July Social Media Post Ideas + Done-For-You Content

Are you stuck on what to post on social media this July?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got a variety of fun and interesting post ideas that will get your followers engaged and interacting with your content.

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Our list of July social media post ideas will help you keep your accounts active and engaging throughout the month.

This July, show your followers some love and appreciation by sharing fun and interesting content on social media!

Whether it’s for Independence Day, Get To Know Your Customers Day, or just to celebrate summer, your followers will surely appreciate having something engaging to interact with.

We’ve got everything you need to keep you and your followers engaged and entertained.

Keep reading because you’ll discover what to post on social media during July. 

Plus, I have a resource that will make your social media planning so effortless you’ll wonder how you survived without it.

This article includes affiliate links. If you purchase using one of the links included in this post, I may receive a small commission. I only recommend products that I have personally used and stand behind to help your business succeed.

Create Social Media Posts Ideas for July That Get Engagement

When creating your July social media calendar, it’s essential to create content that will serve your audience and generate engagement. 

Engagement includes comments, likes, shares, and views of your content, and it’s the key to your success on your social media platforms of choice. 

Engagement lets you know what type of content your audience likes, and it also tells the algorithm that your content is valuable and should be shown more often. 

So how do you get more engagement on your July social media posts? 

The short answer is…

  • Share an image or video with every post 
  • Ask questions 
  • Use hashtags 
  • Share inspiring content 
  • Celebrate holidays

For a long answer with detailed examples and statistics, read my blog post: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement. 

Now that you know five simple ways to get more engagement, let’s walk through the social media content ideas for July. 

What to Post on Social Media in July

When planning out your content for the entire month, the first thing you want to do is open your favorite calendar tool and start building your content plan for the month.  

You could use Google Calendar, Asana, Trello, or an old-school paper calendar and a pen. 

Once your calendar is open, you want to identify holidays, local events, business milestones, and special promotions for the month and add them to the calendar.

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Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media in July

July is full of holidays, which makes it a fantastic time to run a sale for your business.

Depending on the nature of your business and what fits your brand’s core values, you could run a sale in honor of summer, Independence Day, or Get to Know Your Customers Day.

For example, if you own a travel agency, you could run a last-minute summer travel promotion and offer discounts on vacations booked for National Bikini Day, National Nude Day, Shark Awareness Day, National Hammock Day, or National Moon Day.

If you’re a videographer, you could offer 20% off wedding videos for any remaining dates you have open over the next two months.

Restaurants could offer 10% off in celebration of National Hot Dog Day, National French Fry Day, National Tequila Day, National Fried Chicken Day, World Chocolate Day, National Cheesecake Day, National Milk Chocolate Day, National Strawberry Sundae Day, National Wine and Cheese Day, National Caesar Salad Day, National Lasagna Day, National Daiquiri Day, National Piña Colada Day or National Lollipop Day.

Or, just for fun, you could create a reel or short video on World Emoji Day, Bastille Day, World UFO Day, or Samaritans Awareness Day to grab your audience’s attention and promote awareness.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of promotions you can run, so start brainstorming ideas and make sure you promote them on social media!

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When people think of July, they typically think of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere), vacations, the 4th of July, and the wedding season. Those are fantastic social media holidays and occasions to celebrate, but there are many others you’ll want to celebrate as well.

Did you know that there are over 235 special holidays and observances in July?

Here are some of the more popular holidays and observances in July: 

– July 1: Canada Day

– July 4: Independence Day

– July 7: World Chocolate Day

– July 11: World Population Day

– July 13: National French Fry Day

– July 21: National Ice Cream Day

– July 21: National Junk Food Day

– July 24: National Cousins Day

– July 24: National Tequila Day

– July 30: International Day of Friendship

For the complete list of July holidays, visit: July Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media.

Inside the complete list of holidays, take a look at the daily observances and week-long or month-long holidays and find some fun ones that spark unique ideas.

For example, share a photo of you and your spouse kissing on International Kissing Day and share the role your spouse plays in your business or your success, you could post a throwback of you and your childhood best friend on International Day of Friendship or you could share a photo of your summer interns on National Intern Day.

You could share a photo of you and your friends enjoying a picnic together in honor of National Picnic Month, or you can post a video of you and your team cleaning up a local beach during Clean Beaches Week.

international day of friendship

To find fun days to celebrate on social media, use a resource like my Social Media Content Club.

It provides a detailed list of more than 3,300 special days and observances throughout the year to help you plan the special days you want to recognize during July. 

Next, look at your July marketing ideas to see if you have any big promotions planned for the month. If you’re running a huge holiday sale, add it to your July content calendar ideas and plan out which days you want to promote it on your social media channels.

Once all of your special days and promotions are scheduled on your calendar, add 1 – 2 question posts each week throughout the month. 

>> Access daily done-for-you posts for less than $1 a day inside the Social Media Content Club<<

Questions to Ask on Social Media in July

July is associated with summer, vacation, wedding season, (in the northern hemisphere), and the 4th of July in the United States.

Create social media posts asking questions based on those themes.

For example:

  • What scents do you associate with summer?
  • What’s the craziest thing to happen at a wedding?
  • Amusement park or day at the beach?
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Unless you’re a wedding planner, asking your followers about their craziest wedding memory has nothing to do with your business. 

But guess what? That’s OK! In fact, it’s better than OK. It’s exactly what you want to do. 

Your social media feed should not be full of self-promotional posts that scream “ME, ME, ME!!!”  

Good social media content focuses on creating positive conversations and providing value to your audience. 

Fun questions are a great way to create positive conversations and get more engagement on your posts. 

Remember, engagement lets the algorithm know that your content is valuable and increases its visibility. 

Once you’ve added questions to your content calendar, add 1- 2 positive quotes to share each week.

>> Start your free trial of the Social Media Content Club for daily content done for you! <<

Quotes to Share on Social Media in July

Quotes focused on summer, freedom, and travel are ideal for July. 

For example:

  • “Land of the free, because of the brave.”
  • “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” -Susan Sontag
  • “Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadows.” – Helen Keller
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Positive and uplifting quotes make great social media content because they help counteract all the toxicity on social media and generate lots of likes.  

When designing your quote images, I recommend playing with different fonts. Big, bold fonts are easy to read, but scripted fonts are visually appealing and can catch people’s attention.

Test a variety of fonts and see which designs perform the best.

Once you’ve added quotes to your content calendar, fill the remaining days with educational, personal, or promotional posts.

Finalize Your July Content Calendar

Once you’ve added holidays, questions, and quotes to your content calendar, you’re ready to fill in the remaining days.

First, add one self-promotional post each week.

Remember, your content should focus on serving your audience, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ever promote your business.

The goal of social media is to grow your business, so make sure you promote your products and services at least once a week.

For 17 different ideas to promote your business on social media, read: 100 Ideas of What to Post on Social Media.

Use the ideas in that post to fill in the remaining days of your content calendar.

Download my free cheat sheet of 100 post ideas to speed up the process.

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Once each day of your July content calendar is planned out, you’re ready to identify popular and trending hashtags to use in your posts. 

Hashtags to Use on Social Media in July

Hashtags are a fantastic way to increase the visibility and reach of your social media posts.

You can use up to 30 hashtags in your Instagram posts, but research from Track Maven suggests that nine hashtags are the magic number for Instagram.

I recommend using 1 – 2 hashtags on Facebook and Twitter and 3 – 5 hashtags on LinkedIn.

When compiling your list of hashtags for Instagram, be careful not to use only the most popular hashtags.

Hashtags with millions of posts are highly competitive, reducing the chance of your content getting seen.

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To increase your exposure, I recommend including hashtags with a range of popularity in your posts. 

Choose a few popular hashtags with millions of posts, a few hashtags with hundreds of thousands of posts, and a few less popular hashtags with thousands of posts.  

To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of 20 of the best hashtags to use on Social Media in July: 

  • #4thofjuly 
  • #campingfun
  • #campinglife
  • #campingseason
  • #fourthofjulyweekend 
  • #happyjuly
  • #hellojuly
  • #lovesummer
  • #olympicgames 
  • #summer2024
  • #summerdays
  • #summerishere
  • #summerolympics 
  • #summertravel
  • #summerwedding
  • #tourdefrance
  • #travellife
  • #vacation2024
  • #vacationtime
  • #weddingseason

For more hashtags, read my blog post: July Hashtags for Social Media – 180+ Hashtags

international chocolate day

>> Join the Social Media Content Club and never worry about social media content again! <<

Engagement Tips for Every Day of the Week

To keep your social channels lively and engaging, consider the different types of content that resonate during the week. 

Throwback Thursdays could feature a “fun fact” about historical July events like American Independence Day, while Wellness Wednesdays could promote quality time outdoors during the beautiful summer weather. 

By theming your content this way, you not only keep your social channels active but also provide your followers with a varied and interesting lineup of posts that spark engagement and cater to their interests throughout the week.

How to Create Content for Social Media

Now that you have your social media content planned out for July, you’ll need to set aside time each week to create your July content ideas. 

Remember when I said to include an image or video in every post? 

Research has shown that posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. 

If you’re going to bother creating content, include an image. 

A great tool to use is Canva.com. It’s a free online design tool that takes all the guesswork out of graphic design. 

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When creating content for social media, I recommend blocking off 2 – 3 hours each week. 

You’ll use that time to plan out your posts for the week, design images or record videos, write captions, and research all the hashtags for each post. 

Content Creation Hack for Social Media

If you don’t have 2 – 3 hours to spare each week and need a content creation hack, then join the Social Media Content Club and cut that time down to 1 minute a day! 

Katherine tried it and said, “I tried this for 1 day before buying a yearly subscription. What I love is that most pressure is gone!! No more agonizing blank vapid stares at my phone wondering what to do for social media today.” 

Inside the Content Club, you’ll get access to daily copy-and-post content complete with an eye-catching image, text status, and 3 relevant and popular hashtags.  

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Stan joined the Content Club and said, “Our sales for our webstore have increased by over 50% since we began using this platform. It was the best decision we’ve made. This has been the only platform that exceeded our expectations.” 

Click here to give the Social Media Content Club a try!


So, if you’re looking for some social media content ideas for July – or need help creating content for your social media accounts – we’ve got you covered.

From seasonal hashtags to engaging questions, we’ve got everything you need to keep your followers engaged and interacting with your content all month long while increasing your social media presence.

By focusing on a mixture of entertainment, education, and promotional content, you can ensure that your social media platforms are not only a fun space but also an educational resource that can drive engagement and growth for your business.

And don’t forget to try out the Social Media Content Club for effortless content creation.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others! It would mean the world to me.


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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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