If you’re looking for some of the most popular May hashtags for social media – or need help creating content for your social media channels– we’ve got you covered.
From trending and popular hashtags to easy-to-rank hashtags, we’ve got everything you need to get your content found and grow your following on social media.

With the month of Mother’s Day and Memorial Day right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about which hashtags to use on your social media calendar.
To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of over 185 hashtags for the May holidays and events that you can use on Instagram, X, Facebook, and more.
From festive and popular Instagram hashtags like #HappyMothersDay and #MemorialDay to more weather-related ones like #springtime, there’s a hashtag for every occasion in May.
So whether you’re posting about Women’s Health Month or sharing a Spring promotion, be sure to use one (or more) of these hashtags to get your status updates seen by more people.
Or, if you’re running a promotion or contest, you can use hashtags like #Contest or #Giveaway to increase engagement.

Important Social Media Marketing Tips:
Hashtags are an outstanding way to increase the visibility and reach of your social media posts.
You can use up to 30 hashtags in your Instagram posts, but research from Track Maven suggests nine hashtags is the magic number for Instagram.
On Facebook and Twitter, I recommend you use 1 – 2 hashtags, and on LinkedIn, use 3 – 5 hashtags.
When compiling your list of hashtags for Instagram, be careful not to use only the most popular hashtags.
Hashtags with millions of posts are highly competitive,e and the chances of your content being seen are much smaller.
That’s why I’ve curated a list of popular hashtags that range from 15,000 to 1 million posts or more.
Use a variety of these hashtags in your posts for maximum results.

May Hashtags
- #ArmedForcesDay
- #BikeToWorkDay
- #BreakTheStigma
- #BrothersDay
- #CapsAndGowns
- #CelebrateMom
- #CeliacAwarenessMonth
- #ChocolateChipDay
- #CincoDeDrinko
- #CincoDeMayo
- #CincoDeMayo2025
- #CincoDeMayoParty
- #CincoDeMayoWeekend
- #ClassOf2025
- #DogMomsDay
- #EatWhatYouWantDay
- #EndangeredSpeciesDay
- #EndOfSchoolYear
- #EndOfTheSchoolYear
- #EndTheStigma
- #FelizCincoDeMayo
- #FibromyalgiaAwarenessDay
- #FiestaTime
- #Flowers
- #FlowerSeason
- #FlowersInBloom
- #FoodAllergyAwareness
- #FutureLeaders
- #GoodbyeSchool
- #Grad2025
- #Graduate
- #Graduation
- #Graduation2025
- #GraduationCelebration
- #GraduationDay
- #GraduationParty
- #GraduationSeason
- #GraduationTime
- #HappyCincoDeMayo
- #HappyGraduation
- #HappyMay
- #HappyMothersDay
- #HappyMothersDay2025
- #HealthGoals
- #HealthIsWealth
- #HealthyWomen
- #HelloMay
- #HelloSpring
- #HelloSummer
- #HummusDay
- #ILoveMyMom
- #LastDayOfSchool
- #LoveSpring
- #LoveYouMom
- #May
- #May2025
- #MayChallenge
- #MayDay
- #MayDays
- #MayFavorites
- #MayFlowers
- #MayForever
- #MayGoals
- #MayLove
- #MayMood
- #MayPhotoChallenge
- #MayThe4thBeWithYou
- #MayVibes
- #MelanomaMonday
- #MemorialDay
- #MentalHealth
- #MentalHealthAwareness
- #MentalHealthIsHealth
- #MentalHealthIsImportant
- #MentalHealthIsReal
- #MentalHealthJourney
- #MentalHealthMatters
- #MentalHealthMonth
- #MentalHealthSupport
- #MentalHealthWarrior
- #MentalHealthWellness
- #MexicanIndependenceDay
- #MimosaDay
- #MotherlyLove
- #MothersDay
- #MothersDay2025
- #MothersDayCelebration
- #MothersDayEveryday
- #MothersDayLove
- #MothersDayWeekend
- #MothersLove
- #MothersLoveIsForever
- #MyMomIsTheBest
- #NationalBBQDay
- #NationalCreativityDay
- #NationalDayOfPrayer
- #NationalFitnessDay
- #NationalHamburgerDay
- #NationalMaritimeDay
- #NationalNursesDay
- #NationalPoliceWeek
- #NationalRescueDogDay
- #NationalShrimpDay
- #NationalSmileDay
- #NationalSorryDay
- #NationalSpaceDay
- #NationalWineDay
- #NewBeginnings
- #NoDietDay
- #NoHomework
- #NoMoreSchool
- #NoPantsDay
- #NoTobaccoDay
- #NursesWeek
- #PizzaPartyDay
- #PlantLover
- #PompAndCircumstance
- #SchoolsOut
- #SchoolsOutForSummer
- #SchoolsOutForTheSummer
- #SilenceTheShame
- #SkinCancerAwarenessMonth
- #Spring
- #Spring2025
- #SpringBlooms
- #SpringColors
- #SpringDay
- #SpringDays
- #SpringEquinox
- #SpringFeeling
- #SpringFlowers
- #SpringFlowersMakeMeHappy
- #SpringGarden
- #SpringGardens
- #SpringHasCome
- #SpringHasSprung
- #SpringIsComing
- #SpringIsFinallyHere
- #SpringIsHere
- #SpringIsInTheAir
- #SpringIsMyFavorite
- #SpringIsNear
- #SpringIsSprung
- #SpringLove
- #SpringTime
- #SpringVibes
- #SpringWeather
- #StrongWomen
- #SummerVacation
- #SummerVacation2025
- #TacosAndTequila
- #TeacherAppreciation
- #TeacherAppreciationDay
- #ThankYouMom
- #TourismDay
- #TulipSeason
- #TurtleDay
- #VEDay
- #VictoriaDay
- #VivaMexico
- #WelcomeMay
- #WomensHealth
- #WomensHealthAndWellness
- #WomensHealthAwareness
- #WomensHealthMatters
- #WomensHealthMonth
- #WomensHealthWeek
- #WomensMentalHealth
- #YouAreNotAlone
Daily Social Media Hashtags
When compiling your list of hashtags to use for a status update, also remember to incorporate daily hashtags.
Daily hashtags are very popular, and they’re meant to be used on specific days of the week.

I recommend using 1 – 2 daily hashtags in addition to your monthly, event, or promotion-specific hashtags.
Below are some of the most popular daily hashtags to use on social media.
For a complete list of daily hashtags, read: 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.
- #SundayFunday
- #HappySunday
- #WeekendVibes
- #MondayMotivation
- #MondayQuotes
- #MondayMantra
- #TuesdayMotivation
- #TuesdayThoughts
- #TacoTuesday
- #WednesdayMotivation
- #WednesdayMorning
- #HappyHumpDay
- #ThursdayQuotes
- #ThursdayMotivation
- #ThrowbackThursday
- #HappyFriday
- #FlashbackFriday
- #HappySaturday
- #SaturdayNight
- #SmallBusinessSaturday
May Social Media Holidays Hashtags
The holidays range from major holidays like:
– Mother’s Day
– Memorial Day
Special observances like:
– Women’s Health Month
– Teacher Appreciation Week
– Memorial Day
Random holidays like:
– National Wine Day
– National Eat What You Want Day
– National Chocolate Chip Day
– National Hamburger Day
– National Smile Day
– National Bike to Work Day
To help you sort through the massive list, I’ve compiled a smaller list of the more popular holidays for social media.
The hashtags for these fun holidays all have at least 4,000 posts, and many have over one million posts.
For the complete list of all 320+ holidays to celebrate in May (along with hashtags), read: May Holidays for Social Media.
Hashtags for May Social Media Holidays
Holiday Hashtags
- All Month: Women’s Health Month – #womenshealthmonth
- All Month: Skin Cancer Awareness Month – #skincancerawarenessmonth
- All Month: Mental Health Awareness Month – #mentalhealthawareness
- All Month: Celiac Awareness Month – #celiacawarenessmonth
- May 1: May Day – #mayday
- May 1: No Pants Day – #nopantsday
- May 1: National Day of Prayer – #nationaldayofprayer
- May 2: National Space Day – #nationalspaceday
- May 3: National Fitness Day – #nationalfitnessday
- May 4: Star Wars Day – #maythe4thbewithyou
- May 5: Cinco de Mayo – #cincodemayo

- May 5: National Silence the Shame Day – #silencetheshame
- May 5: Melanoma Monday – #melanomamonday
- May 5 – 9: Teacher Appreciation Week – #teacherappreciation
- May 6: International No Diet Day – #nodietday
- May 6: National Nurses Day – #nationalnursesday
- May 6 – 12: National Nurses Week – #nursesweek
- May 7: National Teacher Appreciation Day – #teacherappreciationday

- May 7: National Tourism Day – #tourismday
- May 8: Victory in Europe Day – #veday
- May 10: National Shrimp Day – #nationalshrimpday
- May 10: National Dog Mom’s Day – #dogmomsday
- May 11: National Eat What You Want Day – #eatwhatyouwantday
- May 11: Mother’s Day – #mothersday

- May 11 – 17: Food Allergy Awareness Week – #foodallergyawareness
- May 11 – 17: National Police Week – #nationalpoliceweek
- May 11 – 17: National Women’s Health Week – #womenshealthweek
- May 12: National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day – #fibromyalgiaawarenessday
- May 13: International Hummus Day – #hummusday
- May 15: National Chocolate Chip Day – #chocolatechipday
- May 16: National Barbecue Day – #nationalbbqday
- May 16: National Bike to Work Day – #biketoworkday
- May 16: National Endangered Species Day – #endangeredspeciesday
- May 16: National Mimosa Day – #mimosaday
- May 16: National Pizza Party Day – #pizzapartyday

- May 17: National Armed Forces Day – #armedforcesday
- May 19: Victoria Day – #victoriaday
- May 20: National Rescue Dog Day – #nationalrescuedogday
- May 22: National Maritime Day – #nationalmaritimeday
- May 23: World Turtle Day – #turtleday
- May 24: Brother’s Day – #brothersday
- May 25: National Wine Day – #nationalwineday
- May 26: National Memorial Day – #memorialday
- May 26: National Sorry Day – #nationalsorryday
- May 28: National Hamburger Day – #nationalhamburgerday
- May 30: National Creativity Day – #nationalcreativityday
- May 31: National Smile Day – #nationalsmileday
- May 31: World No Tobacco Day – #notobaccoday

For the complete list of all 320+ holidays to celebrate in May (along with hashtags), read: May Holidays for Social Media.
May Social Media Post Ideas
Business owners and marketers face two big issues with social media marketing – lack of time and lack of content.
Luckily for you, I solve both of those issues in my blog post: May Social Media Post Ideas.
You’ll discover what to post to social media during the month of May.
Plus, you’ll learn about an incredible resource that will make social media marketing so effortless that it will become your favorite productivity hack.

Curated Social Media Hashtag Lists
Unfortunately, curating a list of relevant and popular hashtags for each post takes a lot of time and creative energy – something most business owners and marketers have in short supply.
Inside the Social Media Content Club, you’ll find curated hashtag lists for every month of the year.
Watch the 2-minute video below to learn how the Social Media Content Club makes your hashtag research effortless!
Created specifically to turn your phone or desktop into your own social media manager, the Social Media Content Club delivers scroll-stopping, link-clicking, copy-and-post content Every. Single. Day.
It’s the minutes-a-day way to make genuine connections, boost engagement, and grow your business, all from a copy-and-paste on your phone.

Small business owners and marketers are talking:
- “The Social Media Content Club was the best decision we ever made.”
- “Two months of posts done in about an hour with NO STRESS!”
- “Our sales have increased by over 50% since we began using this platform.”
- “No more agonizing blank vapid stares at my phone wondering what to do for social media today.”
Give the Social Media Content Club a try and watch your engagement and business skyrocket.
Including hashtags in your posts can help you reach a much wider audience. But remember to use hashtags that are both relevant and popular but not too competitive with millions of posts.
The list of May-themed hashtags above serves as the perfect resource for getting the most out of your social media posts.
Use these hashtags to reach out to new audiences and create meaningful connections with people all over the world this May. Happy posting!

If you found this post helpful, please share it with others! It would mean the world to me.