National Blueberry Month is celebrated throughout the entire month of July. It’s a perfect time to explore the various ways you can incorporate blueberries into your business promotions and offerings. Let’s discover some featured ideas and create a table of exciting possibilities to make the most out of this berry-licious month!

national blueberry month

When is National Blueberry Month?

Mark your calendars because it’s time to indulge in all things blueberry during this special month! National Blueberry Month is celebrated throughout July, making it the perfect time to savor the sweet and tangy goodness of this beloved fruit. Whether you enjoy them fresh, baked into pies, blended into smoothies, or sprinkled on top of pancakes, there are endless ways to incorporate blueberries into your daily menu.

This month is not just about enjoying the delicious taste of blueberries but also about celebrating their health benefits. Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, making them a superfood that can boost your overall well-being. So, why not take this opportunity to add a handful of blueberries to your breakfast bowl or snack on them throughout the day for a nutritious treat?

National Blueberry Month is also a great time to support local farmers and businesses that grow and sell these little blue gems. Visit farmers’ markets, pick-your-own farms, or local grocery stores to stock up on fresh blueberries and show your appreciation for those who work hard to bring these fruits to your table.

History of National Blueberry Month

National Blueberry Month, observed in July, has deep roots in both American history and culture. Blueberries, native to North America, have been an essential part of indigenous diets for centuries, valued for their nutritional benefits and versatility. Early European settlers learned about blueberries from Native American tribes, incorporating them into their own culinary traditions and medicinal practices.

The establishment of National Blueberry Month can be traced back to the efforts of blueberry growers, advocates, and industry organizations to promote the fruit’s economic and nutritional importance. Recognizing the abundance of blueberries during the summer months and their growing popularity among consumers, these groups lobbied for the designation of July as National Blueberry Month to raise awareness about the fruit and boost sales.

Symbolically, blueberries have come to represent more than just a nutritious snack—they embody the spirit of summer, vitality, and abundance. In folklore and cultural traditions, blueberries have been associated with themes of health, prosperity, and even mystical properties. Some Native American tribes believed that blueberries had healing powers, while others viewed them as a symbol of renewal and harmony with nature.

Today, National Blueberry Month is celebrated across the United States with various events, promotions, and activities highlighting the versatility and culinary appeal of blueberries. From blueberry festivals and farmers’ markets to blueberry-themed recipes and products, the month of July offers a chance to indulge in and appreciate the natural bounty of this beloved fruit.


How to Celebrate National Blueberry Month

Get ready to celebrate National Blueberry Month in style! As an individual, you can whip up some delicious blueberry recipes like pancakes or muffins to enjoy the sweet and tangy flavors of this berry. If you’re a business owner, consider hosting a blueberry-themed event or offering special blueberry promotions to engage your customers in the festivities.

How Individuals Can Celebrate National Blueberry Month

Get ready to infuse some blueberry fun into your life! Celebrate National Blueberry Month with these five creative ideas. From baking delicious blueberry treats to going on a blueberry picking adventure, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this berry-filled month.

  • Blueberry Picking Excursion: Visit a local blueberry farm or orchard for a day of blueberry picking, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine while filling baskets with ripe, plump berries straight from the bush.
  • Blueberry Recipe Exchange: Host a blueberry recipe exchange with friends or family, where everyone shares their favorite blueberry recipes, from classic blueberry pie to innovative dishes like blueberry salsa or blueberry barbecue sauce.
  • Blueberry Baking Challenge: Challenge yourself to a blueberry baking challenge, attempting to bake a different blueberry-themed dessert each week of the month, such as blueberry muffins, blueberry cheesecake, or blueberry crumble bars.
  • Blueberry Art and Craft Day: Get creative with a blueberry-themed art and craft day, making homemade blueberry jam, painting blueberry-inspired artwork, or crafting blueberry-scented candles or bath products.
  • Blueberry Picnic Adventure: Pack a picnic basket with blueberry-infused snacks and treats, such as blueberry lemonade, blueberry chicken salad sandwiches, and blueberry hand pies, and head to a scenic outdoor spot for a blueberry-themed picnic adventure.

How Businesses Can Celebrate National Blueberry Month

Businesses can celebrate National Blueberry Month in fun and creative ways. Engage your employees and attract customers by implementing innovative strategies. Showcase the holiday spirit in your operations to create a memorable experience for everyone involved.

  • Blueberry Recipe Contest: Organize a blueberry recipe contest among employees or customers, inviting participants to submit their original blueberry recipes for a chance to win prizes or recognition, fostering creativity and camaraderie within the community.
  • Blueberry-Themed Menu Specials: Introduce blueberry-themed menu specials or promotions at your business, featuring innovative dishes and beverages made with fresh blueberries, such as blueberry-infused cocktails, salads with blueberry vinaigrette, or blueberry cheesecake desserts, enticing customers to try something new and exciting.
  • Blueberry Farm Tour and Tasting Events: Partner with local blueberry farms or suppliers to organize farm tours and tasting events at your business location, allowing customers to learn about the blueberry-growing process, sample different blueberry varieties, and purchase fresh blueberries directly from the source, while building connections with local farmers and supporting the community.
  • Blueberry Cooking Classes: Host blueberry-themed cooking classes or workshops at your business, led by professional chefs or culinary experts, where participants can learn how to incorporate blueberries into a variety of dishes and desserts, from savory to sweet, and gain inspiration for using blueberries in their own cooking at home, providing a unique and educational experience for customers.
  • Blueberry Wellness Challenges: Launch blueberry-themed wellness challenges or initiatives for employees or customers, encouraging them to incorporate more blueberries into their diets as part of a healthy lifestyle, offering incentives or rewards for participation and engagement, and promoting the nutritional benefits of blueberries, such as their antioxidant properties and potential health benefits.

Social Media Post Ideas for National Blueberry Month

You can start planning your National Blueberry Month social media posts with these creative ideas. Whether you’re an individual looking to share your love for blueberries or a business aiming to promote blueberry-themed products, there’s a post idea for everyone. Get ready to engage your audience and celebrate this delicious month in style.

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on National Blueberry Month

You can engage your audience effectively during National Blueberry Month by utilizing creative social media posts. Consider sharing blueberry recipes, fun facts about blueberries, or hosting a blueberry-themed giveaway to keep your followers excited. Show your love for this delicious fruit by showcasing how versatile and nutritious blueberries can be in various posts.

  • Blueberry Recipe Showcase: Share your favorite blueberry recipes on social media, featuring mouth-watering photos and step-by-step instructions to inspire your followers.
  • Blueberry Farm Visit Highlights: Document your visit to a local blueberry farm on social media, sharing photos and videos of the scenic surroundings, the picking process, and your haul of fresh blueberries.
  • Blueberry Health Benefits Infographics: Create and share infographics or posts highlighting the health benefits of blueberries, such as their high antioxidant content, potential role in heart health, and benefits for brain function and memory.
  • Blueberry-themed Polls and Quizzes: Engage your followers with blueberry-themed polls, quizzes, or trivia questions on social media, inviting them to test their knowledge of blueberries and share their favorite ways to enjoy this nutritious fruit.
  • Blueberry Giveaway or Contest: Host a blueberry-themed giveaway or contest on social media, offering prizes such as gift cards, blueberry-themed merchandise, or a basket of fresh blueberries to participants who engage with your posts by sharing their own blueberry-related stories or photos.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on National Blueberry Month

When celebrating National Blueberry Month, consider using social media to boost your business. Engage with your audience by sharing fun blueberry recipes, hosting a blueberry-themed giveaway, or highlighting the health benefits of blueberries. Show your creativity by featuring blueberry-inspired products or services in your posts.

  • Blueberry Recipe of the Day: Share a daily blueberry recipe on your social media channels throughout National Blueberry Month, featuring creative and enticing dishes that incorporate fresh blueberries, engaging your audience with culinary inspiration.
  • Blueberry Farm Spotlight: Highlight a different local blueberry farm or supplier each week on your social media platforms, showcasing their operations, sustainability practices, and the quality of their blueberry products, fostering community connections and supporting local businesses.
  • Blueberry Health and Nutrition Tips: Educate your followers about the health benefits of blueberries through informative posts and infographics, discussing topics such as antioxidant properties, nutritional value, and potential health advantages, positioning your business as a trusted source of wellness information.
  • Blueberry-themed Giveaways or Contests: Host blueberry-themed giveaways or contests on social media, encouraging followers to participate by sharing their favorite blueberry recipes, photos of blueberry-inspired creations, or stories about memorable blueberry experiences, while generating excitement and engagement around your brand.
  • Blueberry Specials and Promotions: Announce special promotions or discounts on blueberry-related products or menu items exclusively for National Blueberry Month, enticing customers to visit your business and indulge in the seasonal flavors of fresh blueberries, driving sales and increasing brand visibility.

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Hashtags to Use During National Blueberry Month

You’re gearing up to dominate social media during National Blueberry Month, and what better way to boost your engagement than with some killer hashtags? Get ready to elevate your posts with a curated list of about 10 impactful hashtags that will make your content pop. Stay tuned for some creative and catchy ideas to make your blueberry-themed posts stand out this July!

  • #BerryliciousJuly
  • #BlueberryBliss
  • #BerrySweetSummer
  • #BlueberryFever
  • #BerryGoodness
  • #BlueberryBounty
  • #BerryliciousTreats
  • #BlueberryMania
  • #BerryJoyfulJuly
  • #BlueberryMagic

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in July, visit

You’ll be thrilled to discover a range of exciting holidays that tie in with National Blueberry Month! From International Picnic Day to National Cheesecake Day, there’s a celebration for everyone. Get ready to explore these fun and tasty occasions that perfectly complement the blueberry festivities.

  • Blueberry Day: Celebrated on July 10th, this day is dedicated to the love of all things blueberry. Indulge in blueberry treats and share your favorite recipes with friends and family.
  • Blueberry Pie Day: On April 28th, it’s time to honor the classic blueberry pie. Whether you bake it yourself or grab a slice from your favorite bakery, this day is all about savoring the sweet taste of blueberries in a flaky crust.
  • Blueberry Pancake Day: February 21st marks the perfect excuse to enjoy a stack of fluffy blueberry pancakes for breakfast, brunch, or even dinner. Get flipping and top them off with fresh blueberries and maple syrup.
  • Blueberry Muffin Day: Celebrated on July 11th, this day is dedicated to the delicious blueberry muffin. Treat yourself to this breakfast favorite or surprise your coworkers with a batch to share.
  • Blueberry Smoothie Day: Whip up a invigorating blueberry smoothie on August 3rd. Blend together blueberries, yogurt, and your favorite fruits for a healthy and tasty treat.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for National Blueberry Month

You can plan ahead for National Blueberry Month celebrations by checking out the future dates for this berry-filled occasion. Explore the table provided to mark your calendar with upcoming years, months, and days designated for honoring blueberries. Keep these dates in mind to make sure you don’t miss out on the chance to showcase blueberries in your business promotions.

2024July 1Monday
2025July 1Tuesday
2026July 1Wednesday
2027July 1Thursday
2028July 1Saturday
2029July 1Sunday

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about National Blueberry Month? Here are some common questions you might have about this berry-filled celebration. Get ready to learn more about this juicy topic!

Why is National Blueberry Month celebrated in July? 

Blueberries are typically in peak season during July, making it the perfect time to celebrate their abundance and deliciousness.

How can I incorporate blueberries into my business during this month? 

Consider offering blueberry-themed products, hosting blueberry-themed events, or partnering with local blueberry farms for promotions.

Are there any health benefits associated with consuming blueberries? 

Yes, blueberries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, known to promote heart health, improve brain function, and boost overall well-being.


National Blueberry Month serves as a tribute to the rich history, cultural significance, and culinary versatility of blueberries. As we celebrate this annual observance in July, it’s an opportunity to embrace the abundance of fresh, nutritious blueberries available and explore the many ways they can enhance our meals and enrich our lives. Whether it’s picking blueberries at a local farm, trying out new recipes, or simply enjoying the sweet taste of summer, National Blueberry Month invites us to savor the flavors and traditions associated with this beloved fruit. Let’s embrace the spirit of National Blueberry Month by incorporating blueberries into our culinary adventures and sharing the joy of this vibrant fruit with others.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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