100 Social Media Questions to Boost Engagement

Are you a small business owner or marketer looking to boost engagement on social media? 

In my extensive experience of over 14 years as a social media marketer, I’ve discovered that well-crafted social media engagement questions can dramatically enhance interaction, aligning perfectly with social media algorithms that favor active engagement.

Not only will asking questions help you increase engagement through more likes and comments, but questions start a conversation with your audience, allowing you to get to know one another on a deeper level.

Unfortunately, thinking of creative questions to ask can be very difficult and time-consuming, which is why I’ve compiled 100 social media questions that you can copy and share on your social media channels.

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Please note this post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click them and make a purchase.  This is, of course, at no cost to you, and I only share products that I use and love myself.  Please read my disclaimer for more information.

Why Questions Work

Questions are not just tools to gather information; they are powerful engagement magnets. 

By initiating conversations, questions help you break through the noise of social media, enabling meaningful interactions. 

This, in turn, boosts your visibility across platforms as algorithms pick up on the increased activity.

The Power of Different Types of Questions

  • Open-ended questions: These invite detailed responses and deeper engagement, which social media algorithms favor.
  • Simple questions: Quick and easy to answer, these questions can increase the number of interactions.
  • Fun questions and funny questions: These add a light-hearted touch, making your brand more relatable and engaging.
  • Social media polls: Polls are a fantastic way to engage your audience, gather opinions, and increase time spent on your posts.
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For Small Businesses

As a small business owner, your goal is to build a community around your brand. 

The 100 questions listed below are designed to give voice and personality to small businesses on digital platforms. 

They are categorized to help you tailor your approach, whether you’re looking to entertain, inform, or better understand your audience.

Ideal Audience for the Questions

The 100 questions are ideal for small business owners, bloggers, and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers who want to give their online brand a voice and personality.

If you’re a business-to-business (B2B) marketer or a B2C business with a formal brand identity, such as a dentist or mental health counselor, questions will still work to increase engagement, but you’ll need to get a little creative.

Many of the questions below are inappropriate for a more conservative business, but you can create your own using the question categories I provide.

For example, if you sell office supplies, a “this or that” question could be, “Bic or Pentel?”


Use a Scheduling Tool  

The best part about these social media questions is that you can schedule them far in advance.

Three of my favorite scheduling tools for small business owners are Canva, SocialBee, and PromoRepublic.

If you decide to schedule your question posts, make sure your phone has notifications set and check your social media channels often.

You don’t want to miss out on joining the conversation when someone engages with your question.

If you’re new to social media scheduling and need help choosing the best scheduling tool for your business then read: Best Social Media Scheduling Tools for Small Business Owners.

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Use Images to Increase Engagement

To crank your social media engagement up one more notch, create styled images of your questions.

Social media research studies have shown that posts with images receive more clicks, likes, comments, and shares than posts with just text.

In fact, BuzzSumo found that posts with images received 2.3 times more engagement than posts without images. (Source)

Why do you think Facebook has a feature allowing you to style your text status updates on designed backgrounds?

It significantly increases engagement!

Don’t believe me? Take a look at the two examples below.

Which one would catch your eye as you furiously scroll through your newsfeed?

Angie Gensler Facebook Post
Angie Gensler Instagram Example

Many small business owners find designing images overwhelming, and paying for fancy design tools or hiring a designer is often out of the budget.

But don’t worry, there are other options available.  

Your first option is to design your own images using Canva.com.

Canva is a free, online graphic design tool. I love Canva and use it to create all my images.

It’s very user-friendly and easy to learn.

The only downside to this option is that it requires a lot of time to design your own images, and the quality may not meet professional standards.

Your second option is to pay a professional designer to create your images.

Unfortunately, this option is very costly and not realistic for a blogger or a brand-new business owner.

Your third option is to purchase “done for you” social media image templates created by a professional designer.

This option provides you with high-quality images at a price that fits your budget.

With professional social media image templates, you can customize the images to match your brand identity and style preferences as well as add your logo and website URL.

This is a perfect option for busy entrepreneurs who want to grow their social media following but feel overwhelmed by the amount of time it consumes.

If the “done for you” option sounds good to you, click here to check out the Social Media Content Club.

Created specifically to turn your phone or desktop into your own social media manager, the Social Media Content Club delivers scroll-stopping, link-clicking, copy-and-post content every day.

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Where to Post the Questions

Once you have your images created and loaded into your social media scheduling tool, which social media channels should you share them?

The 100 social media questions are great for Instagram, Facebook groups, your Facebook page, X, and LinkedIn. 

You can also take polls on Facebook and Instagram stories.

Let your audience help you decide on the topic for your next blog post or which product to create next.

If your audience is small, keep in mind it will take a while to get some good engagement.

Don’t be discouraged if no one comments or engages right away.  

Remember, the key to success on social media is perseverance and consistency. 


100 Social Media Questions to Boost Engagement

I’ve studied the results from the questions I’ve asked on social media over the years and identified 100 questions you can ask on social media to increase engagement.

I analyzed the questions and segmented them into ten different categories.

The categories serve as a springboard for you to create your own questions in addition to the 100 I provide.

Fill-In-The-Blank Questions for Social Media 

Fill in the blank

1. Fill in the blank: A talent I wish I had is ____________.

2. Fill in the blank: I’m inspired by _________.

3. Fill in the blank: If I could be anywhere right now, it would be__________.

4. Fill in the blank: My all-time favorite book is __________.

5. Fill in the blank: My dream job would be ____________.

6. Fill in the blank: My go-to comfort food is ____________.

7. Fill in the blank: The one movie I can watch over and over is ____________.

“Would You Rather” Questions For Social Media

Would you rather

8. Would you rather have 100K Facebook followers or 100K Twitter followers?

9. Would you rather hike a mountain or lay on the beach?

10. Would you rather have to sit all day or stand all day?

11. Would you rather have a personal chef or a maid?

12. Would you rather have 5 close friends or 10,000 Facebook friends?

13. Would you rather have $100,000 in real money or $1,000,000 in Amazon gift cards?

14. Would you rather be famous or the best friend of someone famous?

15. Would you rather have free Starbucks for a year or free iTunes music forever?

“What’s Your Favorite” Questions For Social Media 

Whats your favorite

16. What is your all-time favorite book?

17. What is your favorite travel destination?

18. What is your favorite time of the year?

19. What is your favorite holiday?

20. Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

21. What is your favorite TV show?

22. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

23. What is your favorite knock-knock joke?

24. What’s your favorite sport to watch?

25. What’s your favorite city you’ve visited?

“What Is…” Questions For Social Media 

What is

26. What is your biggest fear?

27. What is your ideal vacation in one sentence?

28. What was the last thing you got really excited about?

29. What is your superpower?

30. What famous person in history would you love to meet?

31. What is the best compliment you have ever received?

32. What is your ideal date night?

33. What is the funniest word in the English language?

34. What is your secret talent?

“Only One Thing” Questions For Social Media 

Only one thing

35. If you could only have one app on your phone, what would it be?

36. If you could only listen to one genre of music, what would it be?

37. What one thing do you hope to accomplish this week?

38. What one food you could not live without?

39. If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, which would it be?

40. If you could only use one social media platform, which would it be?

41. If you could only own one book, which one would it be?

42. If you could only wear one outfit for the next month, what would you wear?

43. If you could only listen to one genre of music, what would it be?

“This Or That Questions” For Social Media 

This or That

44. Are you a cat or dog lover?

45. Tea or coffee?

46. A quiet night at home with a book or out on the town with friends?

47. Campsite or luxury hotel?

48. City or country?

49. Mountains or beach?

50. Are you a saver or a spender?

51. Margaritas frozen or on the rocks?

52. Wine or beer?

53. Pepsi or Coke?

54. Are you a night owl or an early bird?

55. Do you like country or rock n’ roll?

56. Salty snack or sweet treat?

Seasonal/Holiday Questions For Social Media 

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57. What’s your favorite summertime food?

58. Would you rather get a store-bought or homemade gift from your Valentine?

59. What’s one New Year’s resolution you actually kept?

60. Pumpkin spice latte or hot apple cider?

61. What’s your favorite season: spring, summer, fall, or winter?

62. What’s the best way to spend a rainy, fall day?

63. What was your most memorable Halloween costume as a kid?

64. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?

65. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

66. During Winter, would you rather it snows every day or not at all?

67. What is your favorite springtime activity?

68. What was your favorite Easter candy as a kid?

69. Swimming pool or beach?

70. Do you prefer summer or winter activities?

71. What smells do you associate with summer?

“If You Could” Questions For Social Media 

If you could

72. If you could run away for a day and do anything you want, what would you do?

73. If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?

74. If you could star in any TV show throughout history, what would it be and who would you be?

75. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

76. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would it be and why?

77. If you could interview one person in your field, who would it be?

78. If you could have any fictional character as a friend, who would it be and why?

79. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

80. If you could solve one global issue, what would it be?

81. If you could live in a different time period, which would you choose and why?

“What If” Questions For Social Media 

What if

82. If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?

83. What five things could you not live without?

84. If someone gave you $1,000, how would you spend it?

85. If you were in a band, what instrument would you play?

86. If you were a superhero, who would you be?

87. If you could communicate with animals, what would you ask them?

88. How would the world be different if social media had never been invented?

89. If you were given the opportunity to go into space, would you take it?

90. If money was no longer needed, what would be the most valuable thing?

Nostalgia Questions For Social Media 


91. What was the BEST vacation you ever took?

92. What’s the one movie you could watch over and over again?

93. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

94. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

95. What was your first job?

96. What was your first car?

97. Who was your childhood hero and why?

98. What was the first concert you ever attended?

99. What song takes you back to high school when you hear it?

100. What was your favorite video game growing up?


Increase Social Media Engagement with Less Effort

These 100 social media questions are a great way to increase engagement, but they will only take you so far.

The fact is, you need a proven-to-work system for social media marketing that gets real results (I’m talking engagement, followers, traffic, and sales) AND saves you hours of time and stress.

Lucky for you, I have the perfect solution!

The Social Media Content Club has helped thousands of business owners around the world work smarter, not harder, and tackle social media with confidence!

It’s the minutes-a-day way to make genuine connections, boost engagement, and grow your business without the hustle or headache.

content club gif

Content Club members have reported the following results:

  • Increased engagement “Only a few days and already noticed more engagement!” -Rosalind
  • More followers “I’ve seen a huge response in just the first week alone.” -Keith
  • Growth in sales “5 posts this week and my sales have started to grow!” -Ceci
  • Spike in traffic “The traffic to our podcast and blog is up as well.” -Chris
  • Countless hours saved “Saved me at least 40 hours of work.” -Stephanie
  • Reduced stress “Gave me back my headspace and that is priceless.” -Tiffany

Give the Social Media Content Club a try and watch your engagement and business skyrocket.


Now that you know asking questions is the best way to increase engagement on social media, I challenge you to ask a question today and see how it works! 

Then go check out my other articles designed to remove the headache and hustle from marketing your business.


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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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