Creating a Resilient Mindset and a Thriving Business

Freedom Friday Interview with Tanya Lochner – November 9, 2018

This Freedom Friday interview is with Tanya Lochner, an intuitive wealth and business strategist who helps entrepreneurs thrive (not just survive) while growing a business with impact and income.

Tanya combines her 16 years of corporate experience with her background in psychology and neuroscience to run 3 successful businesses, on and offline!

Prior to owning her own businesses, Tanya worked in the finance industry and climbed the corporate ladder all the way to a national management position.

After 16 years in corporate, Tanya took the leap and quit her job in 2016 to build her coaching business.

If you’re dreaming of a freedom lifestyle and want to quit your job to build your own business you need to watch this interview.  

Unfortunately, technology worked against us and this interview did not air live. But that didn’t stop us from jumping on a video chat and recording the interview anyway!

Tanya shares her story of how she went from a high-flying corporate job to owning three successful businesses. 

You’ll hear how she changed jobs, moved cities, met her husband, got married, and become pregnant with their first baby in less than six months! 

Tanya also talks about how her boss wouldn’t let her take six months off for maternity leave and…

How she almost lost her home because she invested so much money to build her business. 

Tanya also shares a lot of great nuggets throughout the interview about how the brain works and how little daily habits can program the brain to work for or against us.

Entrepreneurship is not an easy road and Tanya believes it requires a resilient mindset, which is what she coaches others to develop so their business can thrive.

Be sure to watch all the way to the end to get details on the free gift Tanya has for you and learn her advice for anyone wanting to quit their job and create a business and life they love.  

Resources Mentioned:

Tanya’s Favorite Quote

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S. Elliot

Tanya explains the importance of approaching life and business with a renewed curiosity.

Ready for Massive Growth in Your Business?

Free Training How to Grow Your Email List From 0 - 500 in 30 Days or Less
Sign up for my free training: How to Grow Your Email List From 0 – 500 in 30 Days or Less.

In the training, you’ll discover:

  • How Pinterest helped me get 543 email subscribers my very first month in business.
  • How to build a Pinterest funnel that generates leads on autopilot.
  • The 3 Pinterest strategies you can use to dramatically increase your traffic and email list in 30 days or less

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Freedom Friday

Join the conversation LIVE on Facebook every Friday as I interview successful entrepreneurs who quit their 9-to-5 job to create a business and life they love.

Click here and be sure to “LIKE” and “FOLLOW” my page so you’ll receive a notification each time I go live. 

Keep learning >> Don’t leave before reading: 50 Social Media Post Ideas: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet of What to Post on Social Media. 

Quit her job and built a successful 7-figure brand
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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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