290+ November Holidays in 2024 | Fun, Weird, and Special Dates

Are you looking for November holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media?

Are you a small business owner or marketer?

Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of November holidays and observances with special dates to promote.

2024 november holidays

Get ready for a fun-filled November with this comprehensive list of holidays and special observances!

From more popular holidays like Thanksgiving to Veterans Day to Small Business Saturday to more obscure celebrations like Name Your PC Day and Flossing Day, there’s always a fun holiday to celebrate on social media.

So start planning your social media posts and promotions now – your audience and customers will thank you for it!

From November 1-30, there are over 290 holidays and special observances to choose from!

Here are a few of the biggest and most fun holidays in November.
– Election Day
– Thanksgiving
– Black Friday
– Small Business Saturday
– Veterans Day
– World Kindness Day

happy thanksgiving day

So whether you’re looking for traditional holidays to promote your business or just some fun and unique days to celebrate, this list has you covered.

Check out the full list of 2024 holidays in November below.

Mark your calendars and get ready to explore fun, weird, and special dates in November 2024. Happy November!

Why November Holidays Make Great Social Media Posts

Back in my corporate marketing days, when I managed the social media channels for a $150 million business, I rejoiced when a holiday came around.

Holiday posts were easy to create, and they always received more “likes” than any other post.

Not many people will engage with a post about a company news release or an industry article, but many who see a post wishing everyone a Happy Veterans Day will give it a “like.”

veterans day

Including holidays in your social media content is an easy way to increase engagement and reach. People are already talking about the holiday, so you need to join the conversation.

You can use holiday-related hashtags, post photos celebrating the holiday, run contests, or offer discounts or special promotions related to the holiday.

Not sure how to get started? Here are some ideas:

  • Share recipes for favorite dishes served on the holiday
  • Give tips on how to decorate for the holiday
  • Offer advice on entertaining during the holiday season
  • Share photos of employees or customers celebrating the holiday
  • Run a contest related to the holiday
  • Offer a discount on products or services related to the holiday

With this list of November holidays, you will be able to easily come up with social media content ideas for November that will resonate with your audience and help you increase engagement and reach on your social channels.

national cappuccino day

For a business owner or marketer, holiday posts not only increase social media engagement but are also easy to create and fill followers with positive emotions.

When sharing a holiday post, always include an image or video with your status update, regardless of the platform you’re using. 

That’s because posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. (source)

Including an image with your post is the easiest way to DOUBLE engagement and it’s why the Social Media Content Club, our industry-leading social media software, is FULL of eye-catching images.

monthly content images

Also, tack on a holiday-themed hashtag to make it easy for people to find your content, and use location tagging if you have a physical storefront.

For more tips on how to increase your social media engagement, read: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement. 

Holiday Hashtags for Social Media

When celebrating holidays on social media, it’s important to include the relevant hashtag(s) for that holiday in your post.

Hashtags will increase the reach of your post, exposing your business to a larger audience.

To learn why and how to use hashtags on social media, read: 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.

Hashtags are so essential to your success on social media that I’ve done the research for you.

hashtag research image

Most of the holidays listed below include a hashtag for social media. 

However, for best results, you’ll want to use 3 – 5 hashtags relevant to that holiday in your post. 

If you’re pressed for time, the Social Media Content Club does the hashtag research for you and provides 3 popular and relevant hashtags for all major holidays. 

List of November National Holidays in 2024

In an effort to simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided the days into five categories – public holidays, religious holidays, monthly observances, weekly observances, and daily observances.

Scroll down to view all 290+ holidays, or use the following links to skip ahead to a specific category.

November Public Holidays in 2024

This list contains public holidays and special observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed
November 1 & 2Day of the Dead#DayOfTheDeadUnited States and Mexico
November 3Daylight Savings Ends#DaylightSavingsNorth America
November 4Recreation Day#RecreationDayTasmania, Australia
November 5Election Day#ElectionDayUnited States
November 5Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night#GuyFawkesUnited Kingdom
November 5Melbourne Cup Day#MelbourneCupVictoria, Australia
November 10Remembrance Sunday#RemembranceSundayUnited Kingdom
November 11Remembrance Day#RemembranceDayAustralia & Canada
November 11Veterans Day#VeteransDayUnited States
November 13World Kindness Day#WorldKindnessDayWorldwide
November 28Thanksgiving Day#ThanksgivingUnited States
November 29Black Friday#BlackFridayUnited States
November 30Small Business Saturday#ShopSmallUnited States
November 30St. Andrew’s Day#StAndrewsDayScotland
dia de los muertos

November Religious Holidays in 2024

November 1All Saints’ Day#AllSaintsDayChristian
November 2All Souls’ Day#AllSoulsDayChristian
holiday images

November Monthly Observances in 2024

Aviation History Month
Banana Pudding Lovers Month
Children’s Grief Awareness Month
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Awareness Month
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month
Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
Eye Donation Month
Family Stories Month
Georgia Pecan Month
Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month
Historic Bridge Awareness Month
Home Care & Hospice Month
Long-Term Care Awareness Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
MADD’s Tie One On For Safety (through December 31st)
Manatee Awareness Month
Memoir Writing Month
Military Family Month
National Adopt A Senior Pet Month
National Adoption Month
National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month
National Diabetes Month
National Entrepreneurship Month
National Epilepsy Awareness Month
National Family Caregivers Month
National Family Literacy Month
National Fun with Fondue Month
National Gratitude Month
National Healthy Skin Month
National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
National Impotency Awareness Month
National Inspirational Role Models Month
National Lifewriting Month
National Marrow Awareness Month
National Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Awareness & Appreciation Month
National Native American Heritage Month
National Novel Writing Month (NanNoWriMo)
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
National Pepper Month
National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
National Pomegranate Month
National PPSI AIDS Awareness Month
National PTA’s Healthy Lifestyles Month
National Raisin Bread Month
National Roasting Month
National Runaway Prevention Month
National Scholarship Month
No-Shave November
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Picture Book Month
Prematurity Awareness Month
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month
Sweet Potato Awareness Month
Transgender Awareness Month
Vegan Month
Worldwide Bereaved Siblings Month
holiday images (1)

November Weekly Observances in 2024

Nov. 1 – 7World Communication Week
Nov. 3 – 9Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
Nov. 3 – 9National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
Nov. 3 – 9National Radiologic Technology Week
Nov. 3 – 9Polar Bear Week
Nov. 8 – 10National Donor Sabbath
Nov. 9 – 17National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week
Nov. 10 – 16Global Entrepreneurship Week
Nov. 10 – 16National Split Pea Soup Week
Nov. 10 – 16NP (Nurse Practitioner) Week
Nov. 10 – 16Perioperative Nurse Week
Nov. 10 – 16World Kindness Week
Nov. 11 – 15National Young Readers Week
Nov. 17 – 23American Education Week
Nov. 17 – 23Geography Awareness Week
Nov. 17 – 23International Fraud Awareness Week
Nov. 17 – 23National Deal Week
Nov. 17 – 23World Antibiotic Awareness Week
Nov. 17 – 25International Restorative Justice Week
Nov. 24 – 30National Bible Week
Nov. 24 – 30National Game & Puzzle Week
Nov. 24 – 30National GERD Awareness Week
Nov. 24 – 30Separation of Church and State Week
black friday sale

November Daily Holidays in 2024

November 1All Saints’ Day#AllSaintsDay
November 1Cinnamon Day#CinnamonDay
November 1Extra Mile Day#ExtraMileDay
November 1Fountain Pen Day#FountainPenDay
November 1Give Up Your Shoulds Day#GiveUpYourShouldsDay
November 1Love Your Lawyer Day#LoveYourLawyerDay
November 1National Authors’ Day#NationalAuthorsDay
November 1National Brush Day#NationalBrushDay
November 1National Calzone Day#CalzoneDay
November 1National Cook For Your Pets Day#CookForYourPetsDay
November 1National Deep Fried Clams Day#DeepFriedClamsDay
November 1National Family Literacy Day#FamilyLiteracyDay
November 1National Jersey Friday#JerseyFriday
November 1National Medical Science Liaison Awareness & Appreciation Day#MslAwarenessAndAppreciationDay
November 1National Vinegar Day#NationalVinegarDay
November 1Prime Meridian Day#PrimeMeridianDay
November 1Scented Candle Day#ScentedCandleDay
November 1World Vegan Day#WorldVeganDay
November 1 & 2Day of the Dead#DayOfTheDead
November 2All Souls’ Day#AllSoulsDay
November 2Job Action Day#JobActionDay
November 2National Bison Day#BisonDay
November 2National Deviled Egg Day#NationalDeviledEggDay
November 2Plan Your Epitaph Day#PlanYourEpitaphDay
November 2World Numbat Day#WorldNumbatDay
November 3Cliché Day#ClicheDay
November 3Daylight Savings Ends – North America#DaylightSavings
November 3Daylight Savings Time#daylightsavings
November 3National Housewife Day#HousewifeDay
November 3National Sandwich Day#NationalSandwichDay
November 3Transgender Parent Day#TransgenderParentDay
November 3Zero Tasking Day#ZeroTaskingDay
November 4Broadcast Traffic Professionals Day#TrafficDirectorsDay
November 4Color the World Orange Day#CRPSOrangeDay
November 4National Candy Day#NationalCandyDay
November 4National Chicken Lady Day#ChickenLadyDay
November 4National Day of Community Service#dayofservice
November 4Recreation Day#RecreationDay
November 4Use Your Common Sense Day#UseYourCommonSenseDay
November 5Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night#GuyFawkes
November 5American Football Day#AmericanFootballDay
November 5Bonfire Night#BonfireNight
November 5Election Day (US)#ElectionDay
November 5Melbourne Cup Day#MelbourneCup
November 5National Love Your Red Hair Day#LoveYourRedHairDay
November 5World Tsunami Awareness Day#TsunamiDay
November 6National Nachos Day#NationalNachosDay
November 6National Stress Awareness Day#StressAwarenessDay
November 6Saxophone Day#SaxophoneDay
November 7International Stout Day#StoutDay
November 7National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day#BittersweetChocolateWithAlmondsDay
November 7National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day#CanineLymphomaDay
November 7National Men Make Dinner Day#MenMakeDinnerDay
November 7Notary Public Day#NotaryPublicDay
November 8Abet and Aid Punsters Day#AbetAndAidPunstersDay
November 8Cook Something Bold Day#CookSomethingBoldDay
November 8International Tongue Twister Day#TongueTwisterDay
November 8National Cappuccino Day#CappuccinoDay
November 8National Dunce Day#DunceDay
November 8National Harvey Wallbanger Day#HarveyWallbangerDay
November 8National Parents as Teachers Day#ParentsAsTeachersDay
November 8National STEM/STEAM Day#STEAMDay
November 8X-ray Day#XRayDay
November 9Carl Sagan Day#CarlSaganDay
November 9Chaos Never Dies Day#ChaosNeverDiesDay
November 9Go to an Art Museum Day#GoToAnArtMuseumDay
November 9National Microtia Awareness Day#MicrotiaAwarenessDay
November 9National Scrapple Day#NationalScrappleDay
November 9World Freedom Day#WorldFreedomDay
November 9World Orphans Day#WorldOrphansDay
November 10Area Code Day#AreaCodeDay
November 10International Accounting Day#AccountingDay
November 10Marine Corps Birthday / USMC Day#USMCDay
November 10National Forget-Me-Not Day#ForgetMeNotDay
November 10National Pupusa Day (El Salvador)#PupusaDayElSalvador
November 10National Vanilla Cupcake Day#VanillaCupcakeDay
November 10Remembrance Sunday – United Kingdom#RemembranceSunday
November 10Sesame Street Day#SesameStreetDay
November 10World Science Day for Peace and Development#ScienceDayForPeaceAndDevelopment
November 11Death/Duty Day#DeathDutyDay
November 11Metal Day#MetalDay
November 11National Sundae Day#NationalSundaeDay
November 11Origami Day#OrigamiDay
November 11Remembrance Day – Australia & Canada#RemembranceDay
November 11Singles’ Day#SinglesDay
November 11Veterans Day#VeteransDay
November 12Fancy Rat & Mouse Day#FancyRatMouseDay
November 12Happy Hour Day#HappyHourDay
November 12National Chicken Soup for the Soul Day#ChickenSoupForTheSoulDay
November 12National French Dip Day#NationalFrenchDipDay
November 12National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day#PizzaWithTheWorksExceptAnchoviesDay
November 12World Pneumonia Day#WorldPneumoniaDay
November 13National Hug a Musician Day#HugAMusicianDay
November 13National Indian Pudding Day#NationalIndianPuddingDay
November 13Sadie Hawkins Day#SadieHawkinsDay
November 13World Kindness Day#WorldKindnessDay
November 14International Girls Day#InternationalGirlsDay
November 14International Guinness World Records Day#GuinnessWorldRecordsDay
November 14Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day#LoosenUpLightenUpDay
November 14National American Teddy Bear Day#AmericanTeddyBearDay
November 14National Family PJ Day#FamilyPjDay
November 14National Pickle Day#NationalPickleDay
November 14National Spicy Guacamole Day#SpicyGuacamoleDay
November 14Operating Room Nurse Day#OperatingRoomNurseDay
November 14Spirit of NSA (National Speakers Association) Day#NSADay
November 14World Diabetes Day#WorldDiabetesDay
November 15America Recycles Day#AmericaRecyclesDay
November 15Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day#CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay
November 15I Love to Write Day#ILoveToWriteDay
November 15National Bundt Day#BundtDay
November 15National Philanthropy Day#NationalPhilanthropyDay
November 15National Raisin Bran Cereal Day#RaisinBranCerealDay
November 15National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day#SpicyHermitCookieDay
November 15Steve Irwin Day#SteveIrwinDay
November 16Button Day#ButtonDay
November 16International Day For Tolerance#DayForTolerance
November 16International Games Day (Libraries)#GamesDay
November 16National Button Day#NationalButtonDay
November 16National Fast Food Day#NationalFastFoodDay
November 17Homemade Bread Day#HomemadeBreadDay
November 17International Students Day#internationalstudentsday
November 17National Baklava Day#NationalBaklavaDay
November 17National Homemade Bread Day#HomemadeBreadDay
November 17National Take A Hike Day#NationalTakeAHikeDay
November 17National Unfriend Day#UnfriendDay
November 17World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims#DayOfRemembranceForRoadTrafficVictims
November 17World Prematurity Day#WorldPrematurityDay
November 18Apple Cider Day#AppleCiderDay
November 18Married to a Scorpio Support Day#MarriedToAScorpioSupportDay
November 18National Princess Day#PrincessDay
November 18National Vichyssoise Day#NationalVichyssoiseDay
November 18Push-button Phone Day#PushButtonPhoneDay
November 19“Have A Bad Day” Day#HaveABadDayDay
November 19Gettysburg Address Day#GettysburgAddressDay
November 19International Men’s Day#internationalmensday
November 19National Camp Day#CampDay
November 19National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day#CarbonatedBeverageWithCaffeineDay
November 19National Entrepreneurs’ Day#EntrepreneursDay
November 19National Play Monopoly Day#NationalPlayMonopolyDay
November 19Women’s Entrepreneurship Day#WomensEntrepreneurshipDay
November 19World Toilet Day#WorldToiletDay
November 20Future Teachers of America Day#FutureTeachersOfAmericaDay
November 20GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems)#GISDay
November 20Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day#GOHARD
November 20International Hug a Runner Day‪#‎hugarunnerday
November 20Name Your PC Day#NameYourPcDay
November 20National Absurdity Day#NationalAbsurdityDay
November 20National Educational Support Professionals Day#EducationalSupportProfessionalsDay
November 20National Peanut Butter Fudge Day#PeanutButterFudgeDay
November 20Transgender Day of Remembrance#Tdor
November 20Universal Children’s Day#UniversalChildrensDay
November 21Alascattalo Day#AlascattaloDay
November 21Great American Smokeout#GreatAmericanSmokeout
November 21National Gingerbread Cookie Day#GingerbreadCookieDay
November 21National Red Mitten Day#NationalRedMittensDay
November 21National Rural Health Day#RuralHealthDay
November 21National Stuffing Day#NationalStuffingDay
November 21Nouveau Beaujolais Day#NouveauBeaujolaisDay
November 21Use Less Stuff Day#UseLessStuffDay
November 21World Hello Day#WorldHelloDay
November 21World Pancreatic Cancer Day#PancreaticCancerDay
November 21World Philosophy Day#PhilosophyDay
November 21World Television Day#WorldTelevisionDay
November 22Go For A Ride Day#GoForARideDay
November 22Humane Society Anniversary Day#HumaneSocietyAnniversaryDay
November 22National Cranberry Relish Day#CranberryRelishDay
November 23Family Volunteer Day#FamilyVolunteerDay
November 23Fibonacci Day#FibonacciDay
November 23International Aura Awareness Day#AuraAwarenessDay
November 23National Adoption Day#nationaladoptionday
November 23National Cashew Day#NationalCashewDay
November 23National Eat a Cranberry Day#EatACranberryDay
November 23National Espresso Day#NationalEspressoDay
November 23National Survivors of Suicide Day#SurvivorsOfSuicideDay
November 24Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day#CelebrateYourUniqueTalentDay
November 24D.B. Cooper Day#DBCooperDay
November 24National Sardines Day#NationalSardinesDay
November 25Blase Day#BlaseDay
November 25International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women#DayForTheEliminationOfViolenceAgainstWomen
November 25National Parfait Day#NationalParfaitDay
November 25Shopping Reminder Day#ShoppingReminderDay
November 26National Cake Day#nationalcakeday
November 27DrinksGiving#Drinksgiving
November 27National Bavarian Cream Pie Day#BavarianCreamPieDay
November 27National Craft Jerky Day#NationalCraftJerkyDay
November 27National Family Caregivers Day#FamilyCaregiversDay
November 27National Jukebox Day#JukeboxDay
November 27Tie One On Day#TieOneOnDay
November 28Family Health History Day#FamilyHealthHistoryDay
November 28National Day of Mourning#DayOfMourning
November 28National French Toast Day#NationalFrenchToastDay
November 28Red Planet Day#RedPlanetDay
November 28Thanksgiving#Thanksgiving
November 28Turkey-Free Thanksgiving#TurkeyFreeThanksgiving
November 29Black Friday#BlackFriday
November 29Buy Nothing Day#BuyNothingDay
November 29Flossing Day#FlossingDay
November 29Fur Free Friday#FurFreeFriday
November 29International Day of Solidarity With The Palestinian People#DayOfSolidarityWithThePalestinianPeople
November 29Maize Day#MaizeDay
November 29National Day of Listening#DayOfListening
November 29National Native American Heritage Day#NativeAmericanHeritageDay
November 29Sinkie Day#SinkieDay
November 29You’re Welcome-giving Day#YoureWelcomeGivingDay
November 30Cities for Life Day#CitiesForLifeDay
November 30Computer Security Day#ComputerSecurityDay
November 30National Mason Jar Day#MasonJarDay
November 30National Methamphetamine Awareness Day#MethAwarenessDay
November 30National Mousse Day#NationalMousseDay
November 30National Personal Space Day#PersonalSpaceDay
November 30National Stay at Home Because You’re Well Day#StayAtHomeBecauseYoureWellDay
November 30Small Business Saturday#SmallBusinessSaturday
November 30St. Andrew’s Day#StAndrewsDay
timeanddate.com, nationaldaycalendar.com, en.wikipedia.org, holidayscalendar.com, nationaltoday.com, checkiday.com, brownielocks.com

Better Social Media Results in Less Time

You want all the perks of social media (the huge following, the support, the ready buyers) and none of the hassle (the hours of content creation, the effort to master strategies, the time invested in trends).

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content club gif

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Give the Social Media Content Club a try and watch your engagement and business skyrocket.

December 2024 Holidays 

The complete list of holidays, observances, and fun, weird, and special dates for December 2024 can be found here: AngieGensler.com/December-Holidays

2024 december holidays

To access the list of holidays for every month in 2024 and beyond, visit the Holidays index page.


The month of November is packed with holidays and local observances that can be used as social media content.

From Veterans Day to Thanksgiving, there are plenty of holidays and ideas to help you get your social media posts seen by more people.

And don’t forget about using monthly, weekly, and daily observances to keep your social media calendar full!

We hope this post has been a useful resource, giving you some great content ideas! If you found value in it, please share it with your network – it would mean so much to us. Thank you!



november holidays 2024 infographic
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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond Angiegensler.com. He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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