470+ October Holidays in 2024 | Fun, Weird, and Special Dates

Are you looking for October holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media?

Are you a small business owner or marketer?

Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of October holidays and observances with special dates to promote.

october 2024 holidays

Get ready for a fun-filled October with this comprehensive list of holidays and special observances!

From more popular holidays like Halloween to Breast Cancer Awareness Month to International Coffee Day to more obscure celebrations like Frugal Fun Day and National Mad Hatter Day, there’s always a fun holiday to celebrate on social media.

So start planning your social media posts and promotions now – your audience and customers will thank you for it!

international coffee day blog post image

Why October Holidays Make Great Social Media Posts

Back in my corporate marketing days, when I managed the social media channels for a $150 million business, I rejoiced when a holiday came around.

Holiday posts were easy to create, and they always received more “likes” than any other post.

Not many people will engage with a post about a company news release or an industry article, but many who see a post wishing everyone a Happy Halloween will give it a “like.”

Not sure how to get started? Here are some ideas:

  • Share recipes for favorite dishes served on the holiday
  • Give tips on how to decorate for the holiday
  • Offer advice on entertaining during the holiday season
  • Share photos of employees or customers celebrating the holiday
  • Run a contest related to the holiday
  • Offer a discount on products or services related to the holiday

With this list of October holidays, you will be able to easily come up with social media content ideas for October that will resonate with your audience and help you increase engagement and reach on your social channels.

happy halloween blog post image

For a business owner or marketer, holiday posts not only increase social media engagement but are also easy to create and fill followers with positive emotions.

When sharing a holiday post, always include an image or video with your status update, regardless of the platform you’re using. 

That’s because posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. (source)

Including an image with your post is the easiest way to DOUBLE engagement and it’s why the Social Media Content Club, our industry-leading social media software, is FULL of eye-catching images.

monthly content images

Also, tack on a holiday-themed hashtag to make it easy for people to find your content, and use location tagging if you have a physical storefront.

For more tips on how to increase your social media engagement, read: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement. 

Holiday Hashtags for Social Media

When celebrating holidays on social media, it’s important to include the relevant hashtag(s) for that holiday in your post.

Hashtags will increase the reach of your post, exposing your business to a larger audience.

To learn why and how to use hashtags on social media, read: 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.

Hashtags are so essential to your success on social media that I’ve done the research for you.

hashtag research image

Most of the holidays listed below include a hashtag for social media. 

However, for best results, you’ll want to use 3 – 5 hashtags relevant to that holiday in your post. 

If you’re pressed for time, the Social Media Content Club does the hashtag research for you and provides 3 popular and relevant hashtags for all major holidays. 

List of October National Holidays in 2024

From October 1-31, there are over 470 holidays and special observances to choose from!

So whether you’re looking for traditional holidays to promote your business or just some fun and unique days to celebrate, this list has you covered.

In an effort to simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided the days into five categories – public holidays, religious holidays, monthly observances, weekly observances, and daily observances.

Mark your calendars and get ready to explore fun, weird, and special dates in October 2024. Happy October!

Scroll down to view all 470+ holidays, or use the following links to skip ahead to a specific category.

October Public Holidays in 2024

This list contains public holidays and special observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed
October 6Daylight Savings Starts#DaylightSavingsAustralia
October 7King’s Birthday#KingsBirthdayQueensland
October 7Labour Day#LabourDayParts of Australia
October 14Columbus Day#ColumbusDayUnited States
October 14Thanksgiving Day#CanadaThanksgivingCanada
October 18Flinders Island Show#FlindersIslandShowTasmania, Australia
October 27Daylight Savings Time Ends#DaylightSavingsUnited Kingdom
October 31Halloween#HalloweenWorldwide
breast cancer awareness month blog post image

October Religious Holidays in 2024

October 2Rosh Hashanah Eve#RoshHashanahJewish
October 3Rosh Hashanah#RoshHashanahJewish
October 4Feast of St Francis of Assisi#StFrancisChristian
October 6Gedaliah Fast#GedaliahJewish
October 11Yom Kippur Eve#YomKippurJewish
October 12Yom Kippur#YomKippurJewish
October 16Sukkot Eve#SukkotJewish
October 17First Day of Sukkot#SukkotJewish
October 23Hoshanah Rabah#HoshanaRabbahJewish
October 24Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah#Atzeret #SimchatTorahJewish
world down syndrome awareness month hashtags posts

October Monthly Holidays in 2024

Adopt A Shelter Dog Month
American Pharmacists Month
Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
Bat Appreciation Month
Black Speculative Fiction Month
Blindness Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
Celebrate The Bilingual Child Month
Church Library Month
Co-op Month
Contact Lens Safety Month
Country Music Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Down Syndrome Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Emotional Wellness Month
Employee Ownership Month
Fair Trade Month
Financial Planning Month
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Go Sober For October
Halloween Safety Month
Head Start Awareness Month
Health Literacy Month
Healthy Lung Month
International Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) Awareness Month
International Strategic Planning Month
International Walk To School Month
Islamic Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month
LGBTQ History Month
Liver Cancer Awareness Month
Long-Term Care Planning Month
Month of Freethought
National “I’m Just Me Because” Month
National ADHD Awareness Month
National Aesthetician Month
National Animal Safety and Protection Month
National Apple Month
National Applejack Month
National Arts & Humanities Month
National Audiology Awareness Month
National Book Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Caramel Month
National Chili Month
National Chiropractic Health Month
National Church Safety and Security Month
National Cookbook Month
National Cookie Month
National Crime Prevention Month
National Critical Illness Awareness Month
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Depression & Mental Health Screening Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Dropout Prevention Month
National Dwarfism Awareness Month
National Emotional Wellness Month
National Ergonomics Month
National Go On A Field Trip Month
National Kitchen & Bath Month
National Learn To Bowl Month
National Learning and Development Month
National Medical Librarians Month
National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month
National Orthodontic Health Month
National Pasta Month
National Pet CBD Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
National Pizza Month
National Popcorn Poppin’ Month
National Pork Month
National Pretzel Month
National Principals Month
National Protect Your Hearing Month
National Reading Group Month
National Roller Skating Month
National RSV Awareness Month
National Sarcastic Awareness Month
National Sausage Month
National Seafood Month
National Sensory Processing Awareness Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
National Toilet Repair Month
National Window Covering Safety Month
National Work and Family Month
Non-GMO Month
Organize Your Medical Information Month
Photographer Appreciation Month
Polish American Heritage Month
Positive Attitude Month
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
Raptor Month
Raynauds Awareness Month
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
Self-Promotion Month
Sex Education Month
SIDS Awareness Month
Spina Bifida Awareness Month
Spinach Lovers Month
Squirrel Awareness Month
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness Month
Talk About Prescriptions Month
Women Walking In Their Own Shoes Month
Workplace Politics Awareness Month
World Menopause Awareness Month
World Vegetarian Month

October Weekly Holidays in 2024

Sept. 29 – Oct 5Banned Books Week
Oct. 1 – 7Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB) Awareness Week
Oct. 1 – 7National Walk Your Dog Week
Oct. 6 – 124-H Week
Oct. 6 – 12Get Organized Week
Oct. 6 – 12International Postcard Week
Oct. 6 – 12Mental Illness Awareness Week
Oct. 6 – 12National Heimlich Heroes Week
Oct. 6 – 12National Midwifery Week
Oct. 6 – 12National Newspaper Week
Oct. 6 – 12National Physician Assistants (PA) Week
Oct. 6 – 12Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Week
Oct. 7 – 11Customer Service Week
Oct. 7 – 11Drive Safely Work Week
Oct. 7 – 11National Primary Care Week
Oct. 7 – 13Active Aging Week
Oct. 7 – 13National Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 7 – 13National Metric Week
Oct. 7 – 13World Space Week
Oct. 8 – 12International Cephalopod Awareness Week
Oct. 12 – 20Bone and Joint Action Week
Oct. 13 – 19Drink Local Wine Week
Oct. 13 – 19Earth Science Week
Oct. 13 – 19Emergency Nurses Week
Oct. 13 – 19Healthcare Security and Safety Week
Oct. 13 – 19International Infection Prevention Week
Oct. 13 – 19Veterinary Technicians Week
Oct. 13 – 19World Rainforest Week
Oct. 14 – 18National School Lunch Week
Oct. 20 – 26Asexual Awareness Week (ACE Week)
Oct. 20 – 26Free Speech Week
Oct. 20 – 26Medical Assistants Recognition Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Business Women’s Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Celebration of Pro Bono
Oct. 20 – 26National Character Counts Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Chemistry Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Forest Products Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Friends of Libraries Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Kraut Sandwich Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Massage Therapy Awareness Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Nuclear Science Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Pharmacy Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Respiratory Care Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Retirement Security Week
Oct. 20 – 26National Teen Driver Safety Week
Oct. 20 – 26Spiritual Care Week
Oct. 20 – 26YMCA Week without Violence
Oct. 21 – 25National Health Education Week
Oct. 21 – 25National School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 23 – 31Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24 – 30Disarmament Week
Oct. 25 – 31International Magic Week
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October Daily Holidays in 2024

October 1CD Player Day#CdPlayerDay
October 1International Coffee Day#InternationalCoffeeDay
October 1International Day of Older Persons#DayOfOlderPersons
October 1International Music Day#MusicDay
October 1Model T Day#ModelTDay
October 1National Black Dog Day#NationalBlackDogDay
October 1National Book It! Day#BookItDay
October 1National Fire Pup Day#NationalFirePupDay
October 1National Hair Day#NationalHairDay
October 1National Homemade Cookies Day#HomemadeCookieDay
October 1National Lace Day#NationalLaceDay
October 1World Vegetarian Day#WorldVegetarianDay
October 2Audiophile Day#audiophileday
October 2Balloons Around the World Day#BalloonsAroundTheWorldDay
October 2Guardian Angels Day#GuardianAngelsDay
October 2International Day of Non-violence#DayOfNonViolence
October 2International Walk to School Day#WalkToSchoolDay
October 2National Custodial Worker Day#CustodialWorkerDay
October 2National Fried Scallops Day#FriedScallopsDay
October 2National Hug-a-Kevin Day#HugAKevinDay
October 2National Kale Day#KaleDay
October 2National Name Your Car Day#NameYourCarDay
October 2National Pumpkin Seed Day#PumpkinSeedDay
October 2Phileas Fogg’s Wager Day#PhileasFoggsWagerDay
October 2Rosh Hashanah Eve#RoshHashanah
October 3Rosh Hashanah#RoshHashanah
October 3Bring Your Bible To School Day#BringYourBibleToSchoolDay
October 3Butterfly and Hummingbird Day#NationalButterflyAndHummingbirdDay
October 3National Boyfriend Day#NationalBoyfriendDay
October 3National Techies Day#NationalTechiesDay
October 4Cinnamon Roll Day#CinnamonRollDay
October 4Feast of St Francis of Assisi#StFrancis
October 4Improve Your Office Day#ImproveYourOfficeDay
October 4Kids Music Day#KidsMusicDay
October 4Manufacturing Day#ManufacturingDay
October 4National Golf Lover’s Day#GolfLoversDay
October 4National Kiss a Wrestler Day#KissAWrestlerDay
October 4National Taco Day#NationalTacoDay
October 4National Vodka Day#NationalVodkaDay
October 4Ten-Four Day#TenFourDay
October 4World Animal Day#WorldAnimalDay
October 4World Smile Day#WorldSmileDay
October 5Frugal Fun Day#FrugalFunDay
October 5Inter-American Water Day#InterAmericanWaterDay
October 5National Apple Betty Day#AppleBettyDay
October 5National Do Something Nice Day#DoSomethingNiceDay
October 5National Get Funky Day#GetFunkyDay
October 5World Card Making Day#WorldCardMakingDay
October 5World Teachers’ Day#WorldTeachersDay
October 6Change A Light Day#ChangeALightDay
October 6Daylight Savings Starts – Australia#DaylightSavings
October 6Gedaliah Fast#Gedaliah
October 6Intergeneration Day#IntergenerationDay
October 6International African Diaspora Day#AfricanDiasporaDay
October 6International Blessings of The Fishing Fleet Day#BlessingsOfTheFishingFleetDay
October 6National Coaches Day#NationalCoachesDay
October 6National Fruit At Work Day#FruitAtWorkDay
October 6National German-American Day#GermanAmericanDay
October 6National Mad Hatter Day#NationalMadHatterDay
October 6National Noodle Day#NationalNoodleDay
October 6National Plus Size Appreciation Day#PlusSizeAppreciationDay
October 6World Cerebral Palsy Day#CerebralPalsyDay
October 6World Communion Sunday#WorldCommunionSunday
October 7Blue Shirt Day / World Day of Bullying Prevention#StompOutBullying
October 7Child Health Day#ChildHealthDay
October 7Day of Unity#DayOfUnity
October 7King’s Birthday – Queensland#KingsBirthday
October 7Labour Day – Parts of Australia#LabourDay
October 7National Consignment Day#ConsignmentDay
October 7National Fluffernutter Day#FluffernutterDay
October 7National Forgiveness & Happiness Day#ForgivenessHappinessDay
October 7National Frappé Day#FrappeDay
October 7National Inner Beauty Day#InnerBeauty
October 7National LED Light Day#LedLightDay
October 7World Architecture Day#WorldArchitectureDay
October 7World Child Health Day#ChildHealthDay
October 7World Habitat Day#WorldHabitatDay
October 7You Matter To Me Day#YouMatterToMeDay
October 8Ada Lovelace Day#AdaLovelaceDay
October 8Alvin C. York Day#AlvinCYorkDay
October 8American Touch Tag Day#AmericanTouchTagDay
October 8National Pierogi Day#NationalPierogiDay
October 8World Octopus Day#OctopusDay
October 9Curious Events Day#CuriousEventsDay
October 9Emergency Nurses Day#EmergencyNursesDay
October 9International Beer and Pizza Day#BeerAndPizzaDay
October 9International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction#DayForDisasterReduction
October 9International Top Spinning Day#TopSpinningDay
October 9Leif Erikson Day#LeifEriksonDay
October 9National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day#BringYourTeddyBearToWorkAndSchoolDay
October 9National Moldy Cheese Day#MoldyCheeseDay
October 9National Pet Obesity Awareness Day#PetObesityAwarenessDay
October 9National Pro-Life Cupcake Day#ProLifeCupcakeDay
October 9National Stop Bullying Day#StopBullyingDay
October 9Nautilus Night#NautilusNight
October 9Stop America’s Violence Everywhere (S.A.V.E.)#SaveToday
October 9World Post Day#WorldPostDay
October 10International Stage Management Day#StageManagementDay
October 10National Angel Food Cake Day#AngelFoodCakeDay
October 10National Cake Decorating Day#NationalCakeDecoratingDay
October 10National Depression Screening Day#DepressionScreeningDay
October 10National Handbag Day#nationalhandbagday
October 10National Hug a Drummer Day#HugADrummerDay
October 10U.S. Naval Academy Day#USNavalAcademyDay
October 10World Homeless Day#WorldHomelessDay
October 10World Hospice and Palliative Care Day#HospiceAndPalliativeCareDay
October 10World Mental Health Day#WorldMentalHealthDay
October 10World Porridge Day#WorldPorridgeDay
October 10World Sight Day#WorldSightDay
October 11Candle Maker Day#CandleMakerDay
October 11General Pulaski Memorial Day#GeneralPulaskiMemorialDay
October 11International Day of the Girl Child#DayOfTheGirl
October 11National Coming Out Day#NationalComingOutDay
October 11National It’s My Party Day#ItsMyPartyDay
October 11National Kimberly Day#KimberlyDay
October 11National Sausage Pizza Day#NationalSausagePizzaDay
October 11Southern Food Heritage Day#SouthernFoodHeritageDay
October 11World Day Against The Death Penalty#DayAgainstTheDeathPenalty
October 11World Egg Day#WorldEggDay
October 11World Obesity Day#WorldObesityDay
October 11Yom Kippur Eve#YomKippur
October 12International African Penguin Awareness Day#AfricanPenguinAwarenessDay
October 12International Newspaper Carrier Day#NewspaperCarrierDay
October 12National Chess Day#NationalChessDay
October 12National Costume Swap Day#CostumeSwapDay
October 12National Family Bowling Day#FamilyBowlingDay
October 12National Farmer’s Day#NationalFarmersDay
October 12National Freethought Day#FreethoughtDay
October 12National Gumbo Day#NationalGumboDay
October 12National Motorcycle Ride Day#MotorcycleRideDay
October 12National Pulled Pork Day#PulledPorkDay
October 12National Savings Day#SavingsDay
October 12Universal Music Day#UniversalMusicDay
October 12World Arthritis Day#WorldArthritisDay
October 12Yom Kippur#YomKippur
October 13English Language Day#EnglishLanguageDay
October 13International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction#DayForDisasterReduction
October 13International Day for Failure#DayForFailure
October 13Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day#MetastaticBreastCancerAwarenessDay
October 13National M&M Day#MmDay
October 13National No Bra Day#NoBraDay
October 13National Train Your Brain Day#TrainYourBrainDay
October 13National Yorkshire Pudding Day#YorkshirePuddingDay
October 13Pastor Appreciation Day#PastorAppreciationDay
October 14Be Bald and Be Free Day#BeBaldAndBeFreeDay
October 14Columbus Day#ColumbusDay
October 14Indigenous Peoples’ Day#indigenouspeoplesday
October 14National Dessert Day#NationalDessertDay
October 14National Online Banking Day#OnlineBankingDay
October 14Thanksgiving Day – Canada#CanadaThanksgiving
October 14World Standards Day#WorldStandardsDay
October 15Global Handwashing Day#HandwashingDay
October 15Information Overload Day#InformationOverloadDay
October 15International Day of Rural Women#DayOfRuralWomen
October 15National Aesthetician Day#AestheticianDay
October 15National Cheese Curd Day#CheeseCurdDay
October 15National Face Your Fears Day#FaceYourFearsDay
October 15National Grouch Day#GrouchDay
October 15​National I Love Lucy Day#ILoveLucyDay
October 15National Latino AIDS Awareness Day#LatinoAidsAwarenessDay
October 15National Mushroom Day#MushroomDay
October 15National Pharmacy Technician Day#PharmacyTechnicianDay
October 15National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day#PregnancyAndInfantLossAwarenessDay
October 15National White Cane Safety Day#WhiteCaneSafetyDay
October 15Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity#ProLifeDayOfSilentSolidarity
October 16Boss’s Day#BossDay
October 16Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day (BRA Day)#BraDay
October 16Department Store Day#DepartmentStoreDay
October 16Global Cat Day#GlobalCatDay
October 16Hagfish Day#HagfishDay
October 16International Pronouns Day#internationalpronounsday
October 16National Dictionary Day#NationalDictionaryDay
October 16​National Fossil Day#FossilDay
October 16​National Liqueur Day#LiqueurDay
October 16National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day#TakeYourParentsToLunchDay
October 16Sukkot Eve#Sukkot
October 16Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce#SupportYourLocalChamberOfCommerce
October 16World Food Day#WorldFoodDay
October 16World Spine Day#WorldSpineDay
October 17Black Poetry Day#BlackPoetryDay
October 17Conflict Resolution Day#ConflictResolutionDay
October 17First Day of Sukkot#Sukkot
October 17Get to Know Your Customers Day#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
October 17International Credit Union Day#CreditUnionDay
October 17International Day for the Eradication of PovertyDayForTheEradicationOfPoverty
October 17International ShakeOut Day#ShakeoutDay
October 17National Edge Day#EdgeDay
October 17National Fetch Day#NationalFetchDay
October 17National Get Smart About Credit Day#GetSmartAboutCreditDay
October 17National Mulligan Day#MulliganDay
October 17National Pasta Day#NationalPastaDay
October 17National Pay Back a Friend Day#PayBackAFriendDay
October 17Spirit Day#SpiritDay
October 17Wear Something Gaudy Day#WearSomethingGaudyDay
October 18Flinders Island Show#FlindersIslandShow
October 18Mammography Day#MammographyDay
October 18National Chocolate Cupcake Day#ChocolateCupcakeDay
October 18National No Beard Day#NationalNoBeardDay
October 18World Menopause Day#WorldMenopauseDay
October 19Bridge Day#BridgeDay
October 19Evaluate Your Life Day#EvaluateYourLifeDay
October 19I Love Yarn Day#ILoveYarnDay
October 19LGBT Center Awareness Day#LgbtCenterAwarenessDay
October 19National New Friends Day#NewFriendsDay
October 19National Seafood Bisque Day#SeafoodBisqueDay
October 19Sweetest Day#SweetestDay
October 19World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day#WorldPbjDay
October 20International Chefs Day#ChefsDay
October 20International Sloth Day#SlothDay
October 20Miss American Rose Day#MissAmericanRoseDay
October 20National Brandied Fruit Day#BrandiedFruitDay
October 20National Day on Writing#NationalDayOnWriting
October 20National Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day#SundaySchoolTeacherAppreciationDay
October 20National Youth Confidence Day#NationalYouthConfidenceDay
October 20World Osteoporosis Day#OsteoporosisDay
October 20World Toy Camera Day#ToyCameraDay
October 21Apple Day#AppleDay
October 21Celebration of The Mind Day#CelebrationOfTheMindDay
October 21Check Your Meds Day#CheckYourMedsDay
October 21Count your Buttons Day#CountYourButtonsDay
October 21Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day (IDD)#IddPreventionDay
October 21International Day of the Nacho#DayOfTheNacho
October 21National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day#CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay
October 21National Pets for Veterans Day#PetsForVeteransDay
October 21National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day#PumpkinCheesecakeDay
October 21Reptile Awareness Day#ReptileAwarenessDay
October 21Wonder Woman Day#wonderwomanday
October 22International Stuttering Awareness Day#StutteringAwarenessDay
October 22National Color Day#NationalColorDay
October 22National Nut Day#NationalNutDay
October 22Smart is Cool Day#SmartIsCoolDay
October 23Hoshanah Rabah#HoshanaRabbah
October 23Lung Health Day#LungHealthDay
October 23Medical Assistants Recognition Day#MedicalAssistantsRecognitionDay
October 23National Boston Cream Pie Day#BostonCreamPieDay
October 23National Croc Day#CrocDay
October 23National iPod Day#iPodDay
October 23National Medical Assistants Day#MedicalAssistantsRecognitionDay
October 23National Mole Day#NationalMoleDay
October 23National Paralegal Day#ParalegalDay
October 23National Slap Your Irritating Co-Worker Day#SlapYourCoWorkerDay
October 23Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day#SwallowsDepartFromSanJuanCapistranoDay
October 23TV Talk Show Host Day#TVTalkShowHostDay
October 24National Bologna Day#NationalBolognaDay
October 24National Food Day#FoodDay
October 24Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah#Atzeret #SimchatTorah
October 24United Nations Day#UnitedNationsDay
October 24World Development Information Day#DevelopmentInformationDay
October 25Frankenstein Friday#FrankensteinFriday
October 25International Artist Day#ArtistDay
October 25National Bandanna Day#BandannaDay
October 25National Greasy Foods Day#GreasyFoodsDay
October 25National Pharmacy Buyer Day#PharmacyBuyerDay
October 25Sourest Day#SourestDay
October 25World Pasta Day#WorldPastaDay
October 26Chicken Fried Steak Day#ChickenFriedSteakDay
October 26Intersex Awareness Day#intersexawarenessday
October 26Make A Difference Day#MakeADifferenceDay
October 26National BSA/AML Day#BSAAMLDay
October 26National Day of the Deployed#DayOfTheDeployed
October 26National Mincemeat Day#NationalMincemeatDay
October 26National Pit Bull Awareness Day#PitBullAwarenessDay
October 26National Pumpkin Day#PumpkinDay
October 26Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night#HowlAtTheMoonNight
October 27American Beer Day#AmericanBeerDay
October 27Cranky Co-Workers Day#CrankyCoWorkersDay
October 27Daylight Savings Time Ends – United Kingdom#DaylightSavings
October 27Mother-in-Law Day#MotherInLawDay
October 27National Black Cat Day (UK)#NationalBlackCatDay
October 27​National Mentoring Day (UK)#MentoringDayUk
October 27Navy Day#NavyDay
October 27Visit A Cemetery Day#VisitACemeteryDay
October 27World Day for Audiovisual Heritage#DayForAudiovisualHeritage
October 28International Animation Day#AnimationDay
October 28National Chocolate Day#NationalChocolateDay
October 28National First Responders Day#NationalFirstRespondersDay
October 28World Psoriasis Day#WorldPsoriasisDay
October 29International Internet Day#InternetDay
October 29National Cat Day#NationalCatDay
October 29National Hermit Day#NationalHermitDay
October 29National Oatmeal Day#NationalOatmealDay
October 29World Stroke Day#WorldStrokeDay
October 30Checklist Day#ChecklistDay
October 30Create A Great Funeral Day#CreateAGreatFuneralDay
October 30Haunted Refrigerator Night#HauntedRefrigeratorNight
October 30Mischief Night#MischiefNight
October 30National Breadstick Day#BreadstickDay
October 30National Candy Corn Day#NationalCandyCornDay
October 30National Publicist Day#NationalPublicistDay
October 30National Speak Up For Service Day#SpeakUpForServiceDay
October 30National Text Your Ex Day#TextYourExDay
October 31Books For Treats Day#BooksForTreatsDay
October 31Girl Scout Founder’s Day#GirlScoutFoundersDay
October 31Halloween#Halloween
October 31National Caramel Apple Day#NationalCaramelAppleDay
October 31National Doorbell Day#NationalDoorbellDay
October 31National Knock-Knock Jokes Day#KnockKnockJokeDay
October 31National Magic Day#NationalMagicDay
October 31Reformation Day#ReformationDay
October 31Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Day#TrickOrTreatForUnicefDay
October 31World Savings Day#WorldSavingsDay
timeanddate.com, nationaldaycalendar.com, en.wikipedia.org, holidayscalendar.com, nationaltoday.com, checkiday.com, brownielocks.com

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November 2024 Holidays 

The complete list of holidays, observances, and fun, weird, and special dates for November 2024 can be found here: AngieGensler.com/November-Holidays

2024 november holidays

To access the list of holidays for every month in 2024 and beyond, visit the Holidays index page.

Practical Tips for October Social Media Posts

October offers a wealth of opportunities for private businesses, federal employees, and local governments to create engaging and visually appealing social media content.

Here are some practical tips to make the most of these special days and observances:

Use Vibrant Colors

Incorporating vibrant colors in your social media posts can significantly boost engagement.

Whether you’re celebrating Halloween, the fall season, or other local holidays, using bold and eye-catching hues can make your content stand out.

Vibrant colors are particularly effective for highlighting festive occasions and events, such as Halloween on October 31, helping to capture your audience’s attention and encourage interaction.

Share Local Events

Promoting local events is a great way to increase your visibility and foster community engagement.

Highlight events like local pumpkin patches, fall festivals, or Oktoberfest celebrations.

Sharing information about local government-sponsored events and activities, such as a special fall farmers market or a local haunted house tour, can position your brand as a community-focused entity, enhancing your reputation and reach.

Promote Mindful Practices

October is an ideal time to focus on mental health and mindful practices.

Sharing tips and activities that promote well-being can resonate deeply with your audience.

For example, encourage followers to engage in nature walks to enjoy the fall foliage or highlight the benefits of mindfulness and self-care during Emotional Wellness Month.

Engage with Themed Campaigns

Running themed campaigns around national days and special days can drive engagement and visibility.

Consider creating content for National Techies Day, sharing tips and products to manage seamless technology.

Similarly, celebrate National Chess Day by offering promotions on chess-related products or hosting virtual chess tournaments.

Additionally, campaigns focused on themes like community building or personal development can also be tied to World Teachers’ Day, providing rich content that appeals to a wide audience.

Highlight Seasonal Observances

Leveraging seasonal observances can keep your content timely and relevant.

The autumn season is a perfect opportunity to share stunning images and videos, engaging your audience with nature’s beauty.

Encourage followers to share their own fall experiences, creating a sense of community and shared wonder.

Sharing content related to the beauty of changing leaves can also resonate well with your audience.

Incorporate National and International Days

Recognizing both national and international holidays can broaden your audience.

Celebrating days like World Mental Health Day or National Hispanic Heritage Month with themed posts, contests, or discounts can attract a diverse group of followers.

Highlighting important observances such as breast cancer awareness on National Mammography Day can also raise awareness and show your brand’s commitment to social causes.

Additionally, celebrating National Poetry Day and National Coming Out Day can provide unique content opportunities.

By incorporating these practical tips and focusing on a diverse range of topics, you can create a robust and engaging social media strategy for October.

This approach not only boosts your SEO but also ensures your content resonates with and is shared by a wide audience.


The month of October is packed with holidays and local observances that can be used as social media content.

From Halloween to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there are plenty of holidays and ideas to help you get your social media posts seen by more people.

And don’t forget about using monthlyweekly, and daily observances to keep your social media calendar full!

We hope this post has been a useful resource, giving you some great content ideas! If you found value in it, please share it with your network – it would mean so much to us. Thank you!


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By Trevor Gensler

Trevor Gensler is the technical brains beyond Angiegensler.com. He's a self-taught web designer and tech guru. Trevor loves to build websites and teach entrepreneurs how to leverage technology to grow their businesses. He's also a stay-at-home Dad and gets giddy about fireworks.

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