How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business [Infographic]

When I teach social media marketing, I always stress the important of narrowing your focus to one social media platform. 

There are numerous reasons that I won’t address in this article (because I address them in this article: 5 Social Media Myths That Are Hurting Your Business) but that piece of advice always leads to the question… 

How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

“How do I choose the right social media platform for my business?” 

I hear this question so often that I created a handy infographic and a video tutorial to help you answer this exact question for your own business.  

The video walks you through the three questions you need to answer in order to choose the right platform as well as four steps to help you answer the questions. 

As I discuss in the video, the three questions you need to answer in order to choose the right channel are: 

1. Who is your ideal customer and where do they hang out?
This is important to know for all aspects of marketing your business, but in order to find the right social media platform you need to know who your ideal customer is, what they look like, and where they hang out.

2. Which platform fits your style?
You need to be on a platform that makes sense for you as well as your ideal customer. Consistency is critical to your success with social media marketing. Trust me, if you hate creating the type of content that performs well on a platform, you’re not going to be consistent or see results.  

3. Which platform can help you achieve your goals?
What are your goals with social media marketing? Are you trying to build an audience? Do you want to generate leads? Do you want to build a community or develop stronger relationships with your existing customers? 

It’s important to know your goals with social media marketing so you can choose the best platform to help you achieve those goals. 

To help you discover the answers to these three questions, be sure to watch the video above and review the infographic below. 

These two resources will help you choose the right social media platform for your business!


It’s important to narrow your social media focus to one platform. 

To choose the right platform for your business, you need to answer the following questions: 

  • Who is your ideal customer? 
  • What platform fits your style? 
  • What are your social media marketing goals? 

Use the video and infographic above to help you answer those three questions and find the best social media platform for your business! 

Once you’ve selected your platform, be sure to download the free cheat sheet with 50 Social Media Post Ideas using the form below and read: What to Post on Social Media.


What did you find most helpful about this post?
Comment below and let me know!


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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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