International Girls Day is celebrated on November 14 each year. You might be wondering how you can make this day special for your business and community. Let’s explore some fun and impactful ways to recognize the girls in your life!

international girls day

When is International Girls Day?

November 14 is the day dedicated to celebrating girls around the globe! Mark your calendars because this isn’t just another Tuesday; it’s a chance to spotlight the amazing potential of girls everywhere. Whether you’re a small business owner or just someone who wants to make a difference, this day is your opportunity to join in the fun and show your support.

You might be wondering how you can get involved. Well, it’s simpler than you think! You could host an event at your shop, offer special discounts to girls, or even collaborate with local organizations that empower young women. How about a “Girls’ Day Out” event? Imagine this: a day filled with fun activities, workshops, and perhaps a cupcake decorating contest. Who wouldn’t want to release their inner pastry chef?

Social media is another fantastic way to celebrate. Post inspiring stories of girls in your community, share fun facts about their achievements, or even run a contest where girls can share their dreams for the future. Engage your audience and encourage them to participate. They’ll love being a part of something bigger.

History of International Girls Day

International Girls Day, celebrated on November 14, has its roots in the broader movement for gender equality and the empowerment of girls. The day was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2011, following advocacy by organizations like Plan International. Its purpose is to highlight the challenges that girls face globally and to promote their rights and well-being. This observance emerged from a growing recognition of the disparities in education, health, and economic opportunities that girls often experience.

Historically, the celebration of girls and women’s rights has deep cultural and social roots, dating back to various local traditions and movements. For example, the early feminist movements in the 19th and 20th centuries laid the groundwork for global awareness about gender inequality. In different cultures, traditional folklore has often reflected the roles and expectations of women and girls, sometimes reinforcing stereotypes but also serving as a backdrop for change and progress.

Key figures in the establishment and promotion of International Girls Day include activists and organizations that have championed girls’ rights. For instance, Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani education activist, has become a symbol of the fight for girls’ education and empowerment. Her advocacy has significantly influenced the global discourse on the importance of education for girls and has helped propel the observance of International Girls Day into the international spotlight.

The symbolism of International Girls Day often includes themes of education, health, and equality. Traditions and activities on this day vary but commonly involve educational campaigns, social media initiatives, and public events that raise awareness about the issues faced by girls. By commemorating this day, societies aim to celebrate the achievements of girls while also acknowledging and addressing ongoing challenges. The enduring legacy of International Girls Day lies in its role as a powerful reminder of the need for continued advocacy and action towards gender equality.


How to Celebrate International Girls Day

So, you’re wondering how to celebrate International Girls Day, right? Whether you’re an individual looking to uplift girls in your community or a business wanting to make a meaningful impact, there are plenty of fun and engaging ways to get involved. Let’s explore some creative ideas that’ll inspire and empower girls everywhere!

How Individuals Can Celebrate International Girls Day

Celebrating International Girls Day can be a fun and impactful way to show support for girls and their achievements. You might be wondering how to make a difference in your own unique way. Here are some creative ideas to get you started!

  • Host a Community Workshop: Organize a workshop focusing on empowering skills for girls, such as leadership, coding, or financial literacy.
  • Support Girls’ Education: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations that provide educational resources or scholarships for girls in underserved communities.
  • Create a Social Media Campaign: Use social media to share stories, quotes, and facts about the achievements and challenges faced by girls worldwide, using hashtags like #InternationalGirlsDay.
  • Organize a Fundraising Event: Plan a fundraiser such as a charity run, bake sale, or auction to raise money for programs that support girls’ health, education, or empowerment.
  • Host a Film Screening: Screen films or documentaries that highlight the stories and struggles of girls globally, followed by a discussion or Q&A session to raise awareness.

How Businesses Can Celebrate International Girls Day

Are you ready to make International Girls Day a memorable occasion for your business? There are plenty of fun and engaging ways to celebrate that’ll not only inspire your team but also attract customers. Let’s explore some innovative strategies to showcase your support for girls and women everywhere!

  • Implement a Matching Donation Program: Offer to match employee donations to charities focused on girls’ education and empowerment, doubling the impact of their contributions.
  • Launch a Customer Awareness Campaign: Create a campaign that highlights girls’ achievements and challenges, with a portion of sales proceeds going to organizations that support girls.
  • Host a Panel Discussion or Webinar: Organize a panel featuring influential women and girls to discuss issues related to gender equality and empowerment, inviting employees and customers to participate.
  • Offer Pro Bono Services: Provide free consulting or services to non-profits and initiatives that focus on advancing girls’ education and opportunities.
  • Create a Social Media Challenge: Start a challenge encouraging employees and customers to share stories or acts of support related to girls’ empowerment, offering incentives for participation and showcasing the best contributions on your platforms.

Social Media Post Ideas for International Girls Day

Ready to celebrate International Girls Day on social media? You’ve got a perfect opportunity to share inspiring stories and fun ideas that resonate with your audience. Whether you’re an individual or a business, let’s brainstorm some creative posts that’ll shine a spotlight on the amazing girls in our lives!

Social Media Post Ideas for Individuals to Use on International Girls Day

Ready to celebrate International Girls Day on social media? You’ve got a fantastic opportunity to share your support and showcase the amazing girls in your life. Let’s brainstorm some fun and impactful post ideas to spread the word!

  • Share Inspirational Stories: Post stories of remarkable girls and women who have made a significant impact in their communities or fields.
  • Highlight Key Statistics: Share infographics or posts with impactful statistics about girls’ education, health, and opportunities to raise awareness.
  • Promote Fundraising Initiatives: Use your platform to promote and support fundraising campaigns or charity events aimed at helping girls in need.
  • Host a Virtual Event: Organize and promote a virtual event or discussion panel focused on girls’ issues, inviting followers to join and engage.
  • Create and Share Art or Graphics: Design and share original artwork or graphics that celebrate girls’ achievements and advocate for gender equality.

Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses to Use on International Girls Day

Ready to celebrate International Girls Day? You’ve got a great opportunity to connect with your audience and showcase your support for young girls everywhere. Let’s explore some fun and engaging social media post ideas that’ll spark conversation and spread positivity!

  • Highlight Employee Stories: Share posts featuring stories and achievements of female employees or leadership team members to showcase their contributions and inspire others.
  • Feature Partner Organizations: Promote and tag non-profits or organizations that work towards girls’ empowerment, and share their impact and ways to support their initiatives.
  • Run a Social Media Contest: Create a contest encouraging followers to share their own stories or ideas about supporting girls, with winners receiving prizes or recognition.
  • Launch a Themed Campaign: Develop a campaign with specific hashtags related to International Girls Day, encouraging followers to engage and share content using those tags.
  • Post Educational Content: Share informative posts, articles, or videos about the challenges girls face globally and how your business is contributing to solutions or support.

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Hashtags to Use During International Girls Day

When you’re celebrating International Girls Day, hashtags can give your posts a boost and help spread the word. You want to connect with others who share your passion for empowering girls, right? Let’s explore some catchy hashtags that’ll make your social media shine!

  • #InternationalGirlsDay
  • #EmpowerGirls
  • #GirlsInspire
  • #GirlPower
  • #GirlsRule
  • #SupportGirls
  • #GirlBoss
  • #GirlsEducation
  • #GirlsLead

For the complete list of holidays to celebrate on social media in November, visit

When you’re celebrating International Girls Day, it’s fun to think about other holidays that highlight empowerment and creativity. You might find these related holidays perfect for your business promotions. Let’s take a quick look at a few that can inspire you!

  • International Women’s Day (March 8): Celebrates the achievements of women and advocates for gender equality and women’s rights globally.
  • International Day of the Girl Child (November 14): Coinciding with International Girls Day, this day focuses on promoting girls’ rights and addressing the unique challenges they face.
  • World Literacy Day (September 8): Aims to highlight the importance of literacy for individuals and communities, with a focus on improving educational opportunities, including for girls.
  • Human Rights Day (December 10): Commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and promotes the protection of human rights for all, including gender equality.
  • International Youth Day (August 12): Celebrates the contributions of young people and highlights the issues they face, including those impacting young girls and their empowerment.

For more holidays, download our free calendar with over 1,000 fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year. Head to to grab your free copy.

Future Dates for International Girls Day

As you plan for future celebrations of International Girls Day, it’s crucial to mark those dates on your calendar. You wouldn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to honor and uplift girls in your community, right? Let’s take a look at the upcoming dates so you can start brainstorming fun ways to celebrate!

2024November 14thThursday
2025November 14thFriday
2026November 14thSaturday
2027November 14thSunday
2028November 14thTuesday
2029November 14thWednesday

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions about International Girls Day, and we’ve got answers! Let’s tackle some of the most common queries that come up as you plan your celebration. It’s all about making this day special for the girls in your life, so let’s get right into it!

What is International Girls Day? 

It’s a global day recognized on November 14 to promote girls’ empowerment and highlight the challenges they face.

How can my business get involved? 

You can host events, offer discounts for girl-focused products, or partner with local organizations that support girls’ initiatives.

Why is it important to celebrate this day? 

Celebrating International Girls Day raises awareness about gender equality, inspires future generations, and shows your commitment to social responsibility.


In summary, International Girls Day, celebrated on November 14, serves as a vital platform for advocating girls’ rights and addressing the unique challenges they face. Its establishment by the United Nations highlights the global commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of girls. Through various celebrations and observances, from community workshops to social media campaigns, individuals and businesses alike can contribute to this cause. By understanding the significance of this day and engaging in related activities, we can collectively advance the mission of creating a more equitable world for girls. We encourage readers to take action by supporting initiatives that benefit girls, raising awareness through their networks, and exploring further resources to deepen their involvement in this important cause.

Celebrate this special day with us, and don’t forget to download our free holiday calendar for more fun and unique holidays to celebrate this year.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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