235+ July Holidays in 2024 | Fun, Weird, and Special Dates

Are you looking for July holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media?

Are you a small business owner or marketer looking to leverage special dates for promoting your business? 

Whether you are a federal employee looking forward to a long weekend or a private business planning a sale, our comprehensive list of July holidays includes over 235 observances that are perfect for creating engaging social media posts.

Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of July holidays and observances with special dates to promote.

july 2024 holidays

Get ready for a fun-filled July with this comprehensive list of holidays and special observances!

From major holidays like Independence Day to Canada Day to more obscure celebrations like National Ice Cream Day and National Chicken Wing Day, there’s always a fun holiday to celebrate on social media.

So start planning your social media posts and promotions now – your audience and customers will thank you for it!

From July 1-31, there are over 235 holidays and special observances to choose from!

Here are a few of the biggest and most fun holidays in July.

– Independence Day

– International Chocolate Day

– National Mojito Day

– National Ice Cream Day

– Parents’ Day

– International Day of Friendship

– Get to Know Your Customers Day

get to know your customers day hashtags posts

So whether you’re looking for traditional holidays to promote your business or just some fun and unique days to celebrate, this list has you covered.

Check out the full list of 2024 holidays in July below.

Mark your calendars and get ready to explore fun, weird, and special dates in July 2024. Happy July!

Why July Holidays Make Great Social Media Posts

Back in my corporate marketing days, when I managed the social media channels for a $150 million business, I rejoiced when a holiday came around.

Holiday posts were easy to create, and they always received more “likes” than any other post.

Not many people will engage with a post about a company news release or an industry article, but many who see a post wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July will give it a “like.”

4th of july holidays blog post image

Including holidays in your social media content is an easy way to increase engagement and reach. People are already talking about the holiday, so you need to join the conversation.

You can use holiday-related hashtags, post photos celebrating the holiday, run contests, or offer discounts or special promotions related to the holiday.

Not sure how to get started? Here are some ideas:

  • Share recipes for favorite dishes served on the holiday
  • Give tips on how to decorate for the holiday
  • Offer advice on entertaining during the holiday season
  • Share photos of employees or customers celebrating the holiday
  • Run a contest related to the holiday
  • Offer a discount on products or services related to the holiday

With this list of July holidays, you will be able to easily come up with social media content ideas for July that will resonate with your audience and help you increase engagement and reach on your social channels.

international day of friendship

For a business owner or marketer, holiday posts not only increase social media engagement but are also easy to create and fill followers with positive emotions.

When sharing a holiday post, always include an image or video with your status update, regardless of the platform you’re using. 

That’s because posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. (source)

Including an image with your post is the easiest way to DOUBLE engagement and it’s why the Social Media Content Club, our industry-leading social media software, is FULL of eye-catching images.

monthly content images

Also, tack on a holiday-themed hashtag to make it easy for people to find your content, and use location tagging if you have a physical storefront.

For more tips on how to increase your social media engagement, read: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement. 

Holiday Hashtags for Social Media

When celebrating holidays on social media, it’s important to include the relevant hashtag(s) for that holiday in your post.

Hashtags will increase the reach of your post, exposing your business to a larger audience.

To learn why and how to use hashtags on social media, read: 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.

Hashtags are so essential to your success on social media that I’ve done the research for you.

hashtag research image

Most of the holidays listed below include a hashtag for social media. 

However, for best results, you’ll want to use 3 – 5 hashtags relevant to that holiday in your post. 

If you’re pressed for time, the Social Media Content Club does the hashtag research for you and provides 3 popular and relevant hashtags for all major holidays. 

Holiday Promotion Ideas

Leverage the festive spirit of July holidays to engage your audience and boost sales through targeted promotions and social media campaigns. 

For businesses, this could mean hosting themed events or offering special discounts that coincide with specific observances. 

For example, celebrate National Hot Dog Day by offering discounts on hot dogs or launching a social media contest where participants share their best hot dog recipes. 

Similarly, capitalize on National Ice Cream Day by introducing new flavors or offering buy-one-get-one deals to attract more customers. 

Use these holidays to create memorable, engaging content that encourages interaction and enhances your brand’s visibility.

Now that you know how to leverage holidays for social media, let’s jump into the list of holidays for July.

List of July National Holidays in 2024

In an effort to simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided the days into five categories – public holidays, religious holidays, monthly observances, weekly observances, and daily observances.

Scroll down to view all 235+ holidays or use the following links to skip ahead to a specific category.

Public July Holidays in 2024

This list contains public holidays and special local observances in various countries, including the United States.

Where federal and local governments might observe additional holidays, these provide excellent content opportunities. 

For example, July 4th is celebrated as Independence Day, and when July 4th falls on a weekend, federal employees receive the following Monday off.

This list contains public holidays and special local observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed
July 4Independence Day#4thOfJulyUnited States
July 5Alice Springs Show Day#AliceSpringsShowDayParts of Australia
July 12Battle of the Boyne#BattleOfBoyneNorthern Ireland
July 15Orangemen’s Day#BattleOfBoyneParts of Canada

Religious July Holidays in 2024

July 6Muharram/Islamic New Year#IslamicNewYearMuslim
July 2317th of Tammuz#17TammuzJewish

July Monthly Holidays in 2024

Cord Blood Awareness Month
Dog House Repair Month
Family Golf Month
Hemochromatosis Screening and Awareness Month
Herbal/Prescription Interaction Awareness Month
Independent Retailer Month
International Group B Strep Awareness Month
International Women with Alopecia Month
International Zine Month
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
National Anti-Boredom Month
National Baked Beans Month
National Black Family Month
National Blueberry Month
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness and Prevention Month
National Culinary Arts Month
National Family Reunion Month
National Fragile X Awareness Month
National Grilling Month
National Horseradish Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Ice Cream Month
National Make A Difference to Children Month
National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
National Picnic Month
National Traffic Awareness Month
National Vacation Rental Month
National Watermelon Month
Park & Recreation Month
Smart Irrigation Month
Social Wellness Month
Women’s Motorcycle Month
World Watercolor Month
Worldwide Bereaved Parents Awareness Month
bastille day july holidays blog post image

July Weekly Holidays in 2024

This list features national and local holidays, ensuring every business, from government offices to private enterprises, can find a reason to celebrate. 

With holidays like Independence Day, a legal public holiday in the United States, and lesser-known gems like National Dive Bar Day, there’s something for everyone.

July 1 – 7Clean Beaches Week
July 7 – 13Be Nice to Jersey Week
July 7 – 13National Farriers Week
July 7 – 14Creative Maladjustment Week
July 7 – 13Nude Recreation Week
July 14 – 20Operation Safe Driver Week
July 16 – 22Captive Nations Week
July 21 – 27Everybody Deserves a Massage Week
July 21 – 27National Parenting Gifted Children Week
July 21 – 27National Zoo Keeper Week
July 20 – 28National Moth Week
canada day july holidays blog post image

July National Holidays in 2024

July 1Canada Day#CanadaDay
July 1International Chicken Wing Day#ChickenWingDay
July 1International Joke Day#JokeDay
July 1National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day#CreativeIceCreamFlavorsDay
July 1National Gingersnap Day#NationalGingersnapDay
July 1National Postal Workers Day#NationalPostalWorkersDay
July 1National U.S. Postage Stamp Day#USPostageStampDay
July 1Zip Code Day#ZipCodeDay
July 2I Forgot Day#IForgotDay
July 2Made In The USA Day#MadeInTheUsaDay
July 2National Anisette Day#NationalAnisetteDay
July 2World UFO Day#WorldUfoDay
July 3Compliment Your Mirror Day#ComplimentYourMirrorDay
July 3International Plastic Bag Free Day#InternationalPlasticBagFreeDay
July 3National Chocolate Wafer Day#ChocolateWaferDay
July 3National Eat Beans Day#NationalEatYourBeansDay
July 3National Fried Clam Day#NationalFriedClamDay
July 3National Stay Out of the Sun Day#StayOutOfTheSunDay
July 3Plastic Bag Free Day#PlasticFree
July 4Independence Day (USA)#IndependenceDay
July 4Independence From Meat Day#IndependenceFromMeatDay
July 4Indivisible Day#IndivisibleDay
July 4National Barbecued Spareribs Day#BarbecuedSpareribsDay
July 4National Caesar Salad Day#NationalCaesarSaladDay
July 4Sidewalk Egg Frying Day#SidewalkEggFryingDay
July 5Alice Springs Show Day#AliceSpringsShowDay
July 5National Apple Turnover Day#AppleTurnoverDay
July 5National Bikini Day#NationalBikiniDay
July 5National Graham Cracker Day#GrahamCrackerDay
July 5National Hawaii Day#NationalHawaiiDay
July 5National Workaholics Day#NationalWorkaholicsDay
July 6Hop-a-Park Day#NationalHopaParkDay
July 6International Cherry Pit Spitting Day#CherryPitSpittingDay
July 6International Day of Cooperatives#DayOfCooperatives
July 6International Kissing Day#InternationalKissingDay
July 6Muharram / Islamic New Year#IslamicNewYear
July 6National Fried Chicken Day#NationalFriedChickenDay
July 6National Hand Roll Day#NationalHandRollDay
July 6Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day#TakeYourWebmasterToLunchDay
July 7Global Forgiveness Day#GlobalForgivenessDay
July 7National Dive Bar Day#NationalDiveBarDay
July 7National Father Daughter Take a Walk Day#FatherDaughterTakeAWalkDay
July 7National Koi Day#NationalKoiDay
July 7National Macaroni Day#NationalMacaroniDay
July 7National Strawberry Sundae Day#StrawberrySundaeDay
July 7Tell The Truth Day#TellTheTruthDay
July 7World Chocolate Day#WorldChocolateDay
July 8International Town Criers Day#TownCriersDay
July 8National Chocolate with Almonds Day#ChocolateWithAlmondsDay
July 8National Scud Day#ScudDay
July 8National Video Game Day#NationalVideoGameDay
July 9Cow Appreciation Day#CowAppreciationDay
July 9National Sugar Cookie Day#NationalSugarCookieDay
July 10Don’t Step On A Bee Day#DontStepOnABeeDay
July 10International Essential Oils Day#EssentialOilsDay
July 10National Clerihew Day#NationalClerihewDay
July 10National Kitten Day#NationalKittenDay
July 10National Piña Colada Day#NationalPinaColadaDay
July 10Teddy Bear Picnic Day#TeddyBearPicnicDay
July 11All American Pet Photo Day#AllAmericanPetPhotoDay
July 11Bowdler’s Day#BowdlersDay
July 11National 7-Eleven Day / Free Slurpee Day#National7ElevenDay
July 11National Blueberry Muffin Day#BlueberryMuffinDay
July 11National Cheer Up The Lonely Day#CheerUpTheLonelyDay
July 11National Mojito Day#NationalMojitoDay
July 11National Rainier Cherry Day#RainierCherryDay
July 11World Population Day#WorldPopulationDay
July 12Battle of the Boyne#BattleOfBoyne
July 12Collector Car Appreciation Day#CollectorCarAppreciationDay
July 12National Different Colored Eyes Day#DifferentColoredEyeDay.
July 12National Eat Your Jello Day#EatYourJelloDay
July 12National Pecan Pie Day#NationalPecanPieDay
July 12National Simplicity Day#NationalSimplicityDay
July 12Orangemen’s Day#OrangemensDay
July 12Paper Bag Day#PaperBagDay
July 13Embrace Your Geekness Day#EmbraceYourGeeknessDay
July 13Gruntled Workers Day#GruntledWorkersDay
July 13National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day#BeansNFranksDay
July 13National Beef Tallow Day#BeefTallowDay
July 13National French Fry Day#NationalFrenchFryDay
July 14Bastille Day (France)#BastilleDay
July 14National Grand Marnier Day#NationalGrandMarnierDay
July 14National Mac & Cheese Day#NationalMacAndCheeseDay
July 14National Nude Day#NationalNudeDay
July 14National Tape Measure Day#NationalTapeMeasureDay
July 14Pandemonium Day#PandemoniumDay
July 14Shark Awareness Day#SharkAwarenessDay
July 15Global Hug Your Kids Day#GlobalHugYourKidsDay
July 15Guinea Pig Appreciation Day#GuineaPigAppreciationDay
July 15National Be A Dork Day#NationalBeADorkDay
July 15National Get Out of the Dog House Day#GetOutoftheDoghouseDay
July 15National Give Something Away Day#GiveSomethingAwayDay
July 15National Gummi Worm Day#NationalGummiWormDay
July 15National I Love Horses Day#NationalILoveHorsesDay
July 15National Pet Fire Safety Day#PetFireSafetyDay
July 15National Respect Canada Day#nationalRespectCanadaDay
July 15National Tapioca Pudding Day#TapiocaPuddingDay
July 15Saint Swithin’s Day#SaintSwithinsDay
July 16National Corn Fritters Day#NationalCornFrittersDay
July 16National Personal Chef Day#NationalPersonalChefDay
July 16World Snake Day#WorldSnakeDay
July 17National Hot Dog Day#NationalHotDogDay
July 17National Lottery Day#NationalLotteryDay
July 17National Peach Ice Cream Day#PeachIceCreamDay
July 17National Tattoo Day#NationalTattooDay
July 17National Yellow Pig Day#NationalYellowPigDay
July 17World Emoji Day#WorldEmojiDay
July 17Wrong Way Corrigan Day#WrongWayCorriganDay
July 18Get to Know Your Customers Day#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
July 18National Caviar Day#NationalCaviarDay
July 18National Sour Candy Day#NationalSourCandyDay
July 18Nelson Mandela International Day#NelsonMandelaInternationalDay
July 18World Listening Day#WorldListeningDay
July 19National Daiquiri Day#NationalDaiquiriDay
July 19National Flitch Day#NationalFlitchDay
July 19Stick Out Your Tongue Day#StickOutYourTongueDay
July 20International Chess Day#InternationalChessDay
July 20National Lollipop Day#NationalLollipopDay
July 20National Moon Day#NationalMoonDay
July 20National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day#StrawberryRhubarbWineDay
July 20Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day#TossAwayTheCouldHavesAndShouldHavesDay
July 20Woodie Wagon Day#WoodieWagonDay
July 20World Jump Day#WorldJumpDay
July 21Legal Drinking Age Day#LegalDrinkingAgeDay
July 21National Be Someone Day#BeSomeoneDay
July 21National Ice Cream Day#NationalIceCreamDay
July 21National Junk Food Day#NationalJunkFoodDay
July 22National Hammock Day#NationalHammockDay
July 22National Penuche Fudge Day#NationalPenucheFudgeDay
July 22National Rat Catcher’s Day#NationalRatCatchersDay
July 22Pi Approximation Day#CasualPiDay
July 2317th of Tammuz#17Tammuz
July 23Gorgeous Grandma Day#GorgeousGrandmaDay
July 23Hot Enough For Ya Day#HotEnoughForYaDay
July 23National Vanilla Ice Cream Day#VanillaIceCreamDay
July 24National Amelia Earhart Day#AmeliaEarhartDay
July 24National Cousins Day#NationalCousinsDay
July 24National Drive-Thru Day#NationalDriveThruDay
July 24National Tell An Old Joke Day#TellAnOldJokeDay
July 24National Tequila Day#NationalTequilaDay
July 24National Thermal Engineer Day#ThermalEngineerDay
July 25International Red Shoe Day#RedShoeDay
July 25National Chili Dog Day#NationalChiliDogDay
July 25National Culinarians Day#CulinariansDay
July 25National Hire a Veteran Day#HireAVeteranDay
July 25National Hot Fudge Sundae Day#HotFudgeSundaeDay
July 25National Intern Day#NationalInternDay
July 25National Merry-Go-Round Day#MerryGoRoundDay
July 25National Refreshment Day#NationalRefreshmentDay
July 25National Thread the Needle Day#ThreadTheNeedleDay
July 25National Wine and Cheese Day#NationalWineAndCheeseDay
July 26Lumberjack Day#EatLikeALumberjackDay
July 26National All or Nothing Day#NationalAllOrNothingDay
July 26National Aunt and Uncle’s Day#AuntAndUnclesDay
July 26National Bagelfest Day#NationalBagelfestDay
July 26National Coffee Milkshake Day#CoffeeMilkshakeDay
July 26National Get Gnarly Day#NationalGetGnarlyDay
July 26National Talk in an Elevator Day#TalkInAnElevatorDay
July 26One Voice Day#OneVoiceDay
July 26System Administrator Appreciation Day#SystemAdministratorAppreciationDay
July 27National Créme Bruléé Day#NationalCremeBruleeDay
July 27National Day of the American Cowboy#DayOfTheCowboy
July 27National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day#KoreanWarVeteransArmisticeDay
July 27National Love is Kind Day#TheLoveisKindMovement
July 27National Scotch Day#NationalScotchDay
July 27Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day#PaddleForPerthesDiseaseAwarenessDay
July 27Take your Pants for a Walk Day#TakeYourPantsForAWalkDay
July 28Buffalo Soldiers Day#BuffaloSoldiersDay
July 28National Milk Chocolate Day#MilkChocolateDay
July 28National Parents Day#ParentsDay
July 28National Waterpark Day#NationalWaterparkDay
July 28World Hepatitis Day#WorldHepatitisDay
July 29International Tiger Day#GlobalTigerDay
July 29National Chicken Wing Day#NationalChickenWingDay
July 29National Lasagna Day#NationalLasagnaDay
July 29National Lipstick Day#NationalLipStickDay
July 29Rain Day#RainDay
July 30Father-In-Law Day#FatherInLawDay
July 30International Day of Friendship#DayOfFriendship
July 30National Cheesecake Day#NationalCheesecakeDay
July 30National Support Public Education Day#SupportPublicEducationDay
July 30National Whistleblower Day#NationalWhistleblowerDay
July 30Paperback Book Day#PaperbackBookDay
July 31National Avocado Day#NationalAvocadoDay
July 31National Mutt Day#NationalMuttDay
July 31National Raspberry Cake Day#RaspberryCakeDay
July 31Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day#UncommonInstrumentAwarenessDay
July 31World Ranger Day#WorldRangerDay
international chocolate day
timeanddate.com, nationaldaycalendar.com, en.wikipedia.org, holidayscalendar.com, nationaltoday.com, checkiday.com, brownielocks.com

Better Social Media Results in Less Time

You want all the perks of social media (the huge following, the support, the ready buyers) and none of the hassle (the hours of content creation, the effort to master strategies, the time invested in trends).

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Created specifically to turn your phone or desktop into your own social media manager, the Social Media Content Club delivers scroll-stopping, link-clicking, copy-and-post content Every. Single. Day.

It’s the minutes-a-day way to make genuine connections, boost engagement, and grow your business, all from a copy-and-paste on your phone.

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Small business owners and marketers are talking:

  • “The Social Media Content Club was the best decision we ever made.”
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Give the Social Media Content Club a try and watch your engagement and business skyrocket.

August Holidays in 2024

The complete list of holidays, observances, and fun, weird, and special dates for August 2024 can be found here: AngieGensler.com/August-Holidays

august 2024 holidays

To access the list of holidays for every month in 2024 and beyond, visit the Holidays index page.


The month of July is packed with opportunities to connect with your audience through a variety of holidays, local observances, and awareness days that can be used as social media content.

Remember to use monthly, weekly, and daily observances to keep your social media calendar full!

From government-recognized days like Independence Day to quirky food holidays to International Friendship Day, there’s no shortage of content to boost your social media presence. 

Remember to use holiday-specific hashtags to increase your reach, and don’t forget to update your content annually. 

We hope this post has been a useful resource and has given you some great content ideas! If you found value in it, please share it with your network—it would mean so much to us. Thank you!


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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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