content Club and say goodbye to social media stress.

Hashtags to Use During International Cat Day

When celebrating International Cat Day on social media, don’t forget to use catchy hashtags to engage your audience! Here are some purrfect examples to get you started:

  • #MeowMonday
  • #FelineFrenzy
  • #PawsAndRelax
  • #WhiskerWednesday
  • #CaturdayVibes
  • #KittyLove
  • #CatNapTime
  • #PurrfectDay
  • #CatsofInstagram
  • #InternationalCatDay

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in August, visit

You’re in for a treat as we uncover other holidays related to International Cat Day. From the quirky celebration of Hug Your Cat Day to the purrfect excuse to spoil your feline friend on National Cat Day, these holidays are sure to bring a smile to your face. Get ready to mark your calendar with these fun and adorable celebrations!

  1. World Animal Day: Celebrated on October 4th, this global event honors all animals and aims to raise awareness about animal welfare.
  2. National Black Cat Appreciation Day: Observed on August 17th, this day celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of black cats, dispelling myths and promoting their adoption.
  3. National Pet Day: Held on April 11th, this holiday recognizes the joy and companionship pets bring to our lives and encourages responsible pet ownership.
  4. National Hug Your Cat Day: Taking place on June 4th, this day encourages cat owners to show their furry friends some extra love and affection through cuddles and snuggles.
  5. National Siamese Cat Day: Celebrated on April 6th, this day honors the elegant and affectionate breed of Siamese cats, highlighting their charm and intelligence.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for International Cat Day

In the upcoming years, you can mark your calendar for International Cat Day celebrations. Keep in mind the future dates to make sure you don’t miss the purr-fect opportunity to honor our feline friends. Stay tuned for a table outlining the dates from 2024 onwards.

2024August 8thThursday
2025August 8thFriday
2026August 8thSaturday
2027August 8thSunday
2028August 8thTuesday
2029August 8thWednesday

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about International Cat Day? Here are some common questions and answers to help you navigate the feline festivities. Let’s clear up any uncertainties you might have about this purrfect holiday.

What is International Cat Day?

International Cat Day is an annual celebration held on August 8th to honor and raise awareness about the welfare and well-being of cats worldwide. It provides an opportunity for cat lovers to celebrate their feline companions and advocate for issues affecting cats, such as adoption, spaying/neutering, and responsible ownership.

Why do we celebrate International Cat Day?

International Cat Day is celebrated to promote awareness about the needs and rights of cats, including their health, welfare, and protection from harm. It serves as a reminder to appreciate and care for our feline friends, as well as to advocate for their well-being in society.

How can individuals participate in International Cat Day?

Individuals can participate in International Cat Day by spending quality time with their cats, sharing photos and stories on social media using the hashtag #InternationalCatDay, supporting local animal shelters or rescue organizations, and educating others about responsible cat ownership and welfare.


In conclusion, International Cat Day serves as a poignant reminder of the bond between humans and cats, while also highlighting the importance of promoting the welfare and well-being of these beloved animals. Through advocacy, education, and responsible pet ownership, we can ensure that cats receive the love, care, and respect they deserve. As we celebrate International Cat Day, let us not only cherish our furry companions but also take action to protect and support cats in need, fostering a world where all cats can thrive. Whether through volunteering at shelters, adopting a cat, or spreading awareness on social media, each of us has the power to make a positive difference in the lives of cats everywhere.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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