Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day, celebrated annually on March 26th, shines a global spotlight on epilepsy awareness and advocacy. Discover why this day matters and explore initiatives driving education, support, and breakthroughs in epilepsy research.

purple day international epilepsy day

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When is Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day?

Celebrating International Epilepsy Day on March 26th unites individuals worldwide in advocating for the rights and well-being of those living with epilepsy. This day serves as a beacon for awareness campaigns, fostering global solidarity, promoting treatment advancements, reducing stigma, and enhancing community support for individuals affected by epilepsy.

Established in 2015 by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), International Epilepsy Day provides a global platform for sharing experiences and advocating for the human rights of people with epilepsy. It aims to combat fear and discrimination by raising awareness and promoting understanding about the condition.

One of the key focuses of International Epilepsy Day is to urge for improved treatment options and increased research efforts in the field of epilepsy. Participants from all corners of the globe engage in various events and activities to support individuals living with epilepsy and to drive forward the mission of enhancing the quality of life for those affected by this neurological disorder.

History of Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day is a global event held annually on March 26th, aimed at increasing awareness about epilepsy, a condition affecting millions worldwide. Its origins trace back to 2008, when Cassidy Megan, a young girl from Nova Scotia, Canada, founded the day motivated by her own struggles with epilepsy and a desire to dispel myths and reduce stigma associated with the condition. Cassidy’s initiative gained support from the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia, and the movement quickly garnered international recognition, spreading across borders to unite people in a common cause.

The choice of purple as the symbol for epilepsy awareness stems from the lavender flower, which is often associated with solitude in the language of flowers. Lavender’s significance is twofold: it represents isolation, a feeling many people with epilepsy may experience, and its purple color symbolizes the condition’s dignity. Over the years, Purple Day has evolved from a local observance in a small Canadian community to a global movement, with participants from various countries engaging in awareness-raising activities, educational events, and community gatherings.

Key figures in the establishment and spread of Purple Day include Cassidy Megan herself and organizations like the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia and the Anita Kaufmann Foundation, an American non-profit that became the global sponsor of Purple Day, further aiding its international reach. These entities, along with countless individuals and communities, have played a crucial role in the day’s evolution and the ongoing efforts to educate the public about epilepsy.

The cultural significance of Purple Day lies in its ability to bring people together, regardless of geographical or cultural differences, in support of those living with epilepsy. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding, compassion, and solidarity in the face of health challenges. Traditions and activities associated with Purple Day vary from educational seminars and workshops to the wearing of purple attire or accessories, all aimed at fostering dialogue, support, and awareness.

Purple Day’s enduring legacy is seen in its contribution to breaking down the stigma surrounding epilepsy, promoting research, and improving the lives of those affected by the condition. Its historical roots in a young girl’s desire to make a difference, and its growth into a global phenomenon, underscore the impact of grassroots activism and the universal desire for a more inclusive society.


How to Celebrate Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

To celebrate International Epilepsy Day, you can show your support by raising awareness about epilepsy and sharing personal stories on social media using relevant hashtags like #EpilepsyDay. Businesses can participate by creating fundraisers or attending local events to support the mission of improving treatment and research for epilepsy. Utilize social media tools like changing headers and sharing seizure first aid posters to spread awareness and show solidarity with individuals living with epilepsy.

How Individuals Can Celebrate Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

On International Epilepsy Day, you can proudly wear purple to show support and raise awareness. Share your personal epilepsy stories on social media using hashtags like #EpilepsyDay and #MyEpilepsyJourney. Attend community events or organize activities to contribute to epilepsy awareness and advocacy.

  • Host a Purple-themed Fundraising Event: Organize a purple-themed gathering or fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for epilepsy research and support services.
  • Share Personal Stories: Encourage individuals affected by epilepsy to share their experiences through social media, blogs, or public speaking engagements to foster understanding and empathy.
  • Educational Workshops: Host educational workshops or webinars to provide information about epilepsy, dispel myths, and teach seizure first aid to empower others.
  • Artistic Expression: Encourage artistic expression through painting, poetry, music, or other creative outlets to showcase the diverse experiences of individuals living with epilepsy.
  • Community Outreach: Collaborate with local schools, community centers, or healthcare facilities to organize outreach events such as information booths, health screenings, or epilepsy awareness walks to engage the broader community.

How Businesses Can Celebrate Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

You can make a significant impact by promoting epilepsy awareness and supporting individuals with epilepsy through your business initiatives on International Epilepsy Day. Engaging in fundraising events, using purple-themed decorations, hosting educational sessions, collaborating with local epilepsy organizations, and offering special promotions can all contribute to raising awareness and making a positive difference in your community. Take this opportunity to show your commitment to epilepsy advocacy and create a welcoming and inclusive environment for those affected by this condition.

  • Purple Product Promotions: Offer discounts or special promotions on purple-themed products or services, with a portion of proceeds donated to epilepsy research or support organizations.
  • Employee Education and Training: Provide employees with training sessions on epilepsy awareness, including seizure recognition and first aid, to create a more supportive and informed workplace environment.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Launch a social media campaign using relevant hashtags to raise awareness about epilepsy, share stories of individuals living with the condition, and promote understanding among followers.
  • Community Partnerships: Partner with local epilepsy organizations to host events, fundraisers, or educational workshops, demonstrating corporate social responsibility and fostering community engagement.
  • Corporate Giving Initiatives: Implement corporate giving programs where the company matches employee donations to epilepsy-related charities or sponsors fundraising events, amplifying the impact of charitable efforts.

Social Media Post Ideas for Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

When considering social media post ideas for International Epilepsy Day, remember to utilize hashtags like #EpilepsyDay and #MyEpilepsyJourney to engage in important conversations. Sharing personal stories and tagging relevant organizations can help raise awareness and foster connections within the epilepsy community. By posting on different platforms and updating your headers, you can effectively spread the message and show support for this meaningful day.

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

On International Epilepsy Day, you can make a difference by utilizing social media to spread awareness and support for those affected by epilepsy. By incorporating hashtags such as #EpilepsyDay and #MyEpilepsyJourney, you can join a global conversation and share personal stories to reduce stigma. Tagging organizations like @IntEpilepsyDay and @EpilepsyFdn, changing your headers, using badges, and engaging across various platforms are impactful ways to show solidarity and advocate for improved epilepsy treatment and research.

  • Share Personal Stories: Post personal anecdotes or experiences related to epilepsy, highlighting challenges, triumphs, and the importance of support and understanding.
  • Raise Awareness: Share informative graphics, videos, or articles about epilepsy, debunking myths and providing facts to educate your social media followers.
  • Use Hashtags: Utilize relevant hashtags such as #InternationalEpilepsyDay, #EpilepsyAwareness, or #PurpleDay to connect with a wider audience and amplify your message.
  • Encourage Dialogue: Start conversations about epilepsy by asking questions, inviting others to share their perspectives, and fostering a supportive online community for those affected by the condition.
  • Promote Events: Spread the word about local or virtual events happening on International Epilepsy Day, encouraging participation and engagement within your social networks.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

On International Epilepsy Day, your business can make a difference by utilizing social media in impactful ways. Engage your audience with hashtags like #EpilepsyDay and #MyEpilepsyJourney to raise awareness effectively. Share personal stories, tag relevant organizations, and update your profiles to show support for this important cause.

  • Share Educational Content: Post informative infographics, videos, or articles about epilepsy, including facts, statistics, and tips for seizure recognition and first aid.
  • Highlight Corporate Support: Showcase your company’s support for International Epilepsy Day through dedicated posts, featuring initiatives, donations, or partnerships with epilepsy organizations.
  • Feature Employee Stories: Share stories of employees affected by epilepsy or involved in advocacy efforts, demonstrating your company’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and supporting employees’ personal journeys.
  • Host Q&A Sessions: Arrange live Q&A sessions with experts or individuals living with epilepsy to provide insights, answer questions, and facilitate discussions around epilepsy awareness and support.
  • Create Interactive Campaigns: Launch interactive campaigns such as quizzes, polls, or challenges related to epilepsy awareness, encouraging participation and engagement from your social media audience.

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Hashtags to Use During Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

When posting about International Epilepsy Day, remember to use impactful hashtags like #EpilepsyDay and #MyEpilepsyJourney to connect with others sharing their stories. Tagging @IntEpilepsyDay and @EpilepsyFdn can help spread awareness on social media platforms globally. By utilizing these hashtags, you can contribute to the conversation and support those affected by epilepsy.

  • #InternationalEpilepsyDay
  • #EpilepsyAwareness
  • #PurpleDay
  • #EndEpilepsyStigma
  • #SeizureAwareness
  • #EpilepsySupport
  • #EpilepsyWarrior
  • #KnowTheFacts
  • #EpilepsyCommunity
  • #SpreadAwareness

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in March, visit AngieGensler.com/March-Holidays.

Gift Ideas for Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

When choosing gifts for International Epilepsy Day, consider purple-themed items like clothing or accessories to show support for epilepsy awareness. Opt for gifts that promote relaxation, such as aromatherapy products, to help individuals with epilepsy manage stress. Choose items that encourage mindfulness, like journals or meditation apps, to support mental well-being in those affected by epilepsy.

  • Purple Awareness Bracelet: A stylish accessory that raises awareness for epilepsy with its purple color and symbolic charm, perfect for showing support on International Epilepsy Day.
  • Seizure Response Keychain: A practical and portable keychain featuring seizure response instructions, providing a handy reference for seizure first aid in emergencies.
  • Epilepsy Awareness T-Shirt: A comfortable and eye-catching t-shirt adorned with epilepsy awareness slogans or graphics, ideal for spreading awareness and starting conversations.
  • Purple Ribbon Pin: A subtle yet meaningful gift, the purple ribbon pin is a classic symbol of epilepsy awareness, suitable for wearing on clothing or accessories.
  • Epilepsy Journal: A specialized journal designed for tracking seizures, medications, and symptoms, offering a practical tool for individuals managing epilepsy to stay organized and informed.

On top of Purple Day, there are other holidays that relate to International Epilepsy Day. These holidays provide more opportunities to raise awareness about epilepsy and show support for those affected. Exploring these related holidays can expand your understanding and involvement in epilepsy advocacy.

  • Purple Day: Celebrated on March 26th, Purple Day is a global initiative dedicated to raising epilepsy awareness by encouraging people to wear purple and participate in epilepsy-related activities.
  • World Mental Health Day: Observed on October 10th, this day raises awareness about mental health issues, including the psychological aspects often associated with epilepsy, such as stigma and depression.
  • World Health Day: Held on April 7th, World Health Day focuses on a specific health theme each year, providing an opportunity to advocate for improved access to healthcare services for individuals living with epilepsy.
  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Taking place on December 3rd, this day promotes the rights and well-being of people with disabilities, including those affected by epilepsy, and advocates for inclusivity and accessibility.
  • World Brain Day: Celebrated on July 22nd, World Brain Day aims to raise awareness about neurological disorders, including epilepsy, and promote brain health and research initiatives.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to angiegensler.com/holiday-calendar to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day

Future Dates for Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day are crucial for planning awareness campaigns and events dedicated to raising awareness about epilepsy and supporting individuals living with the condition. These dates, spanning from 2024 to 2029, serve as opportunities for communities worldwide to unite in solidarity, advocate for epilepsy awareness, and promote education about seizure disorders. By marking these dates on calendars and planning ahead, organizations and individuals can effectively engage in activities that contribute to greater understanding and support for those affected by epilepsy.

2024March 26Monday
2025March 26Wednesday
2026March 26Thursday
2027March 26Friday
2028March 26Sunday
2029March 26Monday

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re curious about International Epilepsy Day, you’re in the right place. Understanding the FAQs surrounding this day can provide you with valuable insights. Let’s address some common queries together.

What is Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day?

Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day is a global awareness day observed annually on March 26th, dedicated to raising awareness about epilepsy, dispelling myths, and advocating for better treatment and support for individuals affected by the condition.

Why is it important to raise awareness about epilepsy?

Raising awareness about epilepsy is crucial to dispel misconceptions, reduce stigma, and promote understanding and support for individuals living with the condition, as well as to advocate for improved access to healthcare and resources.

How can I get involved in Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day?

  • You can participate in local events or fundraisers organized by epilepsy organizations.
  • Share educational materials and personal stories about epilepsy on social media.
  • Wear purple, the color associated with epilepsy awareness, to show your support.


In conclusion, Purple Day – International Epilepsy Day stands as a beacon of hope and understanding in the ongoing fight against epilepsy-related stigma and discrimination. Through its global observance, individuals and businesses alike unite to raise awareness, educate others, and support those affected by epilepsy. By dispelling myths, fostering empathy, and advocating for improved resources and treatment, we can create a world where individuals living with epilepsy are embraced with compassion and provided the support they need. Let us continue to stand together, spread awareness, and take meaningful action to make a difference in the lives of those touched by epilepsy. Whether it’s through education, fundraising, or simply wearing purple, every effort counts towards building a more inclusive and supportive society for all.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond Angiegensler.com. He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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