255+ August Holidays in 2024 | Fun, Weird, and Special Dates

Are you looking for August holidays or special dates to celebrate on social media?

Are you a small business owner or marketer?

Marketing your business on social media just got a lot easier with this complete list of August holidays and observances with special dates to promote.

august 2024 holidays

Get ready for a fun-filled August with this comprehensive list of holidays and special observances!

From more popular holidays like Friendship Day to National Relaxation Day to more obscure celebrations like National Tooth Fairy Day and National Root Beer Float Day, there’s always a fun holiday to celebrate on social media.

So start planning your social media posts and promotions now – your audience and customers will thank you for it!

From August 1-31, there are over 255 holidays and special observances to choose from!

Here are a few of the biggest and most fun holidays in August.

– National Wellness Month

– International Beer Day

– Sister’s Day

– Friendship Day

– National Relaxation Day

– National Dog Day

– International Youth Day

international youth day holidays blog post image

So whether you’re looking for traditional holidays to promote your business or just some fun and unique days to celebrate, this list has you covered.

Check out the full list of 2024 holidays in August below.

Mark your calendars and get ready to explore fun, weird, and special dates in August 2024. Happy August!

Why August Holidays Make Great Social Media Posts

Back in my corporate marketing days, when I managed the social media channels for a $150 million business, I rejoiced when a holiday came around.

Holiday posts were easy to create, and they always received more “likes” than any other post.

Not many people will engage with a post about a company news release or an industry article, but many who see a post wishing everyone a Happy Relaxation Day will give it a “like.”

national relaxation day

Including holidays in your social media content is an easy way to increase engagement and reach. People are already talking about the holiday, so you need to join the conversation.

You can use holiday-related hashtags, post photos celebrating the holiday, run contests, or offer discounts or special promotions related to the holiday.

Not sure how to get started? Here are some ideas:

  • Share recipes for favorite dishes served on the holiday
  • Give tips on how to decorate for the holiday
  • Offer advice on entertaining during the holiday season
  • Share photos of employees or customers celebrating the holiday
  • Run a contest related to the holiday
  • Offer a discount on products or services related to the holiday

With this list of August holidays, you will be able to easily come up with social media content ideas for August that will resonate with your audience and help you increase engagement and reach on your social channels.

national friendship day

For a business owner or marketer, holiday posts not only increase social media engagement but are also easy to create and fill followers with positive emotions.

When sharing a holiday post, always include an image or video with your status update, regardless of the platform you’re using. 

That’s because posts with an image get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without an image. (source)

Including an image with your post is the easiest way to DOUBLE engagement and it’s why the Social Media Content Club, our industry-leading social media software, is FULL of eye-catching images.

monthly content images

Also, tack on a holiday-themed hashtag to make it easy for people to find your content, and use location tagging if you have a physical storefront.

For more tips on how to increase your social media engagement, read: 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement. 

Holiday Hashtags for Social Media

When celebrating holidays on social media, it’s important to include the relevant hashtag(s) for that holiday in your post.

Hashtags will increase the reach of your post, exposing your business to a larger audience.

To learn why and how to use hashtags on social media, read: 210 Daily Hashtags for Social Media.

Hashtags are so essential to your success on social media that I’ve done the research for you.

hashtag research image

Most of the holidays listed below include a hashtag for social media. 

However, for best results, you’ll want to use 3 – 5 hashtags relevant to that holiday in your post. 

If you’re pressed for time, the Social Media Content Club does the hashtag research for you and provides 3 popular and relevant hashtags for all major holidays. 

List of August National Holidays in 2024

In an effort to simplify this massive list of holidays, I’ve divided the days into five categories – public holidays, religious holidays, monthly observances, weekly observances, and daily observances.

Scroll down to view all 255+ holidays, or use the following links to skip ahead to a specific category.

August Public Holidays in 2024

This list contains public holidays and special observances in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

DateHolidayHashtagWhere Observed
August 5British Columbia Day#BCDayBritish Columbia
August 5Civic/Provincial Day#CivicHolidayCanada
August 5Heritage Day (Canada)Alberta, Canada
August 5New South Wales Bank Holiday#NewSouthWalesBankHolidayParts of Australia
August 5Picnic Day#PicnicDayParts of Australia
August 5Summer Bank Holiday#BankHolidayScotland
August 7Regatta Day#RegattaDayParts of Canada
August 14Ekka (Royal National Agricultural Show Day)#EkkaQueensland, Australia
August 16Gold Cup Parade#GoldCupParadeParts of Canada
August 26Summer Bank Holiday#BankHolidayEngland, Wales, Northern Ireland

August Religious Holidays in 2024

August 13Tisha B’Av#TishabavJewish
August 15Assumption of Mary#AssumptionofMaryChristian

August Monthly Holidays in 2024

AugustAmerican Adventures Month
AugustAmerican Artists Appreciation Month
AugustArrr-gust: International Pirate Month
AugustBlack Business Month
AugustBoomers Making A Difference Month
AugustChildren’s Eye Health and Safety Month
AugustGet ready for Kindergarten Month
AugustHappiness Happens Month
AugustMedicAlert Awareness Month
AugustMotorsports Awareness Month
AugustNational Back to School Month
AugustNational Breastfeeding Month
AugustNational Catfish Month
AugustNational Child Support Awareness Month
AugustNational Crayon Collection Month
AugustNational Dog Month
AugustNational Eye Exam Month
AugustNational Family Fun Month
AugustNational Goat Cheese Month
AugustNational Golf Month
AugustNational Hair Loss Awareness Month
AugustNational Immunization Awareness Month
AugustNational Panini Month
AugustNational Peach Month
AugustNational Sandwich Month
AugustNational SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Awareness Month
AugustNational Traffic Awareness Month
AugustNational Truancy Prevention Month
AugustNational Water Quality Month
AugustNational Wellness Month
AugustNational Win With Civility Month
AugustNeurosurgery Awareness Month
AugustPsoriasis Awareness Month
AugustRomance Awareness Month
AugustWhat Will Be Your Legacy Month
world breastfeeding week

August Weekly Holidays in 2024

August 5 – 11National Bargain Hunting Week
August 1 – 7National Minority Donor Awareness Week
August 1 – 7International Clown Week
August 4 – 10Single Working Women’s Week
August 1 – 7World Breastfeeding Week
August 5 – 11National Simplify Your Life Week
August 2 – 11Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
August 4 – 10Exercise with Your Child Week
August 4 – 10International Assistance Dog Week
August 4 – 10National Farmers Market Week
August 4 – 10Stop on Red Week
August 11 – 17National Health Center Week
August 11 – 17National Hobo Week
August 11 – 17National Resurrect Romance Week
August 11 – 17National Smile Week
August 11 – 17Elvis Week
August 18 – 24National Aviation Week
August 26 – 30National Composites Week
August 23-29Health Unit Coordinators Week
August 25 – 31Be Kind To Humankind Week
August 24 – 25International Bat Night
August 25 – 29World Water Week
national chocolate chip cookie day

August Daily Holidays in 2024

August 1Lammas Day#LammasDay
August 1National Disc Golf Day#DiscGolfDay
August 1National Girlfriends Day#NationalGirlfriendsDay
August 1National Minority Donor Awareness Day#MinorityDonorAwarenessDay
August 1National Raspberry Cream Pie Day#RaspberryCreamPieDay
August 1Respect for Parents Day#RespectForParentsDay
August 1Rounds Resounding Day#RoundsResoundingDay
August 1Sandcastle and Sculpture Day#SandcastleAndSculptureDay
August 1Scout Scarf Day#ScoutScarfDay
August 1Spider-Man Day#SpiderManDay
August 1World Wide Web Day#WorldWideWebDay
August 2Braham Pie Day#BrahamPieDay
August 2International Beer Day#BeerDay
August 2National Coloring Book Day#NationalColoringBookDay
August 2National Ice Cream Sandwich Day#IceCreamSandwichDay
August 3Mead Day#MeadDay
August 3National Grab Some Nuts Day#NationalGrabSomeNutsDay
August 3National Jamaican Patty Day#JamaicanPattyDay
August 3National Mustard Day#MustardDay
August 3National Watermelon Day#NationalWatermelonDay
August 4American Family Day#AmericanFamilyDay
August 4Assistance Dog Day#AssistanceDogDay
August 4Friendship Day#FriendshipDay
August 4National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day#ChocolateChipCookieDay
August 4National Coast Guard Birthday Day#NationalCoastGuardDay
August 4National Doll Day#NationalDollDay
August 4National White Wine Day#nationalwhitewineday
August 4Psychic Day#PsychicDay
August 4Single Working Women’s Day#SingleWorkingWomensDay
August 4Sister’s Day#SistersDay
August 5British Columbia Day#BCDay
August 5Civic/Provincial Day – Canada#CivicHoliday
August 5Heritage Day (Canada)
August 5International Traffic Light Day#InternationalTrafficLightDay
August 5National Oyster Day#NationalOysterDay
August 5National Underwear Day#NationalUnderwearDay
August 5National Work Like A Dog Day#NationalWorkLikeADogDay
August 5New South Wales Bank Holiday#NewSouthWalesBankHoliday
August 5Picnic Day – Parts of Australia#PicnicDay
August 5Summer Bank Holiday – Scotland#BankHoliday
August 6Hiroshima Day#HiroshimaDay
August 6National Fresh Breath Day#NationalFreshBreathDay
August 6National Night Out#NightOut
August 6National Root Beer Float Day#RootBeerFloatDay
August 6National Wiggle Your Toes Day#WiggleYourToesDay
August 7National Beach Party Day#NationalBeachPartyDay
August 7National Lighthouse Day#NationalLighthouseDay
August 7National Raspberries N’ Cream Day#RaspberriesNCreamDay
August 7Professional Speakers Day#ProfessionalSpeakersDay
August 7Purple Heart Day#PurpleHeartDay
August 7Regatta Day#RegattaDay
August 8International Cat Day#CatDay
August 8International Infinity Day#infinity
August 8National CBD Day#CbdDay
August 8National Dollar Day#NationalDollarDay
August 8National Frozen Custard Day#FrozenCustardDay
August 8National Zucchini Day#ZucchiniDay
August 8Odie Day#OdieDay
August 8Scottish Wildcat Day#ScottishWildcatDay
August 8The Date to Create#TheDateToCreate
August 9International Day of The World’s Indigenous People#DayOfTheWorldsIndigenousPeople
August 9National Book Lovers Day#NationalBookLoversDay
August 9National Rice Pudding Day#NationalRicePuddingDay
August 9National Veep Day#NationalVeepDay
August 9National Women’s Day#nationalwomensday
August 10National Bowling Day#BowlingDay
August 10National Duran Duran Appreciation Day#DuranDuranAppreciationDay
August 10National Garage Sale Day#GarageSaleDay
August 10National Lazy Day#NationalLazyDay
August 10National Model Aviation Day#NationalModelAviationDay
August 10National S’mores Day#NationalSmoresDay
August 10National Shapewear Day#NationalShapewearDay
August 10National Spoil Your Dog Day#SpoilYourDogDay
August 10World Lion Day#WorldLionDay
August 11Ingersoll Day#IngersollDay
August 11National Presidential Joke Day#PresidentialJokeDay
August 11National Raspberry Bombe Day#RaspberryBombeDay
August 11National Son and Daughter Day#SonsAndDaughtersDay
August 11The Spirit of ’45 Day#SpiritOf45Day
August 12International Youth Day#YouthDay
August 12National Julienne Fries Day#JulienneFriesDay
August 12National Middle Child Day#MiddleChildDay
August 12National Vinyl Record Day#VinylRecordDay
August 12Victory Day in Rhode Island#VictoryDay
August 12World Elephant Day#ElephantDay
August 13International Left-Handers Day#LeftHandersDay
August 13National Filet Mignon Day#NationalFiletMignonDay
August 13National Prosecco Day#NationalProseccoDay
August 13Tisha B’Av#Tishabav
August 14Ekka (Royal National Agricultural Show Day)#Ekka
August 14National Creamsicle Day#CreamsicleDay
August 14National Financial Awareness Day#FinancialAwarenessDay
August 14National Navajo Code Talkers Day#NavajoCodeTalkersDay
August 14National V-J Day#VJDay
August 14World Lizard Day#WorldLizardDay
August 15Assumption of Mary#AssumptionOfMary
August 15Chant at the Moon Day#talkingtothemoon
August 15National Leathercraft Day#NationalLeathercraftDay
August 15National Lemon Meringue Pie Day#LemonMeringuePieDay
August 15National Relaxation Day#NationalRelaxationDay
August 15Nicolas Chauvin Day#ChauvinDay
August 16Gold Cup Parade#GoldCupParade
August 16National Airborne Day#NationalAirborneDay
August 16National Men’s Grooming Day#MensGroomingDay
August 16National Roller Coaster Day#RollerCoasterDay
August 16National Rum Day#NationalRumDay
August 16National Tell a Joke Day#TellAJokeDay
August 17Baby Boomers Recognition Day#BabyBoomersRecognitionDay
August 17International Geocaching Day#GeocachingDay
August 17International Homeless Animals Day#HomelessAnimalsDay
August 17National Black Cat Appreciation Day#BlackCatAppreciationDay
August 17National Nonprofit Day#NationalNonprofitDay
August 17National Thrift Shop Day#NationalThriftShopDay
August 17National Vanilla Custard Day#NationalVanillaCustardDay
August 17World Honey Bee Day#WorldHoneyBeeDay
August 18Bad Poetry Day#BadPoetryDay
August 18Helium Discovery Day#HeliumDiscoveryDay
August 18National Couple’s Day#NationalCouplesDay
August 18National Fajita Day#NationalFajitaDay
August 18National Ice Cream Pie Day#IceCreamPieDay
August 18National Mail Order Catalog Day#MailOrderCatalogDay
August 18Serendipity Day#SerendipityDay
August 19Cupcake Day (Australia)#RspcaCupcakeDay
August 19International Bow Day#InternationalBowDay
August 19International Orangutan Day#OrangutanDay
August 19National Aviation Day#NationalAviationDay
August 19National Potato Day#PotatoDay
August 19National Soft Ice Cream Day#NationalSoftIceCreamDay
August 19World Humanitarian Day#HumanitarianDay
August 19World Photo Day#WorldPhotoDay
August 20National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day#ChocolatePecanPieDay
August 20National Lemonade Day#LemonadeDay
August 20National Radio Day#NationalRadioDay
August 20World Mosquito Day#WorldMosquitoDay
August 21National Brazilian Blowout Day#BrazilianBlowoutDay
August 21National Medical Dosimetrist Day#MedicalDosimetristDay
August 21National Senior Citizens Day#SeniorCitizensDay
August 21National Spumoni Day#NationalSpumoniDay
August 21Take Your Cat to the Vet Day#TakeYourCatToTheVetDay
August 22Be An Angel Day#BeAnAngelDay
August 22Daffodil Day#DaffodilDay
August 22National Bao Day#NationalBaoDay
August 22National Pecan Torte Day#NationalPecanTorteDay
August 22National Tooth Fairy Day#NationalToothFairyDay
August 22Never Bean Better Day#NeverBeanBetterDay
August 22World Plant Milk Day#WorldPlantMilkDay
August 23Cheap Flight Day#CheapFlightDay
August 23International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade & its Abolition
August 23National Ride The Wind Day#RideTheWindDay
August 23National Sponge Cake Day#NationalSpongeCakeDay
August 23Valentino Day#ValentinoDay
August 24International Strange Music Day#StrangeMusicDay
August 24National Knife Day#KnifeDay
August 24National Peach Pie Day#NationalPeachPieDay
August 24National Waffle Day#NationalWaffleDay
August 24Pluto Demoted Day#PlutoDemotedDay
August 24Vesuvius Day#VesuviusDay
August 24William Wilberforce Day#WilliamWilberforceDay
August 25National Banana Split Day#NationalBananaSplitDay
August 25National Kiss and Make Up Day#KissAndMakeUpDay
August 25National Park Service Founders Day#NPSFoundersDay
August 25National Second-hand Wardrobe Day#SecondhandWardrobeDay
August 25National Whiskey Sour Day#NationalWhiskeySourDay
August 26National Cherry Popsicle Day#CherryPopsicleDay
August 26National Dog Day#NationalDogDay
August 26National Toilet Paper Day#ToiletPaperDay
August 26National WebMistress Day#nationalWEBMISTRESSday
August 26National Women’s Equality Day#WomensEqualityDay
August 26Summer Bank Holiday – England, Wales, Northern Ireland#BankHoliday
August 27National Just Because Day#NationalJustBecauseDay
August 27National Pots De Creme Day#NationalPotsDeCremeDay
August 28Crackers Over The Keyboard Day#CrackersOverTheKeyboardDay
August 28National Bow Tie Day#NationalBowTieDay
August 28National Cherry Turnovers Day#CherryTurnoverDay
August 28National Power Rangers Day#NationalPowerRangersDay
August 28National Red Wine Day#RedWineDay
August 28Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day#RainbowBridgeRemembranceDay
August 29Individual Rights Day#IndividualRightsDay
August 29International Day Against Nuclear Tests#DayAgainstNuclearTests
August 29More Herbs, Less Salt Day#MoreHerbsLessSaltDay
August 29National Chop Suey Day#NationalChopSueyDay
August 29National Lemon Juice Day#LemonJuiceDay
August 30Frankenstein Day#FrankensteinDay
August 30International Whale Shark Day#WhaleSharkDay
August 30National Beach Day#BeachDay
August 30National College Colors Day#CollegeColorsDay
August 30National Grief Awareness Day#GriefAwarenessDay
August 30National Holistic Pet Day#HolisticPetDay
August 30National Toasted Marshmallow Day#ToastedMarshmallowDay
August 31Franchise Appreciation Day#FranchiseAppreciationDay
August 31International Bacon Day#BaconDay
August 31International Overdose Awareness Day#OverdoseAwarenessDay
August 31Love Litigating Lawyers Day#LoveLitigatingLawyersDay
August 31National Diatomaceous Earth Day#DiatomaceousEarthDay
August 31National Eat Outside Day#EatOutsideDay
August 31National Matchmaker Day#MatchmakerDay
August 31National Trail Mix Day#NationalTrailMixDay
timeanddate.com, nationaldaycalendar.com, en.wikipedia.org, holidayscalendar.com, nationaltoday.com, checkiday.com, brownielocks.com
happy lemonade day holidays blog post image

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You want all the perks of social media (the huge following, the support, the ready buyers) and none of the hassle (the hours of content creation, the effort to master strategies, the time invested in trends).

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It’s the minutes-a-day way to make genuine connections, boost engagement, and grow your business, all from a copy-and-paste on your phone.

content club gif

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Give the Social Media Content Club a try and watch your engagement and business skyrocket.

September 2024 Holidays 

The complete list of holidays, observances, and fun, weird, and special dates for September 2024 can be found here: AngieGensler.com/September-Holidays

september 2024 holidays (1)

To access the list of holidays for every month in 2024 and beyond, visit the Holidays index page.

Practical Tips for August Social Media Posts

August offers a wealth of opportunities to create engaging and visually appealing social media content.

Here are some practical tips to make the most of these special days and observances:

Use Vibrant Colors

Incorporating vibrant colors in your social media posts can significantly boost engagement.

Whether you’re celebrating big holidays, federal holidays, or summertime – using bold and eye-catching hues can make your content stand out.

Vibrant colors are particularly effective for highlighting festive occasions such as a local Peach Festival, U.S. Air Force Day, or a public holiday such as Picnic Day, helping to capture your audience’s attention and encourage interaction.

Share Local Events

Promoting local events is a great way to increase your visibility and foster community engagement.

Highlighting events like local peach picking activities during National Peach Month or community gatherings for National IPA Day can attract local followers and encourage participation.

Sharing information about local government-sponsored events and activities can also position your brand as a community-focused entity, enhancing your reputation and reach.

Promote Mindful Practices

August is an ideal time to focus on mental health and mindful practices. Sharing tips and activities that promote well-being can resonate deeply with your audience.

For example, encourage followers to engage in meditative exercises like coloring or highlight the benefits of adopting a healthy food regimen during National Wellness Month.

Posts that emphasize the importance of mental health, such as observing National Relaxation Day, can provide valuable content that helps your followers lead healthier, more balanced lives.

Engage with Themed Campaigns

Running themed campaigns around national days and special days can drive engagement and visibility.

Consider creating content for anti-frizz month, sharing tips and products to manage frizzy hair.

Similarly, celebrate National Frizzy Hair Day by offering promotions on hair care products or hosting virtual events where experts provide advice.

Or, on National Bowling Day, which is held the second Saturday of the month, you could share a photo of you and your family bowling.

Additionally, campaigns focused on themes like intimate connection or the journey of self-discovery can also be tied to National Read a Romance Novel Month, providing rich content that appeals to a wide audience.

Highlight Seasonal Observances

Leveraging seasonal observances can keep your content timely and relevant.

The annual Perseid Meteor Shower in the Northern Hemisphere is a perfect opportunity to share stunning images and videos, engaging your audience with nature’s beauty.

Encourage followers to share their own meteor shower experiences, creating a sense of community and shared wonder. 

Incorporate National and International Days

Recognizing both national and international holidays can broaden your audience.

Celebrating days like National Dog Day or International Youth Day with themed posts, contests, or discounts can attract a diverse group of followers.

Highlighting important observances such as organ donation awareness on World Organ Donation Day can also raise awareness and show your brand’s commitment to social causes.

By incorporating these practical tips and focusing on a diverse range of topics, you can create a robust and engaging social media strategy for August.

This approach not only boosts your SEO but also ensures your content resonates with and is shared by a wide audience.


The month of August is packed with holidays and local observances that can be used as social media content.

From Friendship Day to International Beer Day, there are plenty of holidays and ideas to help you get your social media posts seen by more people.

Remember to use monthlyweekly, and daily observances to keep your social media calendar full!

We hope this post has been a useful resource and has given you some great content ideas! If you found value in it, please share it with your network—it would mean so much to us. Thank you!


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By Angie Gensler

Angie Gensler is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business using social media and digital marketing...without the hustle and overwhelm. Angie believes building a business should be fun – not an exhausting whirlwind of sleepless nights and unlimited cups of coffee. Instead, Angie teaches entrepreneurs how to build a business and life they love at their speed, on their time, with their rules.

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