9 Social Media Post Ideas and 90 Hashtags for the COVID-19 Outbreak

Are you a business owner wondering how to engage on social media during the Coronavirus outbreak?
Whether you’re not sure what to post right now, or you’re scared business won’t return back to normal once this crisis ends…
This article will provide helpful social media tips, trending hashtags, and 9 post ideas for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Things may look bleak for business owners right now, but there IS a silver lining in this situation we’re all facing right now.
Consumers are spending hours on social media every day and they’re actively engaging with businesses.
Now is your chance to engage your audience, provide value, and offer support.
Use this time to build relationships on social media so when this situation is over…
You have a crowd of raving fans anxious to do business with you.
And don’t worry, I’ve done most of the work for you.
I’ve created a list of 9 ideas of what to post on social media during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Plus, I provide you with 90 of the top Coronavirus-related hashtags trending on Instagram.
The hashtag lists I recommend below will increase the exposure of your posts, generate more followers, and increase engagement on each post.
Before I share the 9 post ideas, I have a few important tips to help you navigate social media marketing during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Is video more your style? I’ve got you covered! Click the video below to watch this article instead.
First, be particularly mindful of the words you use and the type of content you share on social media during this crisis.
The content you share should align with your brand voice and identity.
If you typically do not talk about political issues on your business profile, now is not the time to start sharing your opinion about how the government should handle the pandemic.
Imagine if your dentist or family photographer posted a rant about their local government on their business profile.
That would be really strange and inappropriate.
No one follows their dentist or family photographer on social media because they respect their political views.
Additionally, be sensitive to the pain and suffering others are experiencing right now.
For some of us, this crisis is a major inconvenience. We’re the lucky ones.
For countless others, this crisis means horrific loss and insurmountable grief.
It’s OK to share your experience and bring some humor and lightness to your social media posts, but try not to cross the line to offensive or negative.
Next, if you are not following social distancing or stay-at-home orders, DO NOT post photos of yourself violating those safety measures.
That is the best way to anger people and draw unwanted attention to yourself and your business.
Numerous public figures have made this mistake and received terrible backlash.
This goes back to being sensitive to the situation.
Third, DO NOT post false information or pranks related to the Coronavirus.
It’s not cool and may even result in legal retribution depending on what you post. So don’t do it.
And finally, use trending hashtags to increase the exposure of your posts.
Finding the right hashtags takes a lot of time, so I’ve done the work for you!
Keep reading for a list of 90 coronavirus-related hashtags to use in your social media posts.
Hashtags are the best and easiest way to grow your followers on Instagram, but they also work on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
You can use up to 30 hashtags in your Instagram posts, but research from Track Maven suggests 9 hashtags is the magic number for Instagram.
On Facebook and Twitter, and I recommend using just one hashtag and use 3 – 5 hashtags on LinkedIn.
When compiling your list of hashtags for Instagram, don’t use only the most popular hashtags.
Hashtags with millions of posts are highly competitive and the chances of your content being seen are much smaller.
To increase your exposure, I recommend including 3 hashtags with 100,000+ posts, 3 hashtags with 10,000+ posts, and 3 hashtags with around 1,000+ posts.
You can easily find this out by typing the hashtag into the Instagram search bar as shown in the image below.

Luckily, you don’t need to do all that research because my VA and I did it for you!
We compiled a list of coronavirus-related hashtags trending right now (April 2020) on Instagram.
As of April 1, 2020, the top 30 most popular coronavirus-related hashtags on Instagram are:
- #coronavirus
- #stayhome
- #covid_19
- #covıd19
- #staysafe
- #stayhealthy
- #covid
- #besafe
- #flattenthecurve
- #pandemic
- #stayhomestaysafe
- #stayconnected
- #inthistogether
- #weareinthistogether
- #stayinside
- #stayathome
- #newnormal
- #weareallinthistogether
- #stayhomesavelives
- #outbreak
- #silverlinings
- #findjoy
- #epidemic
- #socialdistancing2020
- #staywell
- #stopthespread
- #wewillgetthroughthis
- #wereinthistogether
- #worldhealthorganization
- #thenewnormal
The next 30 most popular hashtags on Instagram as of April 1, 2020 are:
- #staysafeoutthere
- #fightcoronavirus💪
- #healthcareworkers
- #coronaoutbreak
- #besafeoutthere
- #besafeeveryone
- #kindnessiscontagious
- #washhands
- #coronapocalypse
- #stayhomeclub
- #covid2020
- #worldhealth
- #fightagainstcoronavirus✌️
- #keepsafeeveryone
- #fightagainstcorona
- #togetherapart
- #doingourpart
- #flatteningthecurve
- #covidkindness
- #pleasestayhome
- #socialdistancingsaveslives
- #staythefuckathome
- #healthcareheroes
- #staysafeandhealthy
- #wellgetthroughthis
- #ournewnormal
- #wewillgetthroughthistogether
- #stayhomestaysafe😷
- #fightcoronavirustogether
- #keepcalmandwashyourhands
The next 30 least popular hashtags on Instagram as of April 1, 2020 are:
- #slowthespread
- #imstayinghome
- #spreadlovenotgerms
- #coronaupdates
- #stayhomeifyouaresick
- #wegotthis
- #homeisolation
- #thankyouhealthcareworkers
- #covidlife
- thankyouhealthcareworkers
- #healthcrisis
- #flattenthecurve⚠️
- #thankshealthheroes
- #isolatedbutnotalone
- #virusoutbreak
- #washthosehands
- #imisspeople
- #pandemiclife
- #stayhomesavelives❤️
- #stayinsideplease
- #stayquarantined
- #socialdistancingworks
- #nohandshake
- #thankyouessentialworkers
- #coronavirusawarness
- #covidnews
- #coronaepidemic
- #lowerthecurve
- #thankyouhealthcareworkers🙏❤️
- #doyourpart
For each post you make on Instagram, include 3 hashtags from each list above.
Now that you know what NOT to post and which hashtags to use, let’s move on to the 9 ideas of what to post on social media during the coronavirus outbreak.
#1 Positive Thought or Quote
If you’ve read my article, What to Post on Social Media – 100 Post Ideas for Business Owners, then you know that quotes do very well on social media.
Quotes tend to get a lot of likes and shares.
Plus, they create positive feelings and help combat all the negativity on social media.
You can never go wrong sharing a positive or uplifting message on social media and that is particularly true right now.
A little encouragement goes a long way for people sitting at home feeling lonely, discouraged, or scared.
Here’s an example of a Positive Thought or Quote post:
The example above is an image I custom-designed to fit my brand and speak directly to the situation we’re facing right now.
But you don’t have to make that extra effort when creating a positive or uplifting post.
To save yourself tons of time and stress, you can purchase done-for-you image templates with positive quotes.
Pre-designed templates are the ideal solution if graphic design is not your thing or you don’t have time to design your own images.

#2: Funny Image or Meme
Sharing something funny on social media is a great way to spread joy.
Plus, funny posts tend to get a lot of likes and shares.
Your goal with a funny post is to bring humor and lightness to the situation, not to be rude or offensive.
As I mentioned earlier, the COVID-19 outbreak is very serious so use your judgment about what you think is appropriate.
Here’s an example of a Funny Image or Meme post:
For more examples of each post idea shared in this article, watch this video.
#3: COVID-19 Questions
If you’ve read my article, 65 Social Media Questions to Increase Engagement, then you know that questions are the absolute BEST way to get more engagement on social media.
When you ask questions your followers feel compelled to respond – which drives your comments and engagement rate up.
Nearly every person in the world is impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, so ask your audience questions about their experience!
Here’s an example of a COVID-19 Question post:

To get your creative juices flowing, here are a few more COVID-19 questions you could ask:
- When you look back on this time in our lives, what are some positive things you will remember?
- What’s one thing you miss the most from your pre-coronavirus life?
- What’s your favorite meme or gif about these current times? Share it in the comments!
- How has everyone adapted to working at home under these circumstances?
- What’s something great you’ve experienced or discovered while stuck at home?
- What essential job are you most thankful for right now?
- How are you combatting cabin fever?
Do you have a COVID-19 question you’ve asked your audience that received great engagement? Share it with me in the comments of this video!
#4: Action You’re Taking
As a business owner, you have likely taken some sort of action to address the coronavirus outbreak.
Whether you’ve changed cleaning protocols, shifted to virtual consultations, or temporarily shut your doors, you need to share it with your audience on social media.
Make sure your followers know what actions you’ve taken to keep your customers, employees, and your community safe during this crisis.
Here’s an example of an Action You’re Taking post:

To see more examples of the post ideas shared in this article, follow me on Instagram.
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#5: How to Do Business With You
Most businesses have had to change the way they’re interacting with customers and many have shut down completely.
If you’re still open for business, it’s important to tell your customers how they can continue to do business with you.
If you’re currently closed, let your customers know how to stay in touch and when you anticipate opening once again.
Here’s an example of a How to Do Business With You post:

For more examples of each post idea shared in this article, watch this video.
#6: Behind-the-Scenes
The way we do business has completely changed.
Give your customers a behind-the-scenes glimpse at what your day-to-day looks like right now.
Let them see how the coronavirus outbreak has impacted your daily operations.
Tons of people around the world are facing a similar situation so these type of posts will really resonate with your audience.
Here’s an example of a Behind-the-Scenes post:

The above example is showing a work-from-home situation, but keep in mind that a behind-the-scenes post doesn’t only apply to people who work from home.
Maybe you’re considered an essential employee. You’re continuing to go to work but your typical day-to-day has changed.
Post a photo or video demonstrating the increase in customers or the extra safety measures you now take to do your job.
To see more examples of the post ideas shared in this article, follow me on Instagram.
#7: Helpful COVID-19 Information
There is so much information (good and bad) circulating about COVID-19.
Whether it’s news articles, public health facts, or tips on how to stay mentally and physically healthy, share helpful information with your audience.
Just be careful not to share personal opinions or information that could be viewed as polarizing, political, or offensive.
Stick to sharing information from credible sources that help people stay healthy or adapt to our new normal.
Here’s an example of a Helpful COVID-19 Information post:

Watch this video for more examples of the 9 post ideas shared in this article.
#8: Throwback to a Simpler Time
Share a photo of you that represents a simpler time in life – a photo taken long before COVID-19 hit.
Not too long ago, social media news feeds were chock full of photos of people engaging in their community, attending special events, going to restaurants and bars, and traveling the world.
All of those activities are widely banned around the world, so posting a photo of you engaging in one of those activities will stand out and get attention.
Plus, throwback photos bring a little hope to the situation. They’re a reminder of what life was once like and what it will be again.
Here’s an example of a Throwback to a Simpler Time post:

PRO TIP: Share this type of post on a Thursday to leverage the #throwbackthursday hashtag and get extra exposure to your post.
#9: Thank Essential Workers
Essential workers put their lives on the line each time they go to work during this pandemic.
Their efforts allow the rest of us to stay safe, healthy, and well-fed.
Take time to recognize the work and sacrifice of the essential workers in your community by thanking them in a social media post.
If your business employs essential workers, your post will serve a dual purpose.
Not only will it praise your hard-working employees, but it’s a reminder to your audience that your business is here for them during this time of need.
Here’s an example of a Thank Essential Workers post:

These 9 ideas are a great start to ramping up your social media activity, but there is still a lot of work involved to create engaging posts every single day of the year.
To help my fellow business owners during this time of need, I’m offering 25% off my 12-Month Social Media Content Calendar.
You’ll get over 365 days of post ideas planned out for you in a proven-to-work system.
Click here to learn more about it and use the code COVID19SUCKS for an instant 25% off.
SPECIAL NOTE: I would love to give every reader a free copy of the calendar, but I’m also a small business owner feeling the negative impact of COVID-19. Your discounted purchase will allow me to keep my business running throughout this crisis.

As you navigate social media marketing during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to remember that perseverance, not perfection, is the key to success.
Try not to stress about every post being perfect, posting a million times a day or being active on EVERY social media platform.
In fact, those are all myths I bust in my article, 5 Social Media Myths Hurting Your Business.
Take a deep breath and start by taking one small action.
Use the 9 post ideas listed above (along with a handful of hashtags) and share a high-quality post once a day.
Small efforts taken every single day will help you stay connected with your audience and continue to build relationships.
That way, when this crisis is over, you have an audience of raving fans ready to do business with you!