50 Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media in 2025

Are you looking for fun and creative ways to engage with your audience on your social media? 

We’ve got you covered! Celebrating holidays is a great opportunity to connect with your followers and create memorable content. 

This article will show you why holidays are the perfect time to boost your social media strategy and how to integrate them effectively into your social media calendar.

social media holidays for 2025 blog image

In this article, you’re going to learn:

  • Why holidays make great social media posts
  • How to plan for holidays on social media
  • Tips for maximizing your reach and engagement with holiday posts
  • 50 holidays your business needs to celebrate in 2025

I also have a free cheat sheet you can download with 100 ideas of what to post on social media.

Enter your information in the form below to get your free copy of the cheat sheet.


Why Celebrate Holidays on Social Media?

When I managed social media for a major company, holidays were the golden days for engagement. 

Not only do they provide a perfect opportunity to create easy and effective posts, but they also allow you to showcase your brand’s festive spirit and human side. 

Whether it’s National Pizza Day or World Environment Day, each holiday gives you a chance to share relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

Plus, holidays are the easiest content to create, and holiday posts tend to receive more “likes” than any other posts.

Not many people will “like” a post about a company news release or an industry article, but nearly everyone who sees a post wishing everyone a Happy New Year will give it a “like.”

For a business owner or marketer, holidays are a gift that not only increases your social media engagement but they’re easy posts to create that fill your followers with positive emotions.

To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of 50 holidays all businesses should celebrate on social media in 2025.

checking social media in clothing store

Who This List of 2025 Holidays Is For

First, I want to assure you that the list below of 50 holidays to celebrate on social media is not just a bunch of obscure days like National Pirate Day.

Although those days are fun and can help fill out your content calendar, this list consists of common holidays that make sense for most businesses in the United States to celebrate.

If your business is outside of the United States, many of the holidays on the list below will still apply. To find additional Holidays specific to your country, a quick Google search will do the trick.

The list is ideal for small business owners and large corporations alike.

Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur marketing directly to consumers or a corporate marketer trying to reach CEOs, the holidays on this list will work for your business.

If you’re also interested in the fun, obscure, and random holidays like National Hug a Friend Day, be sure to check out our comprehensive lists of holidays for each month of the year at AngieGensler.com/Holidays.

How to Customize the List of Holidays for Your Business

Keep in mind that no matter the type of your business, some of the 50 holidays on the list will not apply to you.

Additionally, there are special holidays not on the list that will apply to your business, and you won’t want to miss them.

For example, if your family owns a small pumpkin farm, you would want to celebrate National Pumpkin Day on October 26.

Or, if you’re the marketing manager for a hospital or a health clinic, it would be a huge mistake to ignore Nurses’ Week in May.

To discover unique days relevant to your business, be sure to check out our comprehensive lists of holidays for each month of the year at AngieGensler.com/Holidays.

Before I get to the list of the 50 essential holidays, I want to share some important social media marketing tips that will significantly improve your results.

step 5 schedule your posts using a social media management tool 1

How to Plan for Holidays on Social Media

The biggest mistake business owners make with social media marketing is not to plan their content in advance.

The key to successful social media management is having a solid plan.

Without a plan, social media quickly gets neglected and your channel either goes days without a post or you end up posting the same type of content day after day.

If you’ve done social media marketing for longer than a hot minute, you know exactly what I mean!

Using tools like Google Calendar integrated with a social media scheduler can make this process seamless. 

Planning ahead for national holidays like National Donut Day or significant observances like Black History Month helps ensure you never miss an important day that resonates with your audience.

In addition to planning for holidays, you also need a plan for content creation.

To help with content creation, leverage tools like a content calendar, a social media scheduler, and/or a content creation tool like the Social Media Content Club.

The Social Media Content Club was designed with busy small business owners in mind.

This game-changing tool offers daily ready-to-use posts and customizable fill-in-the-blank captions that drastically simplify managing your social media. 

Plus, the AI-driven post generator allows you to create unique, engaging content that reflects your brand’s unique voice. 

content club header 3

The Social Media Content Club is for any small business owner who wants to harness the power of social media without spending hours a day doing social media.

How to Maximize Reach and Engagement

Getting engagement and visibility on social media is a challenge for most businesses.

One of the best ways to maximize your reach and engagement is by using hashtags in your posts.

Hashtags are like keywords for social media, allowing people to find content related to certain topics or events.

For example, if you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, include hashtags like #happythanksgiving, #givethanks, and #grateful in your post to increase your visibility.

For those more obscure holidays, incorporate hashtags like #NationalTriviaDay or #InternationalCatDay to extend your reach. 

Engaging with followers who use these hashtags can also be a great way to amplify your visibility and interaction.

For more details on how to use a hashtag strategy, read 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.

To help you maximize your reach when making a post about a holiday, I’ve included the relevant hashtag for each holiday in the list below.

If you’d like access to more hashtags for each holiday throughout the year, click here to start a free trial of the Social Media Content Club. You’ll get access to curated hashtag lists every month.

hashtag blog post

In addition to using hashtags, you also want to make sure your holiday posts include an image.

Images are also essential for social media success, and they’re especially important when celebrating holidays.

According to data collected by BuzzSumo, posts with an image receive 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image.

Add an image to your post, and *BOOM*… double the comments, likes, and shares.

How simple is that?

Ok…maybe it isn’t as simple as it sounds. Designing images consumes a lot of time and resources.

So what’s a busy entrepreneur to do? You have a million balls in the air!

Of all the tasks that demand your attention every single day, designing professional-quality images for your social media posts is NOT high on your priority list.

Let’s be honest; that’s just not the best use of your time or energy.

So, how in the world do you ever make time to grow your social media following?

That, my friend, is every entrepreneur’s dilemma!

How do you grow your business on social media WITHOUT sacrificing the growth of your business?

The solution is actually easier than you think.

Inside the Social Media Content Club, you’ll get access to a library of over 1,400 professionally designed images, including images for each of the holidays mentioned in this article.

Now that I’ve shared those crucial social media marketing tips to help you increase your results…

It’s time to get to the list of holidays to celebrate in 2025.


50 Holidays to Celebrate on Social Media in 2025

From Valentine’s Day in February to Father’s Day in June, there are plenty of opportunities throughout 2025 to get your small business involved on social media.

So, grab your calendar and get ready to join in on the fun – here’s our essential list of social media holidays for 2025! 

January 2025 Holidays

January 1: New Year’s Day – #newyearsday

January 16: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday

January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – #mlkday

martin luther king jr we must accept finite disappointment

For more holidays to celebrate in January, head to AngieGensler.com/January-Holidays.

February 2025 Holidays

February 2: Groundhog Day – #groundhogday

February 9: Super Bowl Sunday – #superbowl

February 14: Valentine’s Day – #valentinesday

February 17: President’s Day – #presidentsday

valentines day

For more holidays to celebrate in February, head to AngieGensler.com/February-Holidays.

March 2025 Holidays

March 8: International Women’s Day – #internationalwomensday

March 9: Daylight Savings (Promote the day before as a reminder) – #daylightsavings

March 17: St. Patrick’s Day – #stpatricksday

March 20: First Day of Spring – #firstdayofspring

March 22: Earth Hour – #earthhour

daylight savings time

For more holidays to celebrate in March, head to AngieGensler.com/March-Holidays.

April 2025 Holidays

April 1: April Fools’ Day – #aprilfools

April 10: National Siblings Day – #siblingsday

April 11: National Pet Day – #nationalpetday

April 17: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday

April 20: Easter – #happyeaster

April 22: Earth Day – #earthday

April 24: Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day – #takeourdaughtersandsonstoworkday

happy easter

For more holidays to celebrate in April, head to AngieGensler.com/April-Holidays.

May 2025 Holidays

May 5: Cinco de Mayo – #cincodemayo

May 11: Mother’s Day – #mothersday

May 26: Memorial Day – #memorialday

happy memorial day 1

For more holidays to celebrate in May, head to AngieGensler.com/May-Holidays.

June 2025 Holidays

June 8: National Best Friends Day – #bestfriendsday

June 15: Father’s Day – #fathersday

June 19: Juneteenth – #juneteenthday

June 20: First Day of Summer – #summersolstice

happy fathers day

For more holidays to celebrate in June, head to AngieGensler.com/June-Holidays.

July 2025 Holidays

July 4: Independence Day – #4thofjuly

July 17: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday

July 27: International Friendship Day – #friendshipday

happy fourth of july

For more holidays to celebrate in July, head to AngieGensler.com/July-Holidays.

August 2025 Holidays

August 15: National Relaxation Day – #nationalrelaxationday

August 26: National Dog Day – #nationaldogday

national dog day

For more holidays to celebrate in August, head to AngieGensler.com/August-Holidays.

September 2025 Holidays

September 1: Labor Day – #laborday

September 7: National Grandparents Day – #nationalgrandparentsday

September 22: First Day of Fall – #firstdayoffall

September 29: National Coffee Day – #nationalcoffeeday

happy national coffee day hashtags posts

For more holidays to celebrate in September, head to AngieGensler.com/September-Holidays.

October 2025 Holidays

October 3: World Smile Day – #worldsmileday

October 16: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday

October 31: Halloween – #halloween

national get to know your customers day

For more holidays to celebrate in October, head to AngieGensler.com/October-Holidays.

November 2025 Holidays

November 2: Daylight Savings (Promote the day before as a reminder) – #daylightsavings

November 11: Veterans Day – #veteransday

November 13: World Kindness Day – #worldkindnessday

November 27: Thanksgiving Day – #thanksgiving

November 28: Black Friday – #blackfriday

November 29: Small Business Saturday – #shopsmall

black friday

For more holidays to celebrate in November, head to AngieGensler.com/November-Holidays.

December 2025 Holidays

December 1: Cyber Monday – #cybermonday

December 2: Giving Tuesday – #givingtuesday

December 21: First Day of Winter – #wintersolstice

December 24: Christmas Eve – #christmaseve

December 25: Christmas Day – #christmas

December 31: New Year’s Eve – #nye

ring in the new year

For more holidays to celebrate in December, head to AngieGensler.com/December-Holidays.

Holidays Unique to Your Business

While the above list includes widely recognized dates, don’t forget to include special occasions specific to your industry or community. 

This approach ensures your content resonates deeply with your target audience and enhances engagement.

For example, a bakery would find great value in celebrating National Donut Day, showcasing their unique creations, and perhaps offering special promotions. 

Similarly, a pet store could leverage National Puppy Day to highlight its products, share care tips, and even host community events. 

By identifying and emphasizing these relevant holidays, you create a perfect opportunity to connect more personally with your customers and stand out in your niche.

How to Make Social Media Marketing Easy

As a busy entrepreneur myself, I know how overwhelming social media marketing can feel. 

To get results from your social media marketing efforts, you need to:

  • Strategically plan your content
  • Be consistent – post quality content every single day
  • Add eye-catching images to your posts
  • Use hashtags to expand your reach

If you don’t have 2 – 3 hours to spare each week and need a content creation hack, then join the Social Media Content Club and cut that time down to 1 minute a day! 

Katherine tried it and said, “I tried this for 1 day before buying a yearly subscription. What I love is that most pressure is gone!! No more agonizing blank vapid stares at my phone wondering what to do for social media today.” 

Inside the Content Club, you’ll get access to daily copy-and-post content complete with an eye-catching image, text status, and 3 relevant and popular hashtags.  

social media content club grapes

Stan joined the Content Club and said, “Our sales for our webstore have increased by over 50% since we began using this platform. It was the best decision we’ve made. This has been the only platform that exceeded our expectations.” 

Click here to give the Social Media Content Club a try!


By leveraging these strategies and incorporating holidays into your social media calendar, you’re set to enhance your social media strategy and deepen connections with your audience. 

With these tips and tools, you can create a compelling content strategy that keeps your followers engaged and excited throughout the year.

When building out your content plan for each month, remember to include your own special days, such as product launches, business milestones or anniversaries, or local events.

Celebrate these moments and watch your engagement and following grow!


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Hi, I'm Angie! Let me show you how to grow your business without the headache or hustle. Stick with me & you'll learn simple marketing strategies that get results.

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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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