National Safety Month is held annually in June. The goal of National Safety Month is to raise awareness and help employers prevent injuries, illnesses, and fatalities in the workplace. It serves as a reminder for employers to take an active role in promoting safety within their organizations and communities. This month-long event also seeks to educate business owners and employees on the importance of health and safety in the workplace.

In this article, you’ll learn the importance of health and safety in the workplace, how employers take an active role in promoting within their organizations and communities, and the resources available to ensure a working environment for everyone.

national safety month

When is National Safety Month?

National Safety Month is held every year in June. The National Safety Council has designated this month as a time to focus on reducing the leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road, and in our homes and communities. It is an opportunity for employers, employees, families, educators, and other organizations to come together to raise awareness about safety and health risks, improve safety practices, and ultimately, save lives.

During National Safety Month, organizations can use resources such as educational materials and toolkits provided by the National Safety Council to create campaigns that focus on specific topics such as hazard recognition, traffic safety, workplace violence prevention, emergency planning, ergonomics, slips/trips/falls, and more. By increasing awareness and promoting safety practices, National Safety Month helps to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities that occur each year in our nation.

History of National Safety Month

National Safety Month was first established in 1996 by the National Safety Council (NSC). The NSC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education, and advocacy.

During this month-long recognition period each year, organizations such as employers, schools, and community leaders use the NSC’s resources to help reduce injury-related fatalities.

Since its inception, National Safety Month has grown steadily in popularity as more organizations have become involved. Its impact can be seen across the country in a variety of ways, such as increased safety protocols, improved training initiatives, and expanded public awareness campaigns. As the popularity of National Safety Month continues to grow, it is expected that more organizations will join in the effort and help make our nation a safer place.


How to Celebrate National Safety Month

National Safety Month is an important observance in June that encourages individuals and businesses to take steps to create a safe environment. Celebrating National Safety Month is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the importance of workplace safety, home safety, and overall well-being.

There are many ways both individuals and businesses can participate in National Safety Month, from hosting educational workshops to introducing new safety initiatives in the workplace. Here are some ideas for how to celebrate National Safety Month and promote a safer environment.

Ideas for Individuals:

  • Take a moment to review safety protocols at work and make sure you understand them.
  • Participate in an online or in-person training session about proper safety procedures.
  • Make sure your home is free from safety hazards.
  • Refresh your knowledge of first aid and CPR skills.
  • Get involved in local safety initiatives, such as neighborhood watch programs.
  • Check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors for proper function.
  • Encourage family members to practice safe driving habits by not talking on the phone and driving, wearing seatbelts, and following the speed limit.
  • Educate yourself about workplace safety for your job or future career.
  • Talk to younger family members about the importance of being safe at home, school, and on the roads.
  • Follow safety guidelines while using power tools, ladders, or other equipment.
  • Wear protective gear when working with hazardous materials.
  • Make sure your car is up to date on maintenance checks such as brakes and tires.
  • Play it safe by not engaging in risky behavior such as texting and driving or drinking and driving.
  • Spread the word on social media and encourage others to celebrate National Safety Month.
  • Take part in a safety campaign or event in your community.
  • Encourage co-workers to take the time to review safety protocols at work.
  • Read safety blogs and articles online to stay up to date on best practices.
  • Ask questions and seek out advice from safety experts.
  • Take extra caution when working in the sun or in extreme temperatures.
  • Share safety tips with friends and family members to spread awareness.
  • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.

Ideas for Businesses:

  • Hold a safety awareness day in the workplace and provide educational materials.
  • Implement employee health & safety programs that encourage safe practices.
  • Create an emergency response plan and share it with all staff members.
  • Have regular checkups of the workplace to identify and address safety hazards.
  • Provide safety training courses for all employees on a regular basis.
  • Post reminders of safety protocols in the office, such as the proper use of equipment.
  • Create a team of safety experts who can answer questions or provide assistance when needed.
  • Have an evacuation plan in place and practice drills periodically.
  • Encourage staff members to suggest safety improvements or identify potential hazards.
  • Create a culture of safety in the workplace that is reinforced by leadership.
  • Ensure that all equipment is properly maintained and operating safely.
  • Offer incentives for employees who demonstrate safe practices at work.
  • Use National Safety Month to promote safety initiatives and raise awareness of their importance.
  • Update safety protocols as needed to reflect any changes in the workplace or industry.
  • Give employees regular feedback on their performance in terms of safety practices.
  • Participate in local community events related to safety, such as charity runs or walks.
  • Encourage staff members to share safety tips or stories with their peers.
  • Celebrate National Safety Month by expressing your commitment to safety in the workplace.
  • Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate safe behaviors on a regular basis.
  • Promote National Safety Month on social media and use hashtags related to the cause.
  • Provide resources for employees who may be struggling with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression that could lead to unsafe behaviors.
  • Sponsor local community events related to National Safety Month, such as fire drills, bike helmet giveaways, or accident prevention seminars.
  • Make sure that all employees have access to first aid materials and know how to use them.
  • Provide safety equipment for employees to use when working in potentially hazardous conditions.
  • Develop a policy that encourages employees to speak up if they spot any potential hazards or have any safety concerns.
  • Invite local fire and rescue service personnel to come and talk about their work and the importance of remaining safe.
  • Incorporate safety messages into team-building activities to encourage safe practices.
  • Ask employees for their ideas on how the organization can improve its safety protocols and procedures.
  • Exchange best practices with other businesses in your industry and learn from each other’s experiences.
  • Use National Safety Month as an opportunity to thank staff members for their commitment to safety and recognize their efforts.
  • Develop an action plan for the coming year that outlines the steps needed to further improve workplace safety.

By encouraging a culture of safety throughout your organization, you will be taking proactive steps toward protecting the well-being of your staff members and creating a safe work environment. During National Safety Month, take this opportunity to show your commitment to safety and remind everyone of the importance of staying safe in the workplace.

Social Media Post Ideas for National Safety Month

As National Safety Month approaches, it is important to acknowledge the importance of remaining safe in the workplace. During this month, businesses should use social media to promote safety initiatives and emphasize their commitment to providing a safe work environment for their staff members. Here are some examples of posts that you can use on your organization’s social media accounts during National Safety Month.

  • Post a photo of your staff members wearing their protective gear.
  • Post a video of your team demonstrating proper safety protocols with the hashtag ‪#‎NationalSafetyMonth‬.
  • Share quotes and statistics about safety.
  • Ask your followers for their advice on how to stay safe in different work environments.
  • Use creative visuals such as memes or GIFs to convey safety messages in a light-hearted way.
  • Post links to relevant safety resources that your followers can access for more information.
  • Share safety tips or stories with your followers.
  • Showcase any new safety protocols or equipment that you have implemented recently.
  • Highlight employees who demonstrate safe behavior in the workplace.
  • Share stories of staff members who have gone above and beyond to keep others safe.
  • Create a quiz that tests followers’ knowledge of safety protocols and procedures.
  • Ask your followers to share their best safety tips or ideas on how they stay safe at work.
  • Offer giveaways related to safety, such as first aid kits or protective gear.
  • Promote the importance of home and vehicle safety by sharing tips on how to stay safe while commuting.
  • Post pictures or videos of your safety initiatives in action.

By using social media posts related to National Safety Month, businesses can help raise awareness of important safety topics and engage their followers in meaningful conversations around safety.

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Hashtags to Use During National Safety Month

Hashtags are a powerful tool for businesses to use when promoting important topics. By using the right hashtags, businesses can raise awareness and ensure that their message reaches the right audience. During National Safety Month, using specific hashtags will help businesses communicate their commitment to safety and reach out to those interested in hearing about safety initiatives. Here are some hashtags to use during National Safety Month:

  • #NationalSafetyMonth
  • #SafetyFirst
  • #StaySafeAtWork
  • #Safety
  • #SafetyFirst
  • #WorkplaceSafety
  • #SafetyMatters

By using these hashtags, businesses can make sure that their posts about safety initiatives and protocols reach the right audience and reinforce their commitment to creating a safe work environment. Hashtags help to raise awareness and spread the message that safety is a priority, not only during National Safety Month but year-round.

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in June, visit

Other Holidays Related to National Safety Month

In addition to National Safety Month, there are a number of other holidays related to safety that businesses can use to promote their initiatives. From remembering those who have been injured or killed in the workplace to helping raise awareness around important safety topics, these other holidays provide an opportunity for businesses to show their commitment to protecting the health and well-being of their staff members. Here are some holidays related to National Safety Month:

Workers’ Memorial Day is an international day of remembrance for those who have been injured or killed in the workplace. On this day, businesses can show their commitment to safety by honoring those lost and raising awareness around important safety topics. Companies can use social media posts to share stories of workers who have been impacted by workplace accidents, highlight new safety protocols, or share links to safety resources.

Write about World Day for Safety and Health at Work (April 28th)

World Day for Safety and Health at Work is an international day of recognition for the importance of workplace safety. On this day, businesses can show their commitment to safety by sharing stories of staff members dedicated to keeping others safe. Companies can also use social media posts to promote new safety protocols or initiatives, offer giveaways related to safety, or provide resources that help make workplaces safer.

By celebrating these holidays related to National Safety Month, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to safety and reinforce the importance of creating a safe workplace for everyone. By using social media posts to engage with their followers on important safety topics, companies can build trust and foster relationships with their audience while also raising awareness around an important issue.

Write about International Patient Safety Day.

International Patient Safety Day is held on September 17th each year in recognition of the importance of patient safety. On this day, businesses can share stories of staff members dedicated to keeping patients safe and healthy, highlight new protocols or initiatives taken to ensure patient safety, and provide resources that help make healthcare environments safer.

National Heat Awareness Day is celebrated annually on the last Friday in May and is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of extreme heat. On this day, businesses can use social media posts to share tips on how to stay safe in high temperatures, highlight new safety protocols related to heat exposure, and provide resources that help keep workers safe when working outdoors in hot weather. This is also an opportunity to remind staff members of the importance of taking breaks, staying hydrated, and monitoring their environment for signs of heat-related illness.

National Hydration Day is observed on June 23rd each year and is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of hydration. On this day, businesses can use social media posts to promote proper hydration in the workplace, share tips on how to stay hydrated throughout the day, and highlight new safety protocols related to heat exposure. This is also a chance for businesses to remind staff members of the importance of drinking enough water and staying hydrated during the workday.

By taking part in these holidays, businesses can take an active role in promoting safety and show that they are serious about protecting their employees. So don’t forget to use these other holidays related to National Safety Month – celebrate them and make sure that you’re doing your part in keeping the workplace safe.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy!

Future Dates for National Safety Month

2024June 1Saturday
2025June 1Sunday
2026June 1Monday
2027June 1Tuesday
2028June 1Thursday
2029June 1Friday

Importance of National Safety Month

National Safety Month is an important time period because it provides a dedicated opportunity to focus on safety issues. During this month, organizations can use the NSC’s resources to create campaigns that focus on specific topics such as hazard recognition, traffic safety, workplace violence prevention, emergency planning, ergonomics, slips/trips/falls and more.

By increasing awareness and promoting safety practices, National Safety Month helps reduce the number of injuries and fatalities that occur each year in our nation. Additionally, National Safety Month helps to create a culture of safety within organizations by emphasizing the importance of employee safety. By reinforcing the message that safety is everyone’s responsibility, it helps to ensure that prevention becomes an essential part of daily life in the workplace.

Overall, National Safety Month is an important time of year that provides us with the opportunity to come together and focus on improving safety in our communities. Through increased awareness and enhanced safety protocols, we can all make a positive impact on reducing the number of injuries and fatalities that occur each year.

Resources for Workplace Safety

The National Safety Council (NSC) provides a variety of resources to help organizations create effective safety policies. These include the NSC’s Risk Radar, an online tool that assists with hazard identification and risk assessment; the NSC Safety Toolkit, which includes dozens of downloadable safety documents such as checklists and templates; and the NSC Safety Culture Program, which provides organizations with the tools and support they need to create a culture of safety.

Additionally, NSC members can access resources such as webinars and seminars on topics such as emergency planning, ergonomics, slips/trips/falls and more. Finally, many organizations also have their own internal resources for creating safety policies and procedures, such as safety manuals and training programs. By utilizing all of these resources, organizations can ensure they have the necessary policies and processes in place to protect their employees during National Safety Month and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is National Safety Month?

National Safety Month is held annually in June. The goal of National Safety Month is to raise awareness and help employers prevent injuries, illnesses, and fatalities in the workplace. It serves as a reminder for employers to take an active role in promoting safety within their organizations and communities. This month-long event also seeks to educate business owners and employees on the importance of health and safety in the workplace.

What are Social Media Post Ideas for National Safety Month?

  • Post a photo of your staff members wearing their protective gear.
  • Post a video of your team demonstrating proper safety protocols with the hashtag ‪#‎NationalSafetyMonth‬.
  • Share quotes and statistics about safety.
  • Ask your followers for their advice on how to stay safe in different work environments.

What are Hashtags to Use During National Safety Month?

Hashtags are a powerful tool for businesses to use when promoting important topics. By using the right hashtags, businesses can raise awareness and ensure that their message reaches the right audience.

  • #NationalSafetyMonth
  • #SafetyFirst
  • #StaySafeAtWork
  • #Safety
  • #SafetyFirst
  • #WorkplaceSafety
  • #SafetyMatters


National Safety Month is a great way to remind employees and employers of the importance of safety in the workplace. This month serves as an important reminder that safety should always be a priority, no matter what season or situation. By focusing on establishing and improving policies, procedures, and processes for workplace safety, we can help ensure that our workplaces are safer and healthier for everyone.

Taking the time to focus on safety in June is a great first step towards creating a safe working environment, but it’s important to remember that workplace safety should be ongoing year-round.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year!

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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